Chapter 62: Life Goes On...


Naruto climbed up a mountain slowly. In truth, he could climb the stone easily with chakra. He even had experience climbing it without chakra. But with the climb, he attempted to burn some of his energy. He needed to think, perhaps meditate. He needed some time to himself to process what had happened tonight.

His mother told him of his father… why he was given the burden of the Kyuubi… the fate of his father… even why she held the secrets. Naruto had wanted to scream at her. To let her know how angry he was. Yet he was grateful for her finally telling him. To finally know everything, even as his frustration grew, he felt a growing sense of peace. He felt proud to be the son of the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze. Yet Naruto felt slightly betrayed. If the man had found a different solution, he and his mother would not have their burdens. They could've even been a whole family… But from the story his mother had told, his father had done the very best he could that he faced impossible odds… Naruto was a walking storm of contradicting emotions and thoughts. Henceforth, he had waited for his mother to fall asleep before he snuck out. Naruto knew his mother was worried and didn't want to worry her further. As his mind freed itself from introspection, he finally arrived at the top of the mountain. A frequent hangout spot for him, even at a young age. Perhaps even then, he had subtly known his connection to it.

Naruto walked over the heads of his one-day predecessors. Hashirama Senju, The First Hokage, was the first man dubbed the God of Shinobi. He had formed the village that was now Naruto's home. Naruto didn't know his whole story, but from what everyone said, he may be the strongest shinobi ever. Naruto had always found his story inspiring. A man who had formed a home to end the war. Something about it simply felt right to the blonde. He walked atop the next head. Tobirama Senju, The Second Hokage. Known for his genius intellect, he had run the village well. Created various techniques, systems, and tools for his home. While Naruto never felt the same connection with the man, he did the others. He did envy Tobirama's famed intelligence and creativity. Naruto thought he was nothing like the man yet wished he could be. No, he knew one day he would be. Next was the head of the current Hokage. Hiruzen Sarutobi, The Third Hokage, the second God of Shinobi, or as Naruto called him, on the few occasions they had met. Old man. He was the student of the first two and, according to some, had surpassed his masters. He was also the only Hokage so far to not die in battle. He had brought some form of peace after the Third Great Ninja War through unknown methods. Naruto had watched the older man and felt respect for him. The Old Man had kept his home safe for years. Something Naruto hoped to achieve as well once the hat was his. As Naruto arrived on the fourth and final head, he slowed before sitting in a meditative position. His attempt at blocking out the thoughts had failed. In his stupor, he had walked onto the head of the man who had technically caused his grief. Minato Namikaze, The Fourth Hokage, The Yellow Flash… his father.

Kushina had told him a bit about his father. He was a bit different from Naruto. She had described him as a man who used logic to pursue his passions. Calculating but in such a way that only made him more considerate. Intelligent to a fault, the man could be oddly bumbling. Something his mother had remarked they shared. They shared the same seemingly endless determination. The same compassion and care for those they cared for. It had been a painful conversation, yet it had also felt as if it healed him in some odd way. Naruto, despite the conversation, thought himself wondering more about the man who had helped create him. From what his mother described, he seemed complicated…

Furthermore, Naruto wondered what the man would think of him? Would he be proud of his son? Ashamed? The question ate at the blonde. He considered his merit. He had become a Genin just barely, completed one mission, and was in the final in the Chunin Exams. Wouldn't that impress Minato? Should it even matter if it did? Naruto needed clarification. He cleared his mind with incredible difficulty. Relaxing his muscles, he slid into a meditative state.

It had taken Naruto years to find the patience and will to do so. But he felt it allowed him to find peace he rarely felt. He felt the chill breeze that often permeated the Hokage Rock. He smelled various things: the faint scent of rain, the more pungent scent of food from the village alone. The stone underneath him was excellent and smooth. He felt himself achieve momentarily inner peace. Naruto needed to find some peace.

'Stand tall… you are enough… face the woes head on.' A faint and oddly inhuman voice called. As he heard its words, Naruto felt an odd level of peace flow throughout him. Naruto frowned at this. What was that voice? This feeling? But as quickly as it came, it went. Naruto felt confused about it but decided he must've imagined it. He relaxed again as he refreshed his meditation. Before, he felt as if his midsection was being pulled. He outwardly gasped at the sensation; his upper and lower body felt as if they were being drawn into his core.

"What the f-" Naruto started before his eyes seemed to unfocus the blonde collapsing bonelessly on the ground.

Naruto blinked; suddenly, he seemed to be in some kind of sewer system. Oddly, it all seemed tinged with red. He shifted back, wondering how he got here. But I was surprised to notice there seemed to be some sort of liquid running throughout. It was red, and for his own sake, Naruto merely tried to pretend it couldn't be blood. He walked forward through the system. Indeed, it was a maze, yet he somehow knew where he was supposed to go…

He came upon a large gated door. It looked like it had simply been somehow forced into it. Naruto hesitated but opened the door with grim determination. Somehow, he had an idea of what he was about to face.

The room was large and also partially filled with liquid. It would've been nondescript if not for what inhabited the opposite side of the entrance. An absurdly large cage was present. Built into the side of the wall and locked with ludicrously large iron bars. Naruto felt a sense of dread from it. Yet he fearlessly marched forward. Pausing a good six feet from the cage. He looked at it with a complex stare.

"You in there… aren't you?" Naruto asked simply.

"Of course, One is you damned brat." A booming voice responded. The mere force of it shook the room. "Your kind ensures One's own is always suitably contained. Filthy humans!" It roared with force that nearly sent the blonde flying.

"I guess we meet at last… Kyuubi."


 Ino's POV (Forest of Death, Anko's Section - Hidden Leaf Village)

Ino had never been so sure of her death in her life. She deflected a sudden kunai aimed for her back. Ducked another, lowering herself flat on the tree branch she stood on. A giant windmill shuriken flew towards her along the branch so large and quick that it tore wood from the branch as it approached Ino. She, with a gasp, creatively rolled so she was underneath the branch, narrowly avoiding her death. Her senses screamed at her. Ino, despite not knowing what was happening, trusted her gut and released the branch looking up as she did. As her senses had warned her, she witnessed a giant snake seemingly swallow the branch whole, narrowly missing her. Ino did not relax as she approached the ground, instead desperately flying through hand signs as the snake continued its pursuit, now lunging again, attempting to finally catch its meal. But with a desperate smile, Ino finished her hand signs and tried to activate her newest jutsu, but it seemed to explode in her hand, sending her flying painfully to the ground. Her fall sent flower petals scattering throughout the clearing. The snake, seeing its prey vulnerable, roared with happiness as it slammed down. Suddenly, it stopped mere inches from Ino.

"Not too bad, Blondie. Thought my lovely friend here was gonna catch you much sooner." Anko remarked as she walked next to the downed Yamanaka.

"That… damn.. Snake…" An exhausted Ino complained. The snake had been chasing her for hours. Several times, it had come close to eating her. Worse yet, she was not allowed to attack it. Ino wasn't sure she could harm the snake anyway, but it was frustrating to be limited to defense.

"Ya, he was rather hungry," Anko said, amused. "Shame I didn't get to tag you. You've improved in your dodging."

Ino almost growled but was not foolish enough to do so openly. Anko often punished any form of disrespect with sadistic glee. She had already threatened to remove her hair. Ino would be damned if she allowed that to happen.

"Yes, because all you've taught me is how to dodge and take a beating." Ino explained sourly.

"Of course I have; you said you wanted to be stronger, to become a real Kunoichi, right?" Anko asked with a smirk.

Ino frowned as she thought back on several moments. She barely defeated Jounin. Naruto and Neji fought on a level she couldn't imagine being at. Naruto getting along well with Samui. She wasn't sure why the last one appeared in this case.

"Yes… I need to become better than I am…" Ino growled as she stood tall. Her pride once again landed her in trouble with her sadistic sensei. So much for the temp sensei being normal… "I need to prove I'm not just a beautiful face."

"Hmm… not quite what I was looking for… But what the hell? I like your spunk!" Anko said as she laughed and supported her student. "Besides, there's a reason I haven't taught you much more yet."

"There is?" Ino asked suspiciously.

"You are too weak!" Anko answered bluntly with a giant smile and closed eyes. She opened them only to spot Ino walking away. "Okay, okay," Anko relented as her sleeves suddenly freed to snakes that wrapped around Ino and brought her back. The entire way, Ino complained about how the snakes felt. "There's more Blondie. See, from what you said, you're falling behind your teammates and need to beat your opponent, who you think might be stronger than you, right?"

"Yes." Ino answered simply by thinking of Samui, her official opponent, and Gaara, who seemed determined to fight Naruto. "I don't stand a chance as I am now."

"That's why! See, even if I worked you into the ground, you would need to become more powerful to challenge them in a straight-up fight. Instead, I'm gonna teach you my own taijutsu and kenjutsu style. You have a custom kunai, don't you?"

Ino slowly raised the kunai in question. It was longer and thinner than most. As well as being curved and having a flower tied to it. "My father gave it to me for the exams."

"Perfect, see, I fight with a healthy amount of kunai. It's practically a part of my taijutsu. This style focuses on evasion and counterattacks. So it should keep you alive even against the strongest Genin. Not to mention, it'll give you chances to land safe offense. In fact, I even have an idea for a jutsu that may just give you the edge you need." Anko explained as her smile seemed to become feral. "Unluckily, first, we need to do our next exercise," Anko said, almost seeming to pout in disappointment.

Ino felt her stomach drop as she steeled her nerves for the likely life-threatening line that would come next.

Anko suddenly smiled again as she dropped to the ground in the perfect splits. "Flexibility training!"

Ino was curious to know if she was looking forward to this or not. Not when Anko showed her the following few poses… are women supposed to bend that way?

Dez had learned over the years the complex rules of important meetings. The mob, despite being hardened criminals, cared heavily for formalities, and as such, Dez sat patiently as the group of people bickered. In his experience, this was normal for councils. While the idea seemed wise in Dez's experience, the poor bastards spent more time bickering than getting things done.

"We cannot allow that beast to live! It is an affront to the legacy of the Fourth Hokage!" Hirzo Buzan called out bitterly.

"He is more than some beast." Danzo countered. "He is a powerful a weapon of war of unimaginable potential we could use for our home. Despite his circumstances and every single small, petty thing you have, everything will be thrown out of the drain as soon as your homes are attacked by other nations, and we have a duty to protect all of them. Do you think your person can provide better fighting chances than the strongest beast in the world?"

Dez flinched at the tone of Danzo. Lady Tsunade had warned him to be wary of Danzo in these meetings. While he was indeed on their side, his ideas would certainly not be considerate of the blonde. Dez and Boss both liked the brat. They couldn't let him be short-changed here. They needed to stall until Hiruzen arrived.

"He isn't some young man! He's something else…" Qurani said while seemingly fearful.

"While I disagree with my comrades, I think it's interesting how this lie was told to the council. While I understand it is ultimately the Hokage's choice, why were we left in the dark?" Usami asked with a patient smile.

"What a pain… you all were left in the dark due to worries that the child would not be treated fairly… something we can see now is a valid concern." Shikaku lectured as he sipped from a glass of water.

"Why should we care? Not to be cold, simply cannot see why we were so worried?" Jack asked as he tapped on the desk as he thought. "Let people do as they wish. Perhaps in time, the Demon will leave."

"Even if it doesn't, there needs to be restrictions on its movements. We've had a walking bomb working with our own youth." Fubaki added. "Surely some form of control is needed."

"I could make him a pupil of mine… as a part of my service to the leaf." Danzo offered plainly.

"Certainly not, you are a criminal yourself." Hiashi chided.

"Besides, Hiruzen only allied your presence in his absence. Without our Hokage present, our options are limited. After all, Lord Third has the final say in all of this." Shikaku lectured the council. This led to grumbles from both the pro and con jinchuriki sides.

Dez was grateful for the timely interference of both Hiashi and Shikaku. Though Hiashi had likely done it due to his own arrogance. Not wanting to be perceived as lesser in terms of power of the opinion of Hyuga. Hiruzen had been counting on this to stall things out. Shikaku was more in line with Hiruzen than Danzo or the council and, as such, naturally supported the cause Hiruzen would want. Things may work out.

"Interesting, some form of decision is needed though. There was a riot on the arrival of Naruto Uzumaki. Leading to five injured shinobi and ten injured civilians." Shibi Aburame countered. "It's clear unrest is rising, and we can't have that with our weakened state. Not to mention, our leader is not yet due until the conclusion of the Chunin Exams."

"It has already led to more violence." Dez interfered. Trying his best to hold back on his usual method of speech. "Just yesterday, I interrupted an assault on Naruto Uzumaki by three Chunin. Their identities are in the folders being passed out by the lovely d- I mean Shizune." Said woman walked around the room handing out folder holding documents describing the perps and the incident report filed by Dez. "This shows not only are civilians being motivated to move against Naruto but shinobi as well."

"You shinobi are a violent lot. Isn't this to be expected?" Hiro asked incredulously.

"No, we do not support us shinobi randomly beating the life out of each other." Inoichi said coldly.

"Plus, the kid isn't even a Chunin yet; he may hold a beast, but he's barely more than a child." Choza added.

"That is certainly something we can't have." Usami said diplomatically. "But surely we must recognize this is happening due to the sudden revelation. The people feel manipulated and lied to. Some level of discourse is expected."

"Perhaps, I mean, my family has always played rough. I do see he fully healed after leaving, but surely, this level of pain is inhumane. The bastards had no reason." Tsume offered.

"Not to mention Naruto would have defeated them with ease. He held back for some reason. This clearly shows they were the aggressors, and Naruto is at least attempting to improve things." Dez said with his best voice.

"Certainly, but we must do something to stop this from reoccurring." Danzo countered.

"How about we send Naruto away for now? Perhaps limit him to a certain training ground until the exams. Give the people time to digest the news. While some will certainly still hate, at least a few will allow rationality to win over." Shikaku offered.

"While I disagree with your conclusion, I think some separation would be key." Usami partially agreed.

"A vote then?" Jack asked.

Dez tensed at this. While the plan would certainly be effective, Dez doubted Naruto would be happy to be limited. Tsunade would surely be annoyed, too. Doubtless, Hiruzen would also raise hell, but that would take time… dammit!

Shikaku rose and walked to the center of the room. "A vote for Naruto Uzumaki to be limited to the forest of death during this interim before the final phase of the exam is now in session. When I ask For or Against, please voice your vote and identity for the sake of the record. Those For?"

Hiashi, Usami, Jack, Shibi, Shikaku, Hiro, Inoichi, Fubuki, and Qurani rose and voiced their support.

"Those against?"

Tsume, Porume, and Choza rose and voiced their disagreement.

"Then let it be; Naruto Uzumaki will be limited to the Forest of Death until the final stage of the exams. He will be allowed supplies to ensure his survival as well as being allowed to have visitors." Shikaku declared. "This, at this moment, ends this meeting."

"Hai." The council echoed. They slowly filed out of the room, leaving Dez standing in shock.

"God dammit," Dez concluded.