Chapter 9: Wicked Men, Wicked Movements

Kushina's POV (Uzumaki Shrine Outside of Hidden Leaf)

Kushina walked through the forest near the leaf village. With her was a woman with long, straight, black hair. Black, kind eyes that went with her fair skin. Both women wore Jounin's combat gear and appeared tense.

"I appreciate you coming to back me up, Mikoto. I doubt it'll be anything, but I should check the shrine."

"Oh, I couldn't leave my dear friend alone. Besides, it's been forever since we went on a mission together." Uchiha said with a smile. "So what's in the shrine?"

"Just from artifacts from my Uzumaki heritage," Kushina answered simply. "I'm shocked. I felt a chakra signal there, even if only for a moment. The timing is simply to spot on an invader assists Mizuki with an assassination attempt on my son, then a possible intruder at the last remaining Uzumaki shrine."

"As shinobi, we don't believe in coincidences. Would this potential intruder be powerful?" Mikoto asked further.

"Yes, his chakra alone would put him at Jounin. So there could be trouble."

"Now I see why you asked. Well, I've lost many. So if anyone intends to harm my best friend, it will be after stepping past my cold, lifeless body." Mikoto said as if discussing the weather.

"You're morbid, ya know?" Kushina said her face was locked in a deadpan.

"My love used to say so as well." Mikoto answered plainly. Kushina had no answer for that.

As they approached the shrine, the two went silent, not looking to alert the intruder. As the woods faded, a clearing with the shrine in it could be seen. Kushina stopped at the edge of the forest line and weaved various hand signs before yelling out. "Blood Seal: Barrier Release!" Kushina called as she then tapped two trees she stood in between. Though, to her surprise, nothing happened. "The chakra, I felt, must've been someone removing the barrier!"

Mikoto reacted instantly, rushing forward, her three tomoe-Sharingan spinning wildly. "Hell Viewing: Endless Forest!" As she said this, there was no noticeable change. But with a smile, she turned to Kushina. "I put up a genjutsu to stop him from escaping. It appears he's traveling through the surrounding forest but has yet to gain any ground. Even if he dispels it, doing so will let us know he's leaving.

"Smart thinking Miko!" Kushina said happily. Before a deadly smile broke her face. "Now it's time to deal with intruders." Before she unsealed her Katana and marched forward. Murder plainly in her eyes. Mikoto quickly joined her as they observed the building.

It was a medium-sized building made of hardwood. It had a staircase leading to the entrance and railings surrounding the shrine's porch. Over the large doors was the Uzumaki symbol. Kushina came once a month to clean and pray. Yet the emblem had a large slice through the middle of it. The doors were shattered; they were never locked, yet someone had kicked them in. Kushina tempered her rage for now. Neither mother knew what was inside. They slowly walked in, but it was clear the room was empty. Five pedestals stood covered in various tags and other forms of Fuijutsu. "Oh no," Kushina said as three of the pedestals had been attacked. Despite Kushina's best seals protecting them, it seemed someone managed to unseal them and steal three objects in the cases.

The two remaining pedestals, still filled, had two masks in them. The first looked like an Oni of some kind. Its large nose and crooked smile seemed to taunt the two women. It was the shinigami mask, and Kushina felt a little of her panic fade. The other was a more human-looking mask. Though it would've been a pretty harrowing human indeed. Large, lifelike eyes somehow hold a level of insanity in them. Its mouth appeared to be snarling, and its painted hair looked thinning.

"Thank god the Shinigami and Namazu masks are still here." Kushina said as he desperately tried to reign in her anger.

"Wait, is the legend of the five masks of the Uzumaki true? Supposedly, your clan was gifted these by beings beyond their comprehension long ago. Each was said to wield unique and powerful abilities. But that was largely dismissed as legend. A bluff intended to make the enemies of the Uzumaki fearful." Mikoto inquired.

"History is written by the victors. In truth, they are genuine. Nowadays, people don't realize their strengths. Someone does, somehow. And now has acquired three of the five. This is terrible," Kushina said. "They took the Jami, Tsukumogami, and Amanojaku masks."

"Are the names tied to their actual abilities?" Mikoto asked.

"Unfortunately, yes, each takes after the spirit tied to it in unique ways. They are dangerous weapons in anyone's hands. Let alone a shinobi who could dispel the barriers and seal around these, ya know?" Kushina explained.

"What exactly do they do?" Mikoto asked curiously.

"The Jami mask is tied to the various Jami spirits. Supposedly, it manifests forests and mountains and their intent to harm humans. When the mask is used, the user will emit a fog that will slowly filter out of the mask. This fog is ultimately lethal for all living life. Weakening them at first before they die an agonizing death. Their bodies seemingly dying all over.

The Tsukumogami mask is a bit different. It's the origin of the legend of Tsukumogami itself. It has the unique ability to take a recently passed soul and infuse it with an object. This will grant the object several skills from the soul. Even allowing the object to gain a personality shared by the soul. These objects are said to be incredibly powerful.

Lastly, the Amanojaku is a mask said to be the face of the named demon's last victim; it had removed their face and used it to blend into the human world before being discovered and rightfully slain. To the shock of our clansmen, wearing the mask allowed the user to see the true nature of a person or anything for that matter." Kushina lectured.

"That is troubling; though unique their uses are, there's no telling what the thief could do. We best report this to the Hokage; perhaps the Anbu can find a trail." Mikoto pondered out loud.

Kushina was about to reply when she heard a sizzling sound. Looking other, she spotted explosive tags planted over the walls in subtle places. Realizing it was a trap, she quickly activated her ace. Orange vile chakra surrounded the mother. And she promptly grabbed Mikoto and threw her straight out the door. Diving for it herself, she knew she wouldn't make it. She wouldn't survive the large explosion even with the beast's chakra. But a swirl first appeared, swallowing Mikoto. Before Kushina could put any thought into this, another formed around her, swallowing her as well right before the explosion went off, filling the entire clearing with smoke and flame. As the smoke cleared, it was revealed that the temple was still standing somehow, and there was no sign of either woman.

A swirl appeared from the air, and both women fell out of it. Another man climbed out as well. He wore the standard Jounin gear except for a pair of orange goggles that hung from his neck. His mask rested on his head, revealing his short, spiky hair and glowing Mangekyo Sharigan. The other was seemingly missing. His face smiled happily as if he hadn't just seen an explosion. "Sheesh, on my way back to the mission, I already found trouble. Kakashi must be right about me." He laughed merely. Mikoto was the first to recover from the man's technique, seemingly dizzy.

"Identify yourself." She panted as she looked at him. She heard Kushina gasp behind her. But dared not take her eyes off the man.

"Obito Uchiha at your service." He answered with a smile.


Danzo's POV (Hidden Root Base)

An old man walked calmly through a tunnel with two masked men following behind him. He had an aura of authority and power; it was clear he was a shinobi despite his appearance. Despite his advanced age, he had short, spiky hair that somehow maintained its color. Half his face and his body were wrapped tightly in bandages. Still allowing various scars to show on areas where his skin was exposed. He wore a simple robe and walked with a noticeable limp. His cane seemed to aid in this. He walked into a dark room with three young adults bowed before him. Seemingly awaiting his arrival patiently, entirely still. "Your report?"

The one in the middle of the three stood slowly and spoke. He was a young man with ashen skin. Short, straight hair. He wore a simple black shirt and black combat pants. On his back lay his tanto. He looked pretty standard if it wasn't for his empty-looking eyes. "Yes, sir, we all passed at the middle of the pack as you requested. We await further orders."

"Excellent, Sai; what of your orders, Sora?" Danzo asked, addressing the boy on his right.

"As you asked, I convinced the monks to start teaching me some of their techniques." Sora informed. The young man was dressed as the monks of the fire capitol. But still had long dark hair nearly reaching his waist. His eyes appeared as empty as Sai's.

"Tenten, you are on a team with Sai and Shikamaru Nara, are you not?" Danzo carried on.

"Yes, just as you planned sir." Tenten answered, being the only woman in the group. She was dressed in a black vest containing many scrolls and combat shorts. Her brown eyes also seemed lifeless. Being done in twin buns, her hair was the only bold thing that stuck out.

"Perfection. Get close to Shikamaru Nara and keep an eye on that Sensei of yours. Asuma Sarutobi is close to Hiruzen and was likely assigned to Sai since we made it obvious he was tied to me. That will allow you to move with much more freedom. Seduce, befriend, or blackmail. I care not how you do it. But gaining a Nara would be incredible for our forces and the village. Add to the fact that Nara has befriended Naruto Uzumaki, and we have an in for various important players of the next generation. A mind at a level we have never seen before. Then, a perfect living weapon. Yes, this will allow me to become Hokage. Then, I will lead the Leaf into a golden age. After all, that is my mind." Danzo finished with a rare smile. The man turned and walked away, his bodyguards following him. Danzo knew it was rude not to dismiss his charges, but they were tools. Best not to give them any ideas.


Shortly after this meeting, someone could be seen jumping from rooftop to rooftop and managing to avoid detection from any patrols going around. As if they knew where to go. They landed on the Kage manor and quickly snuck in through a window. Landing in a large, nice bedroom. The Hokage's bedroom.

"Ah, I may be old," Hiruzen answered with a flick of the room's light. He was standing by it seemingly waiting for the unannounced guess. "But I felt you coming since you landed on the building. I'm assuming my old friend called a meeting?" He asked the frowning Tenten before him.

The young woman sighed dramatically. "Yes, the old bastard gave us new marching orders and in his emotionless way, congratulated us on completing his previous one. He's making a play regarding Shikamaru using me. He hopes this will allow him to reach Naruto in the future." Tenten listed sounding very animated compared to her behavior around Dazno.

"Yes I know you hate your job spying on the man but I needed a young recruit with a head on their shoulders to keep an eye on my old friend as I'm sure you learned is generally a good idea," Hiruzen stated.

Tenten sighed but nodded her head yes. "When are we making a move on him anyway?"

"We are merely waiting. Back when Danzo's nature was revealed to me by Itachi, we discussed an agreement of sorts. For now, we let him plot and we'll merely inconvenience him. Soon the time to pay for his crimes will come. I wish mercy upon his soul when it does. Now regarding your orders. It best you do get close to your team but the true assignment is to try to compromise Sai. He's newer so I believe the brainwashing can still be countered. Do you accept it?" Hiruzen asked patiently.

"Yes, of course, Hokage sir. Should I forgo Danzo's orders? " Tenten said tiredly.

"No, let him think he's winning. He was always an arrogant victor." Hiruzen chuckled.