Chapter 25: At the Homefront!


Narrator POV

At the same time as our heroes Team Seven were encountering their first real taste of the shinobi world. The home front experienced its own adventure.


Danzo's POV (Hidden Root Base)

Danzo furiously walked down the halls of the Root base. He was followed by two of his top shinobi. Fu Yamanaka and Torune Aburame. Torune was a powerful member of the Aburame clan with a unique use of their jutsu, making him one of the most lethal shinobi in the leaf. Better yet, he represented a true shinobi excellently, he was driven purely by logic and loyalty. He wore a face mask that only left his mouth exposed. His headband was sewn into it, as well gray goggles also sewn into the mask. He had short, spiky, black hair and was completely covered in a black kimono. Fu was a simple man even closer to perfection than Torune. His clan was the Yamanaka. As such he had valuable tools as he was a skilled user of their jutsu; as well as powerful shinobi in general. He had auburn hair pulled into a neat ponytail. His expression was empty but his yellow eyes shined with intelligence. He wore a black kimono with an orange jacket over top. The reason for their moving was a recent report. One of his spies kept an eye on the Slug Sannin who ran a village. Supposedly she was getting a grasp on the crime world, hoping to increase Leaf influence with the criminal world. In truth, he suspected Hiruzen had crafted the mission to allow the grown woman to "grieve". It seemed she achieved this by drinking constantly, gambling, and smashing anyone who pissed her off. Her mob boss setup was cute, but much too flawed for Danzo's liking. So it became necessary to keep an eye on her. People had accused him of being paranoid throughout his life, but as always his instinct proved correct. The spy had dug up some valuable information. Orochimaru and he may work together but this was necessary. Hiruzen had failed to kill him when he had a chance. And Jiraiya, as useful as he was as a spy, seemed unable to find the snake. So Danzo had reached out and offered cooperation. Danzo would look the other way in regards to missing shinobi or crimes committed in the area. As long as the snake kept it within the carefully arranged agreement. Better to lose a few ninjas on occasion versus what the snake could truly do. If Orochimaru so chose it he could wreak havoc on their forces. Certainly they would kill him eventually. But it would likely be too costly. Hiruzen knew nothing of this of course. The man would've never agreed to this. Likely citing the moral quandary of working with such a detestable man. Time had shown it to be quite beneficial. But, Danzo knew if the shinobi forces or even just Hiruzen heard of this he would likely perish.

Yet he did not hesitate to call this meeting and prepare to betray Orochimaru. Many had called Danzo traitorous. Known for a long line of manipulations and lies. But he simply did not see it this way, could you betray someone you never held loyalty to? Danzo cared little, people would always muddle his actions. He needed no approval, even as he pursued his dream. To be the Hokage, yet Hiruzen had always unintentionally stopped him. Outshining him over the course of his career. But he had always known he would be a better Hokage. He would make the village strong. That is what it was all for. To make the village he loved the most into the best. To protect it regardless of the cost. That was the reason he had pursued Hokage. He truly believed himself the best candidate. How ironic it was that he now saw how blind he had been. His deal with Orochimaru was a foolish one. Orochimaru had never been fooled and had likely just ensured he could not be linked to anything outside of the agreements. Danzo had been suspicious when shinobi MIA rates had not dropped. But the snake had no ties or evidence to prove it. Even with his own forces looking into it. But now he will remedy this mistake.

His spy, located in Tsunade's land, had informed them of an attack on Team Seven. The heir of the Yamanaka, a clan that had always produced promising shinobi. The genius of the Hyuga clan, from the Side Branch but infamous for his growing strength. His eyes were safe but he would surely be quite the asset in the future. And one of the two Nine Tailed jinchuuriki. His mother may be stronger for now but his source had long ago confirmed he had impressive mastery over the Kyubi. Not full yet but in time he will undeniably be valuable. From his words, it seemed Orochimaru had set up an ambush without permission. He was allowed to attack Ninja on occasion as long as he got approval. Shinobi that simply were not useful to Leaf. No bloodlines or heirs had been part of their deal. They had never spoken of the jinchuuriki but that was merely because it was obvious. But this was a clear violation. He had also had several patrols acting oddly. His mole there said an entire squad seemed to be significantly different. They had disappeared for two hours during their patrol. They had returned and been questioned and tested. They claimed to have pursued a cloud group they had run into. But even though they were cleared, his mole suspected they may be spies. Orochimaru may make one mistake in a great while but never two. He must've not cared if his movements were known. This suggested he was doing something that would antagonize him and something big enough to throw away subtly. There was only one thing he could see the snake playing risk for. The death of his former sensei, a man he now openly resented. Hiruzen Sarutobi may in the next few hours face an assassination attempt.

He may not hold any true love for his old friend but he had always been a net positive for the village. He might be soft now but Danzo would not allow him to pay for his own crimes. But in moving to save Hiruzen he would likely be exposed. The Root must survive as well as Hiruzen for now. Despite himself, there were no suitable candidates. Oh, the council would elect Jiraiya, Tsunade, and perhaps even Kakashi. But they would all be poor replacements. Hiruzen was soft but no fool. And despite Danzo's detesting of him, he was powerful. The candidates besides him missed either the strength or wisdom. Unfortunately despite his lifetime of politics, they were all likely to be elected over him. As such he could not allow Hiruzen's death. He had already sent the remaining Root to desert the village to escape prosecution. He had officially removed Tenten and Sai from employment. Sora would meet up with the other Root wherever they set up. They would continue to operate with a new focus on Orochimaru. Sora had been his choice for a new leader. Strength wise he needed his more powerful or knowledgeable members for what he expected to be a difficult fight. So he needed someone loyal, and since his Root may very well lead to the destruction of the Leaf he needed someone who wasn't fully broken. Sora somehow had managed to hold on to his humanity in the Root. Perhaps with that, he would build a Root to support the Leaf that would not become the very darkness they hid in… there was no time for regrets.

Danzo, Fu, Torune, and the ten more masked members all exited the base which was buried in the ground. The group didn't bother covering the entrance; they would be brought into the light soon anyway. And took off towards the Hokage Manor. It was time to do as they always had done. Fight the fight others simply couldn't see.

An old man calmly painted an odd seal on the side of the Hokage manor. He felt some level of pity for the Hokage as he prepared their dual venture. But as a former clan leader of the Uzumaki and a much older man who knew the harshness of the world. Ashina had after all assisted in the creation of a village he had run. Only to be hidden, forced to watch his home be destroyed years later. Now he would allow for the Hokage to parish as well. Ashina may have been older than any man had any right to be, but he regretted it daily. He had originally hated the world when his clansmen died. He had come out of hiding to raze the earth of those who crushed the Uzumaki. But then he met Ikam. Ikam was unabashedly a cruel man. He had admitted to being the direct cause of the fall of the Uzumaki. Oh how badly Ashina had tried to kill him, but Ikam merely defeated him and told him a story. Oh, what a story it had been. A look into what had become of his clansmen before their untimely demise. It had been a rough thing to hear. Such was the sin of his kin, that he had sworn allegiance to Ikam as long as he finished what he had started. The ancient man hated himself somewhere deep down for betraying everything he had stood for. But he was a shinobi and a leader. Shinobi must be cold and unfeeling, willing to endure whatever stood before them. A leader was responsible for his men. As such, now that he knew what they had done he would ensure it never came to be again.

Ashina finished drawing his seal right as he felt several powerful signatures approaching. He merely drew and slowly opened a scroll that pulled him in before poofing away. It was a shame he must help the end of a man of Hiruzen's caliber. But such was the price of protecting the sinful Uzumaki.

Hiruzen felt a strong pulse of chakra that was unfamiliar to him. Instantly two of the anbu on guard duty of him appeared. Outside the room, he felt the presence of eight anbu escorting various civilians out of the building while checking it for intruders. Hiruzen's guard was unique in the sense of how long they had guarded the old man. They were experienced, tough, and knowledgeable. Hiruzen nods to his two guards as he removes his robe exposing a black full-body suit and an armored headpiece. He and the guards approach the location of the signature as the others secure the building. As they exit to the outside he sees Danzo and various Root anbu standing outside and observing something on one of the walls.

"Danzo! What is the meaning of this!" He called. "This better not be some pl-"

"Much worse, I'm afraid of my old friend. I have considerable reason to believe Orochimaru has some kind of assault on the Leaf. Likely specifically targeted to you. We were here to ensure your safety and spotted an unknown assailant painting the seal behind you." Danzo explained calmly.

"Horse, check the seal and see if you can gleam anything from it." Hiruzen barked in business mode. "Interesting information indeed old friend. I must ask though, how would you know?" Killing Intent leaked from the older man. Danzo responded in kind, releasing his own. Despite the great tension in the air both groups of Anbu seemed to be unaffected. As the rest of the Leaf Anbu assembled, they all prepared themselves for battle.

"For once my old friend came to bear the truth." Danzo started diffusing the tension. "I have had a deal with Orochimaru since shortly before you condemned the Root program. I did so because I did not believe in the village's ability to stop him. As such I gave him allowances, with the goal of controlling him. Perhaps killing him if the chance presented itself. Instead, it seems he has used this to move momentarily undetected. He will likely attempt to end your life tonight."

"You realize that amounts to treason Danzo?!" Hiruzen angrily asked.

"Perhaps for men playing shinobi like you Hiruzen. Everything I've done was in service of the Leaf. Acts I must commit to maintain the peace we so enjoy. Do you think we can simply abandon the truth of shinobi? That we can merely act only in light and maintain our safety! No! My men and I have traveled the darker path. We have done things for this village that you will never know!" Danzo bit back angrily.

"So you deal with a serial killer? Is there no limit to the depravity you will commit? You now say you made a deal with the devil, well now he comes for his toll!" Hiruzen said as he stomped forward. Grabbing Danzo by the collar and holding him up casually.

"I have never claimed to be faultless. I am here to rectify my mistake. We shall lie in wait and kill the traitor finally. Then I will submit myself to your custody for my crimes." Dazno said calmly. Seemingly unperturbed by Hiruzen aggression.

Hiruzen sighs as he lets Danzo go. "Any idea what that seal does Horse?" The anbu merely shakes his head no at this. "So when is this attack supposed to happen?"

"Now sensei, patience is a virtue." Orochimaru interrupted as Kimimaro, Guren, and he faded through the wall of a nearby building. "Besides, first I have to set the stage! Ninja Art: One Point Reversal Barrier!" As he said this a giant red cube formed around the building and the surrounding area. Several nearby Chunin tried to smash through either physically or with jutsu. The men who came into contact with the cube screamed and flew back now in flames. The jutsu simply bounced at the Chunin who fired them, wiping them out as well. The twenty anbu within the barrier immediately formed a formation of both leaders. Root and Leaf are seemingly now in sync. "That's better now we won't get any undue interference sensei. But I must ask Danzo, do you truly wish to fight for Hiruzen? This pathetic village would likely elect you after sensei's… demise kukukuku. I assure they will never know of our deal…"

"You went against the agreement traitor, it was the only thing protecting you." Danzo stated plainly as he seemed to garner chakra. "Now I'll achieve what Hiruzen couldn't when I kill you."

"Now Danzo, if the snake must die it's only right I should do it. He is a sickness I allowed to grow." Hiruzen chimed in. "Besides, I will deal with you after this."

"That is fine as long as one of us survives." Danzo replied coldly. "Root until this battle is over you will be working in cooperation with Leaf Anbu!"

"How amusing… But you both die today!" Orochimaru hissed as Kimimaro and Guren charged forward. Both forming blades out of their preferred material. Kimimaro sped forward incredibly quickly. All the anbu fired off various tools toward the man. With ten rushing forward to match his charge, led by Torune. The rest and the Anbu and Fu met Guren's charge. This left the three leaders of various fractions to stand off. The chakra exuded makes the trees sway and leaves rise.


Kimimaro's POV (Hidden Leaf East)

Kimimaro does not flinch as kunai, shuriken, and senbon slam into him. The bones underneath deflect them. Leaving only small nicks in the skin that failed to even bleed. The force of the barrage did make him stumble for a mere instant. But against Anbu, this may as well be an eternity. Quickly the men slide in landing slashes, strikes, and even the odd jutsu. So quick the barrage is that Kimimaro is helpless, the barrage sending him flying into the building with a crash. He smashed through the wall, sending dust into the air. As the Anbu waited to see if he was down.

"Digital Shrapnel!" Kimimaro called as ten small pieces of bone flew from his fingertips. Most of the Anbu dodged the attacks, except for one. A fingertip catches him in the leg before another one pierces his throat. Kimimaro charged out from the building seemingly unharmed from the barrage. Torune met his charge with two other Anbu. As they drew close Kimimaro pulled a bone from his arm. Its shape and the way he held it was similar to a tanto. He seemed to grow even faster for a second as he called. "Dance of the Camellia!" He shouted as he thrust his crude weapon absurdly quickly. After images formed making it difficult to predict how he was attacking. Torune dodges two before rolling out of the way. The first anbu manages to deflect one but reacts to an afterimage. Leaving him wide open. One thrust nailing him in the shoulder. Before Kimimaro could finish him off. The second Anbu strikes at Kimimaro without doing any notable damage and is wide open. He could merely call out in pain as he felt the blade piercing him through multiple times. The anbu flew back and without a lull in motion Kimimaro switched back to the first anbu looking to finish him off but his thrust was cut off as Torune caught his hand. Kimimaro immediately pulled his hand back and leaped back looking for space.

"Earth Style: Flipping Giant Tile!" Two of the anbu screamed as they slammed their palms into the ground. A large, square, solid patch of concrete flipped around as the anbu all preemptively jumped back. Kimimaro, caught off guard, gets caught by this, the tile falling with a massive thud, with the white haired man trapped beneath it. The anbu all were calm observing as the two weaved and pressed against the ground. "Earth Style: Earth Compression Jutsu!" They called as they slammed their palms against the now square rock they had formed. It crunched as it seemed to sink lower. One of the anbu signaled to the others he was alive. But before they could act on this information The two anbu resting after the jutsu could only widen their eyes as the white-haired man popped from the ground covered in bony spikes. His skin is now covered in black markings. He spun incredibly quickly shredding the two anbu as he landed. There were pieces of skin missing and bruising on his skin. But he seemed unaffected. He slowly climbed to his feet before a windmill shuriken flew toward the man coated in water. Kimimaro trusted his bones and held up his right wrist to block it. But he noticed some kind of purple coloring spreading down it. Before he could ponder this the shuriken sliced right at the end of the coloring. Kimimaro's entire consciousness seemed to pulsate as the shuriken cut through his arm with ease. Kimimaro held in a cry as he dodged various follow-up techniques. It must be the masked man. He had some kinda jutsu that kind that could bypass his defenses. He couldn't afford to hold back against the remaining six. He grunted as curse mark chakra filled his being. His skin and hair darkened to a gray. A tail formed on him with bony spikes on it. His back now had backward-facing ribs pointing out. His severed arm formed into a large bone spike.

"Let me show you the true strength of Orochimaru." He spoke now fully transformed.

"Power means nothing to us. Your master and you will pay the price for these transgressions!" Torune called out as the six Anbu charged what seemed to be a monster.


Guren's POV (Hidden Leaf West)

Fu and Guren traded strikes at high speeds. Guren occasionally fires off crystals at the surrounding anbu and dodges strikes from them as well. Seemingly managing well enough despite the odds. Fu growled as he leaped back from an open hand slap. It may have seemed innocuous but it seemed upon contact with a shinobi she could encase them in crystal. She had only managed it once so far but they couldn't afford to lose the man advantage. Even with Fu taking her head on and overs focusing on saves or potshots, she was somehow gaining ground. With each high-speed exchange Fu had to play safe, not unlike with Torune. But unlike Torune the woman was capable of firing off projectiles quickly and forming a blade that held up to his tanto even when enhanced with chakra. Meaning that he may have escaped being crystalized but was getting cuts and strikes dealt due to playing defensively. One of the anbu did an obvious attempted backstab. Guren immediately crystallized him with a tap but this leader was wide open to a kick from Fu. The man sacrificing himself for the blow. She slid back from the powerful blow and Fu quickly threw a mid-sized puppet out. It was black on one side and white on another and wielded a scythe. It quickly flew towards the down Guren. She merely sinks into the ground ignoring the puppet. Before popping up and impaling an unaware anbu behind Fu. She weaves her way around several attacks but Fu once again catches her off guard unleashing a powerful body punch to her and throwing her towards a group of three anbu. Guren spits out blood and weaves hand signs during her flight.

"Crystal Style: Crystal Wheel!" A revolving pink wheel appeared around Guren causing her to fly through the air even faster. The anbu were helpless as the flying weaponized Guren bisected all three. She spun in place and turned to face the remaining shinobi panting a bit. "Well come on then, aren't any of you decent?" To her annoyance they barely reacted. Instead they responded by firing various jutsu towards her.

Guren quickly weaved hand signs as she countered with her own jutsu. "Crystal Style: Jade Crystal Wall Eighth Formation!" A large crystal structure errupted quickly filling the forest and uprooting trees. The Anbu managed to avoid the crystal form. Fu quickly charged forward and unleashed his own jutsu towards her.

"Water Style: Water Bomb Jutsu!"

Guren merely faded into the crystal and grabbed Fu's ankles and fusing into the crystal. Before she could finish him off another Anbu appeared kicking for her head. Guren attempted to grab the shinobi but another one appeared tripping her. Guren slid down as Fu weaved hand signs to summon another puppet. This one was similar to the last on. But it wielded a kunai. Guren weaved more hand signs as she fell towards an Anbu prepared to skewer her on her landing with his tanto. Guren merely spun in place and fired off her jutsu towards the man waiting to kill her when she landed. "Crystal Style: Crystal Lance!"

The man barely had time to react as the large crystal lance pierced him from head to toe. Guren was unable to even release the jutsu before several kunai flew towards her nicking her face and leg and managing to stab her shoulder. Before Fu could finish her off crystal encased her body. Kunai bounced off the material as well as a kick from a female anbu. She screaming as she was encased in crystal and it shattered. The remain two Root faced off against her fearlessly. Guren panted harshly as she regrouped and prepared to continue the battle.

A lesser man may have felt panicked about this situation. 'But she was slowing down and they still had five bodies. They would likely defeat her.' Fu thought. As he fired off more attacks with his puppet and the remaining anbu charged forth, determined to slay the woman and protect their leaders.


Hiruzen's POV (Hidden Leaf Hokage Manor)

Orochimaru, Hiruzen, and Danzo stood incredibly still, the air around them filling with killing intent. Danzo took a step back with a hand sign. "You mind keeping him busy?" Hiruzen merely nodded as he called out.

"Summoning Jutsu!" With a poof, a human-sized white-haired monkey appeared. It was garbed in an odd yellow sleeveless kimono with black stripes tied off with a red sash. Underneath was a gray bodysuit with mesh along the wrist.

"So it's finally time to put him down, Sarutobi? Though it seems you have company as well. Didn't think I'd see the day I'd see you two fight together again." Enma remarked as he quickly formed into the Adamantine Staff.

"For now, it's just us!" Hiruzen called as he pointed the staff towards Orochimaru's perch on the building across from them. Blazingly fast the staff extends towards the Sannin. Who manages to jump and land on it regurgitating the Sword of Kusanagi from his throat he raced down the staff itself. Emna shortened himself, robbing the snake of his footing. But Orochimaru merely spits his tongue around Hiruzen and reels himself in preparing to violently cut the senior. But Hirzuen merely smiled as the staff in his hand quickly grew, freeing him from the tongue and serving as a painful hard stop for Orochimaru who bounced back after crashing into it. Hiruzen threw the staff towards Orochimaru, Emna quickly weaving hand signs and screaming.

"Adamantite Prison!" The monkey turned back into a staff now with copies. The staff quickly form a prison around the Snake Sannin. As this is happening Hiruzen below quickly forms his jutsu.

"Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bullets!" He roared as several flaming dragons formed quickly flying through the air all converging and striking the cage. Howls were heard from it before a small snake fell from it and attempted a strike at Hiruzen. The old man mercilessly stomps the snake watching as it impossibly spits out Orochimaru who quickly does his own strike. Fangs in this case being the powerful blade of Kusanagi. Hiruzen barely manages to dodge this, but before Orochimaru can capitalize on the off-balanced Hiruzen, he had to slither back as a blade of wind flew through the spot he had just been.

"Wind Style: Wind Waves! Time is up you treacherous snake. You should've killed Hiruzen while you had the chance." As he finishes several more blades fly through the air towards the Sannin at incredible speed before the snake. He manages several dodgers but before can attempt to push up further he heard.

"Fire Style: Fire Dragon Bullet!" It struck a blade close to Orochimaru that he had barely avoided. Resulting in a large fiery explosion sending the Sannin flying with various burns. "Prepared to die yet Orochimaru?" Hiruzen asked as he and Danzo walked toward the downed man.

"Hahahahakukukuhaha!" Orochimaru roared wildly. Violently being interrupted with a choke. He then spat out himself. The spat-out Orochimaru rises as the old one falls now hollow. "Come now sensei you must know that wasn't going to be the end of me. Give me all you have, all your neat little tricks." He then threw his hand open with a wide smile. "Of course now that I'm closer than ever to perfection, I know you will not be able to kill me."

"Hmm, arrogant." Danzo noted.

"Hard to believe he's a pupil of mine." Hiruzen replied. "Always had a way to make death slip."

"I've seen many healing techniques that are all run by chakra. Kill him enough times and it'll stick." Danzo stated simply.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." Hiruzen acknowledged. The men all charged forward murder in their eyes.