Chapter 13: Team Nine! Cross Team Training?!


Kakashi's POV (Training Ground of Team Nine)

Kakashi arrived at the training field of another team. He watched as they trained. Currently, a chubby male was chasing after a dark-haired woman. They both marked and repped their clans proudly. The girl wore a leather jacket over a purple blouse that reached her ankles. The large man was chasing her but seemed completely unable to teach the woman. From his research, they were Choji Akamichi and Yuno Uchiha. Ten feet to the left of them was another fight. Similar to the other fight the woman was dominating, though the young man fighting her clad in a thick sweatsuit. He showed an impressive level of taijutsu. The woman wore an odd red and white blouse. Shino Aburame and their sensei Kurenai Yuki. The team was certainly impressive. With a range of abilities and their patient sensei, they may be something to nudge his team in the right direction.

He made a subtle sound similar to a bird. A signal Leaf shinobi used to subtly identify themselves. It never was a good idea to surprise a lady as deadly as Kurenai. She glanced up at him and nodded her head. Kakashi liked that she was very business focused. Unfortunately, she found him incredibly annoying. Though the Cyclops felt this was due to her accusation that he was a negative influence on her "Asuma-kun". As if.

Kurenai ended the spar with her student and pointed him towards the other two. He ran off stopping the two from brawling for a moment. Before joining in himself. Kurenai body flickered above on the same branch as Kakashi was perched on. She sent him a questioning stare. She always did keep her cards to herself. "Something you need, Kakashi."

"I was wondering if you mind if our cute Genin have a joint session tomorrow. To be honest, mine are having teething issues. Figuring seeing a team their age using teamwork may inspire them to do the same." The Cyclops explained.

"Why should I agree?" Kurenai countered.

"I'll tell you where Asuma hides his cigarette stash. Well one of them anyway." Kakashi answered happily. A smile grew as Kurenai narrowed her eyes. He had her.

"Fine, what did you have in mind?" Kurenai inquired.


Shisui's POV (Training Ground of the Uchiha)

Two men clashed in the forest. Using purely taijutsu and chakra control they fought through the forest. Traversing the trees even while trading blows. They both looked very similar, black hair, blazing sharingans, and simple athletic wear made the two look similar. The only difference is hairstyle, age, and height. One was the heir to the Uchiha. One of the very few new age Uchiha. Sasuke Uchiha, locked in combat with him was his sensei and longtime family friend Shisui Uchiha.

Shisui snakes a kick into Sasuke's ribs, sending him sliding back. The young men used the opportunity to fire off kunai at a ludicrous speed. But Shisui's body flickered around them. He had seen Itachi use that trick too many times to be caught by a slower version after all. Jabbing at Sasuke's jaw. The younger man caught the blow and attempted to sweep Shisui's legs. But the older man simply hopped over the blow and landed an elbow on Sasuke's shoulder as he landed. Sasuke dropped to his knees but rose with a kunai thrust, forcing Shisui back. As Shisui flew back. Sasuke flew through hand signs and called out "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" A boulder-sized fireball flew towards the man seemingly helpless in the air.

But the man merely used his namesake technique to dodge this. Appearing behind Sasuke with a kunai. "Good strategy, but keep in mind your opponent's arsenal." Shisui said teasingly with a smile. Sasuke merely hummed at this. Stomping away seemingly displeased with his performance. "What's wrong?"

"I need to be stronger. Much stronger, to clear my family's name." Sasuke replied simply.

"Oh and how will you do that?" Shisui asked his tone light and airy.

"I will rise through the ranks, making a reputation as I do so. I think either Hokage or Anbu Captain should allow me the influence needed to investigate that coup." Sasuke elaborated. His stance spoke of someone relaxed. But his tone held the sincerity of the words.

"That's quite the goal. And I'm gonna guess you don't wanna hear this. But as someone involved I can tell you without a doubt our clan did plan a coup." Shisui said. "I don't intend to dissuade you, merely warn you."

"Hmm, I can appreciate that I suppose." Sasuke offered. "But I know my father wouldn't have done what he did for a meager reason. I intend to find out what that reason was. How did the Leaf find out and determine who was guilty? The established story is a mystery. No details being released. Even more confusing is how they took down the amount of Uchiha they did without any significant resistance. It's all suspicious, eerily so. So make no mistake, I am close to you and my brother. But if I find out you two are part of some greater conspiracy, I will hold you accountable."

"Well, it seems that was a threat. Gotta admit that stings coming from my student. Be wary though he said his sharingan becoming odd. It almost looked like shurikens in his eyes. Don't become traitorous yourself. Just like you, I may love you. But I will stand firm on my own beliefs." The tense atmosphere dissipated a bit. The two walked back to the other teammates. Friends and allies for now. But both were painfully prepared for that to change.


 Shikamaru's POV (Head Residence of the Nara Clan)

Shikamaru didn't consider himself a religious man. But there just might be some kinda god, only a god would make life so cruel. He had intended to go home after Asuma's viscous training and nap. Maybe hassle his father into Shogi. After the nap of course. But as he had drawn close to home he noticed Sai had followed him and seemingly dragged Tenten with him. Speaking of some asinine social book Tenten had bought him and how friends needed to spend time together. Tenten had given an apologetic look, but not a guilty one. Shikamaru recognizing the finality of his situation had invited them in and quickly roped them both into Shogi. They were in the room he and his father often used. A large ornate set rests in the middle with four pads surrounding it. He figured doing something he loved would make the visit less painful. Especially if he just smashed through them. And to be fair his idea had worked to some degree. The Shogi matches did make the visit easier. But to his shock both were talented. Neither had managed to beat him. But they played well. Sai's flaw was that he seemed to only know textbook moves; he lacked creativity. An odd hole for an artist to have but who was Shikamaru to judge? Tenten was slightly better off but tended to play aggressive and loose. Leaving various holes for a pro like him. Yet the two's style would change, adapt, even flip as they rematched him. Seemingly learning with each match. Shikamaru supposed he shouldn't be shocked that the two were intelligent. He was a labeled genius after all, not too crazy some would be able to rival his wit.

But something about threw the Nara off. As they played Sai levied various questions towards the Nara. Ranging from a preference for food, hobbies, ambitions, and so on. Now he worded them oddly and was noncommittal about getting answers. Even more interesting Tenten seemed to object whenever Sai's questioning got too intensive. A simple mother hen personality type he assumed but something about the two's behavior threw the Nara off. They seemed almost professional. Shikamaru now had no doubt. His team was a damn drag.

Shikamaru sighed heavily as he moved a piece subtly releasing stress, and cutting off Sai's flank attempt. The Nara was problematic to his goals. He was sharp, socially aware, and had what Sai had heard was called a "poker face." Now Sai knew he had wiggle room. Teammates were supposed to learn about each other after all. But he must move carefully lest his intentions be discovered by the Nara. This would surely lead to Sai's death. And while the young Root operative wasn't afraid of death. He knew Root losing an operative in his position would be devastating to the leaf. Danzo was the only man fit to lead it. He was simply the logical choice. For he knew how to make the Leaf strong. Sai knew many would disapprove of their methods. Sai had remembered for a time resenting the training he had been subjected to. But such feelings had long since abandoned him. He could even remember being terrified of losing them. But Danzo, ever the genius he was, had cured him. He was now a perfect weapon. His life was simple, rise, serve, die. He knew others had much more but he didn't care. After all, Danzo killed him long ago. So who cares what happened to him. Sai was merely a tool after all. One that just so happened to be human.

Tenten sometimes really hated her job. Oh on paper it was easy, she just needed to pretend to be loyal to Danzo around Sai and loyal to the leaf around Shikamaru. While getting close to the Nara to appease Danzo. And Slowly try to guide Sai away from the root to appease the Hokage. Maybe it wasn't so simple after all. But Tenten would never betray Hiruzen who had saved her mind from the hell Danzo had inflicted. Just like Sai, she was so close to being broken. She had been crying in her empty home as the Hokage had arrived. He offered her a job and his protection. Gave her a way to save not only herself but those who suffered the same fate. She had readily accepted it. She never regretted the decision but must admit she felt drained.

"Tenten." Shikamaru called.

"Yes?" Tenten asked her attention, sharpening on the young man. She saw him gulp subtly and realized her stare may be intimidating.

"If you're tired, go to sleep. That mat should be plenty comfy and it seems Sai and I are locked in for a bit." The Nara drawled as he studied the board. He hated to admit it but Tenten could be oddly cute at times.

"Correction I believe I'm quite close to victory." Sai inserted. Shikamaru merely scoffed and took his turn. Sai looked at the stone-faced for a while. "I stand corrected." He shifted his stance and expression conveying humor but it lacked in his tone.

Tenten chuckled at this. She wanted to decline the request but she was damn tired. As important as her job was, maybe the break would be nice.

"You sure Shikamaru?" She confirmed.

"Ya, ya you troublesome woman. Get some rest already." Shikamaru said with a small smile.

Tenten laid back the first honest smile of the day gracing her face. She listens to Shikamaru giving various tips to Sai as they played. Nara's patience seemed to snap at times leading to snide remarks but Sai, unable to catch the meaning, would ask him to explain. Based on Shikamaru's stutters at this he would feel guilty about his temper. How cute of the Nara he was a big softy. Real mother hen type. She had a hard job but at least she had an interesting team.