Chapter 39: Trial of Janus Part Two!


Ashira's POV (Outside of Hidden Leaf Village)

Two cloaked figures stood in the treeline just before the wall guarding the village. One was hesitant in his mission, the other was more conflicted. He was partially gleeful for the grim mission given to him. The remaining bit of him reveled in self-hatred. Both men lowered their hoods as they gazed upon the walls. Subtlety was needed for this mission, after all, quite the opposite.

"A grim day for the Leaf, a bit ironic they have no idea what awaits them." Ashira said in an exhausted voice.

"A shame they sent all the fun ones out! It's not as fun slaughtering the weak!" The other voice called out maniacally. It was Jugo of the Scales. A man ruled by violent impulses randomly. Turning from a kind meek man into a murderous psycho. He had been bad before Orochimaru had shifted in his treatment. Shortly after Ikam and Orochimaru had formed their elixir they had found their patient zero. Jugo hadn't lived a long or enjoyable life so far and now mind completely broken by the testing was marked for death.

"It seems they sent us purely as pawns then." Ashira pondered. "I'm much past my prime and one of the few threats to Ikam's plans. You are broken and likely a liability even to the intelligent Orochimaru. A suicide mission of sorts."

"Silence old fool! If not for this damned seal you placed on me, I'd tear the flesh from your bones!" Jugo roared angrily. In contrast to his murderous aura, he shed tears as if grieving something. "Instead I'll slaughter these men like my master ordered."

"Luckily for me," Ashira said with some level of distaste. "It would benefit us more to move separately. It's clear Ikam has no intention of us surviving this. Besides, your presence is upsetting to me. I feel only pity when I gaze upon you."

Jugo merely laughed as if amused by his distaste. "I need no pity, old man. I only feel alive these days during the slaughter. I will make them feel the pain I feel! That is why I still breathe in this accursed world!" He ranted as his legs seemed to grow masses resembling large pipes. Pure chakra flew from them as Jugo propelled himself over the wall. Ashira shook his head sadly. If he was younger he may have revolted against a cruel and unfair tactic but he had lived long enough. And though he hated Ikam, the man's goals aligned with his own. He must ensure the death of the Uzumaki. Even if he must align himself with an arguably worse man. He created his clan, and now that they had strayed from his teachings. He would slay the sinful remnants. But there was no doubt his instincts screamed that Ikam could not be trusted. As tired as he may be. He would continue on, to ensure he rectified his mistakes.

Ashira leapt into the village. His presence and Jugo was not immediately detected due to his deactivation of the security seal around the village. Not a meager task when considering he had to do so without alerting the village as a whole. They must've assumed Ikam and Orochimaru would hold off for a bit after the failed assassination. But with a lot of heavy hitters leaving the village, it was clear an opportunity was there. Ikam wanted to send a message. Orochimaru and he had sent their most expendable and powerful men. Jugo and himself had been easy picks from there. He did not mind that Ikam would carry out his will regardless of his demise. And he had lived long enough. Besides, shinobi of his caliber were supposed to die in battle. With this grim thought, he threw kunai that were tagged with Fuinjutsu. Each tag was marked with a kanji reading "Explode". He walked forward nonchalantly; some civilians and shinobi alike saw him do so. He held back his laugh as the civilians ran in terror and shinobi moved upon him. It seemed the next generation had gone soft. With a heavy sigh, he held up a hand seal. The tags surrounding him gleamed a brilliant orange. Blinding those nearby him while Ashira pulled a scroll that grew instantly wrapping around him. As soon as it enveloped him completely, the road exploded. The powerful explosions leveled four nearby buildings. Everyone on the street was enveloped in a powerful blast. Most died before they even realized what was happening. The block was filled with smoke. Most nearby surviving shinobi focused their efforts on getting civilians out.

"Odd, I assumed they would attack me and leave the helpless astray." Ashira pondered out loud before ducking several kunai flew through the space his head had been. As he ducked, two snakes flew from the ground attempting to bite Ashira's neck. The man drew a long katana with expert speed bisecting the reptiles before they could touch him.

"Of course, the grunts do the boring stuff. They save trash duty for Jounin like us." A voice called out cockily.

"Well one of us isn't a full Jounin." A motherly voice countered.

"I suppose butcher would be a more accurate descriptor.~" The cocky voice countered.

"If you say so Anko." Mikoto said as the two women appeared in front of Ashira. The two standing boldly contrast with the destroyed buildings and bodies around them.

"Ah, there we are. Excellent attack, By the way, a less experienced man would've died there. Names and rank, please. I'm a bit old-fashioned." Ashira said pleasantly.

"Like hell, you bitch!" Anko countered.

"Anko Mitirashi, Special Jounin. Mikoto Uchiha, Jounin." Mikoto replied easily.

"You bitch! I had a whole dramatic intro planned! And after I just treated you to drinks?" Anko complained.

"My bad I didn't mean to steal your thunder. I have an idea of how I can pay you back though." Mikoto said sweetly.

"Ladies it's rather rude to ignore a man during comb-" Ashira started before rolling away. Barely managing to dodge a Mikoto suddenly behind him. She stood where he had been with a kunai and a small smile.

"It seems he detected my genjutsu. I may have grown rusty as a housewife." She said jokingly.

Anko chuckled as she landed beside her comrade.

"You seem to be rather entertaining." Ashira said sadly. "Shame they sent mere female Jounin. In my hay day," He pointed the katana to both of them. "I was a match for any Kage."

"I don't like sexist bastards. How about you Mikoto?" Anko asked with a cruel smirk.

"Not one bit." She replied as her Sharingan activated with a spun around angrily, stark contrast to her sweet smile.

"Let's show him how ladies do it!" Anko called as the three charged towards each other. Anko met Ashira first, throwing a roundhouse at his head. He allowed her to hit him. Her body froze for a moment upon contact. Ashira grimly thrusted his katana towards the stunned woman. Mikoto intercepts the thrust with a kunai. She deflected it and kicked at him. Ashira smirked as he prepared to watch her pay the price. But gasped when he felt his counter genjutsu seals activate. Suddenly what was a woman attempting a strike became a massive fireball inches away from him. He merely grit his teeth and stanced himself as he sheathed his katana.

"Rising Tide." Ashira replied simply as he drew his blade in an upward slash. The slash somehow sliced through the fireball. But Anko appeared behind it a mass of snakes wrapping around and biting into Ashira. Anko grinned even as the snakes all stiffened. The defensive seal apparently worked even on the smaller creatures.

"Thing about your trick is! My snakes don't need to move to get you wrapped up!" Anko shouted happily as she pulled on the line of snakes leading to Ashira. She whipped the bundle of snake and man up high into the air. Before she violently whipped them down. The bundle crashed into a small store and completely leveled the building. The two women briefly considered relaxing before the rumble exploded out. An unaffected Ashira standing there. "Damnit, how'd he not take any damage from that?" Anko asked, annoyed.

"He seems to be quite durable." Mikoto noted as she prepared for round two.

"You should respect your elders," Ashira said darkly. "Children."

Jugo knew deep down that he was becoming the very thing he had spent years combating. The violent side of him before had been almost like a disease, a clear malfunction. Something that didn't truly speak of his true character. For years Orochimaru had cultivated this and attempted to find a way for him to master it. For his unique body and seal gave him great power but at the cost of his mind. Jugo supposed Orochimaru must've figured there was no saving him at this point. Because the experiments shifted. Almost seeming to encourage his wild side. He had been introduced to a new medication, an odd injection that made him even stronger. He had been told it should over time heal his sanity as well as make him the perfect weapon. It had been a half-truth, and by the time he had discovered that the medication made his mind worse had grown addicted to it. Each does irreparable damage to his mental health. Now Jugo didn't truly feel alive at this point. His life had become moments of searing pain and moments of pleasurable wanton slaughter. Deep down some part of him screamed in anguish at the pain and his actions but at this point, it was a small part of him.

The only time he felt at peace was when he inflicted the pain on others. Somehow seeing the despair in their eyes seemed to fulfill him. So when he landed on top of a father of a family walking down the street killing him instantly in front of the family, he ignored the disgust for himself in his heart. Instead focusing on the joy of ruining their lives in a mere moment. The mother must've been a former shinobi for she threw her child back and threw a tight chain of jabs and straights. Jugo merely laughed as he tanked the blows. Preparing to snap the woman in two with a single punch before another opponent appeared kicking him into a building with a crash. An adult Genin, having seen everything, rushed over to assist. He was backed by Iruka and a masked Chunin. As the group prepared themselves Jugo flew from the building managing to blitz the Genin at the front of the group.

"Here, take it back!" He called happily as he did a simple front kick to the Genin. As soon as the kick connected the group could hear shattering bones as the Genin flew back into a light pole. Collapsing at the bottom bonelessly. Jugo laughed maniacally as the woman rushed in savagely. Enraged with the sudden death of her husband she summoned large gauntlets of stone on her fist as she unleashed a violent barrage of punches against the still laughing Jugo. A hook sent him stumbling back, a jab snapped his head back. Leaving him open for a viscous body uppercut. This knocked him upwards in the air. They went for a double handed swing. But Jugo managed to dodge. He went to the counter with a blow but was stopped when the masked Chunin managed to wrap the fist in question with ninja wire. Before Jugo could attempt to overpower this Iruka peppered Jugo with shuriken. They stabbed into his skin but were unable to truly pierce it. The masked Chunin flew back suddenly before Jugo exploded. The shuriken all having been tagged. The three regrouped with the enraged wife and Chunin in front. The three waited for a sign of movement from the smoke. None of them could react in time as Jugo suddenly appeared from the ground grabbing the ankles of the masked, front, unsuspecting shinobi. As he rose from the ground in a feat of strength ripped the man from his feet holding the man upside down. Iruka charged forward with a kunai desperate to help the man. But as Jugo countered this with a front kick, Iruka raised his guard trying to tank the blow and knock him off guard. But with an audible crack, the kick met his guard sending him flying back. He rolled with the impact and winced as he discovered his left arm was completely broken and unable to move. As he focused back on Jugo he winced as the man savagely slammed both shinobi against the ground. The man did so repeatedly to the already dead Leaf shinobi. Upon realizing Iruka was still standing Jugo let go of what remained of the mangled corpses.

"Good, I'm barely warmed up." Jugo complained as he approached Iruka. Iruka merely gulped as he prepared to stall as long as possible. He threw down four kunai as Jugo charged. Barely managing to get a barrier ninjutsu up as Jugo slammed into it. The man slid back as the barrier held firm. He laughed heartlessly as he continued to pound into the barrier.

"How long do you think it'll hold with you puny reserves!" Jugo taunted as he slammed his fist randomly into the barrier. Seeming to intend to wear it down through pure persistence. Iruka grit his teeth as he continued to pump chakra into the barrier.

Jugo merely laughed at the barrier's strength. Suddenly his skin seemed to grow even darker as his punches' strength grew. His blows landed faster and with loud booms. Iruka groaned as his chakra started to wane. With a growl he released the technique right as Jugo swung. Making the murderer over extend. Iruka, as he had practiced hundreds of times thrusted his kunai at Jugo's heart. The last of his chakra stored into the blade to ensure it could pierce him through.