Chapter 126: Conservative Measures, Beacon Fires Blazing Across the Sky [Subscribe Request]_3

"Yes, I will make the arrangements right away."

The Black Dragon Envoy, kneeling on the ground, turned solemn and, after paying his respects, silently withdrew to prepare.

Two days later, at the previously picturesque banks of Biyun Lake, suddenly appeared dozens of Dragon Transformation Sect members, led by none other than a Black Dragon Protector with a Purple Mansion Phase cultivation level!

The sight shook the Mu Family Cultivators to their core, and they desperately rang the alarm bell.

The sound of the bell, "dong dong dong," echoed continuously, ringing eighty-one times within half an hour!

This was the highest level of alarm, signifying that the family was facing a crisis of annihilation. Even cultivators in seclusion had to be awakened immediately to face the enemy.

At the same time, a dazzling spell fireworks erupted directly above Biyun Mountain, blooming into a huge blood-red lotus pattern.