Chapter 118: Sneak Attack from Behind, Soul Heart Fruit [Subscribe Requested]

In the forest, alerted by the human's cry of surprise, the Wolf Bear that was feasting on a beehive immediately stood up and looked towards the source of the sound.

Swaying grass and trees soon revealed an old man clad in green with slightly graying hair.

The elder was holding a blue-black Twin-Pronged Fork Magic Artifact, his face lit with surprise as he stared at the Wolf Bear.


Sensing malice from the newcomer and feeling the enemy's hostility, the Wolf Bear suddenly dropped the half-eaten beehive and let out an angry roar.

Then, a cyan-black light burst from its body, and like a gust of wild wind, it lunged ferociously at the green-clad elder.

The speed of its attack didn't resemble the clumsiness wolves are known for; it was more like the agility of a Wolf Demon.

This was the Wolf Bear, a variant among bear-class Demon Beasts.

However, the green-clad elder wouldn't have boldly revealed himself if he didn't possess extreme confidence in his victory.