Chapter 73: The Way of Prodigies!


Rasa's POV (Kage Box of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

Rasa watched with glee as Gaara easily smashed the competition. He wasn't often thankful for failure, but he was glad the assassins hired in the past had failed. Gaara ensures that Sand's recent problems are solved. It wasn't often a Genin so easily bested another. Though he would have to speak with his son about stirring unnecessary trouble. One would think children would be obedient, yet they often were poor tools.

"Another one of us." Yagura stated with interest. "He was holding back considerably as well."

"It's unlikely my son will be pushed much during these exams." Rasa answered back.

"Ha! He'll be unlucky if he runs into one of mine!" A roared.

"We shall see just how good your men are." Yagura inserted. "They have the pleasure of combating one of my heroes eventually."

"We'll see then waterboy." A muttered.

"It seems my daughter is up to bat next." Onoki comments as he reads the next match.

Kankuro of the Sand VS Kurotsuchi of the Stone


 Kurotsuchi's POV (Courtyard of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

Kurotsuchi had never been an ordinary girl. Perhaps it had been the explosion of her home that had done it. She had been a young girl playing in her room when one of the walls collapsed, sending fire, metal fragments, and bits of her home flying through the air. The shinobi who had found her in the rubble of her shattered burning home. Had said it was a miracle she had survived. Apparently, her father had managed to grab and shield her. Her mother hadn't been so lucky. They had been one family of many victimized by the random bombings of the missing ninja Deidara. It had filled her with the urge to become a shinobi and ensure such violent men would never hurt her home again.

She was here to prove she was ready for the next level. And all she had to do was beat this Sand shinobi. As she walked into the arena, she saw her opponent walk in at much the same time. She had intended to send him a coy and cocky smile, but to her shock, he already had one plastered onto his face. Kurotsuchi shot her own look back at double her normal intensity.

Kankuro seemed to just smile more cruelly.

"Do I need to go over the rules again?" Kakashi asked.

"Not for me, maybe for Sand for Brains." Kurtosuchi offered.

"Now, girly, no need to get all prissy with me." Kankuro countered.

"Girly?" Kurotsuchi asked, suddenly calm.

"Ya." Kankuro doubled down with a shit eating grin.

"With that grim mistake made, I'll start this match." Kakashi said, sounding jovial. "Begin!~"

Kurotsuchi wasted no time; this pig was going down!

"Earth Style: Field of Earth Vents!" Kurotsuchi yelled as she slammed her hands down. The ground rumbled beneath Kankuro, who wisely jumped back, narrowly avoiding being uppercutted by a man-sized tower of earth with a hole on top of it.

"Gonna take more than that-" Kankuro started before he stopped to dodge as more and more towers emerged from the ground. Soon, it had surrounded the man.

"Are you ready to quit?" Kurotsuchi said, simply staring at Kankuro, who was surrounded by towers of earth just like her. "Because either way, this match is over."

"You got that right, girly…" Kankuro stated with a large smirk. "You see, I don't even need puppets to start the show! Puppet Show: Slicing Ending!" Suddenly, Kurotsuchi heard the sound of wire scraping against stone. She trusted her instincts and jumped into the air, watching as one of the towers fell apart.

'Chakra Strings. While dodging my towers, he must've threaded them around him! Now I'm surrounded by razor-sharp wire that he can control!'

Kurotsuchi had no time to consider further as she desperately dodged the wires that flew past her. She ducked two trips over another. Bounced over another set and dropped to her knees to avoid being decapitated. She drew a kunai and attempted to cut the ropes, but it bounced off uselessly. She dodged further, sweating as she escaped the constant assault. 'Need. Cover. NOW!' Kurotsuchi thought as she skillfully leaned out of the way of death while going through hand signs.

"Earth Style: Earthen Shell!" Kurotsuchi smiled as a dome of earth surrounded her. She heard the sound of wires scratching against the dome, but it was thick and sturdy. It would buy her some ti-

There was a buzzing grinding sound as suddenly the wires seemed to focus on one side.

"No hiding from the puppet show!" Kankuro taunted from outside. He used his free hand to summon several puppets, each a copy of Crow. The Clones flew through the air surrounding the dome. "Go ahead, camp all you like. They'll pepper you with weapons whether you surface within or outside the dome!"

Kurotsuchi's smile grew wider as Kankuro doubled his efforts to expose her. She slowly weaved hand signs as her dome started to fall apart. "Earth Style: Earth Shrapnel." She whispered before slamming palms on opposite sides of the dome. The effect was immediate; the falling apart structure suddenly completely fragmented and flew outward in an explosion, shooting shards of earth everywhere. Kankuro growled as it cut his chakra string and his puppets. Leaving the wooden bits falling through the air and dissipating a fair bit of Kankuro's chakra. "Sorry, but I don't play well with toys!" Kurotsuchi taunted.

"That's fine; these ones can be dangerous. They have small parts!" Kankuro countered as suddenly the arms and legs of the destroyed Crows stopped falling with a click, each revealing a blade. "Show's over! Puppet Show: Human Centipede!" The arms and legs turned blade raced towards a wide-eyed Kurotsuchi before they slammed into her. Her body was littered with puppet limbs. She moaned painfully before suddenly becoming a white substance that hardened, holding onto the puppet limbs like cement. "What the fuck?" Kankuro asked before his mind caught up with the situation.

Kurotsuchi suddenly shot from the ground behind Kankuro. A large smile on her face and one fist coated in stone. She slammed this into the back of Kankuro, who cried out in pain. Sliding forward face down. Kurotsuchi looked at her stone gauntlet as it cracked and fell away. "Sturdier than he looked." She joked as she marched forward towards the downed man. "So you wanna give up before the end or?" She asked him. But Kurotsuchi had no time to react when Kankuro's chest opened up, showing a hollow wooden space inside. The henge hiding the trick faded, offering a sizable scorpion-looking puppet. Before Kurotsuchi could react, two wires from it pulled her in.

"Sorry, girly." Kankuro stated cockily as he walked up to the trapped Kurotsuchi. "Surrender, please. I'd hate to clean out Black Ant."

"Never, make-up wearing freak!" Kurotsuchi yelled from inside the puppet.

Kankuro smirked. "Don't say I didn't warn ya." "Black Technique: M-"

"Earth Style: Gas Vent Release!" Kurotsuchi suddenly interrupted Kankuro who raised a brow before he suddenly smelled something odd. He looked towards the towers of stone suspiciously, but nothing new was happening. 'What was the -'

Kankuro suddenly collapsed, and Black Ant did so as well, releasing a smiling Kurotsuchi.

"Sorry, boy, but it was already over, as I said in the beginning." Kurotsuchi remarked.

"What did you do to me…" Kankuro complained from the ground. "Can't move, poison? No, wait, a natural gas?"

"A unique one found deep in the earth." Kurotsuchi answered. "It's odorless and invisible, so great for fights; luckily, it's nonlethal. Unluckily for you, I have a bit of resistance, so this match is over. You'll be lucky to move in a couple hours."

"Hmm, unfortunate kid. But it looks like this one is over. Match Three of the Chunin Exams is over! Kurotsuchi of the Stone is the winner! A brief recess will be had, and we will continue with the next match. Which will be…" Kakashi looked towards a large board that displayed the next match. "Oh, the crowds are gonna love this. THE NEXT MATCH WILL BE SASUKE UCHIHA VS NEJI HYUGA!"

The crowd, who had been mostly silent, suddenly roared in glee.

Neji and Sasuke, both in the competitor's arena, glared at each other as if unhappy the other was in their way.

Kakashi was sure this next one would be a doozy.


Mifune's POV (Kage Box of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

"It seems fortune frowns at you, old friend," Rasa said while radiating joy. While he valued the Leaf as allies, especially with his village struggling, it felt good to see what many considered the strongest village suffering a bit. Besides, the shrewd elder likely saw the bright side. "While you may have shown some talent thus far, you are losing Genin like flies. Your chances of victory dwindle."

"Only if one is short-sighted, my old friend." Hiruzen countered with a friendly smile. "The tournament is merely a method to display talent. The victory of it means little. I am grateful my Genin are being tested so thoroughly. Besides, next are two of my most promising Genin."

"Ah, you refer to the Genius of the Hyuga and the Ashes of the Uchiha." Onoki added with glee. Knowing one of Hiruzen's best prospects would be out brought him a petty joy. If he was fortunate, they may just kill or maim each other.

"The Uchiha's are still alive and well. Several members survive and continue to live, and we are about to see one who proudly continues his clan." Hiruzen responded as if not phased by the subtle reminder.

"Such a shame it is then that either the diminished Uchiha's will be shamed or the great Hyuga humbled. From what I hear, both have proven to be remarkable shinobi." Onoki continued.

"I would put my money on the Hyuga; his records are flawless. Though I wouldn't mind the Uchiha being victorious either." A roared happily. His thoughts needed no explaining.

"Beneficial indeed that the spawn of both villainous clans will clash." Yagura agreed. "Hopefully, they both fall today."

"Villainous? Neither clan is one of questionable morals. Furthermore, it is bold of you all to flex your intel gained on us so plainly. Bolder still for you, Yagura, to wish grief on my shinobi in my presence." Hiruzen's calm facade merely cracked, and the total weight of his killing intent filled the room.

Yagura offered his own as his guards drifted closer, hands on the hilt of their blades.

Tsunade and Jiraiya stalked forth to back Hiruzen. Rasa allowed some metal to drift through the air but remained seated. His guards watched warily but watched all the same.

Onoki and A laughed at the spectacle, seemingly unaffected by the intense air.

"They have killed many of my men. Of course, they are villains." Yagura said darkly.

"Such is the nature of war. We did not start them." Hiruzen countered. "We may have benefited from them doubtless. But it would be most ironic to hear you judge others for spilling blood."

"He makes a fair point, you know," Rasa added. "Your home is called the Bloody Mist for a reason."

Yagura growled but sat. "Regardless, one of them will not continue on. I will enjoy watching your men tear each other apart."

"Of course, otherwise, it wouldn't be very fair for you." Hiruzen countered evenly.

Mifune could only sigh. Kage never did seem to change all that much.


 Hiashi's / Mikoto's POV (Audience Section of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

Hiashi sat patiently as he awaited Neji to arrive to begin the duel. He sat among a small group of servants/bodyguards and his daughter. It was vital for him to be here today. While the Hyuga were an infamous clan that had influence throughout the land of fire, it would never do to be complacent as a leader. A good showing today would surely do well by his clan. Though, if he were to be honest, it was questionable who would be the one to do so. Hinata had grown as of late. Supposedly, his men suggested it was due to training sessions with Neji. While shameful of a heiress he allowed it, Hinata had become strong enough to beat Hanabi easily. Hanabi was no weakling either; if not for Neji, she would be known as a genius. Seeing his eldest become worthy of her status had brought him a trim level of joy. As such he allowed the behavior. Besides, the knowledge that he had created what Neji had become bothered him.

He was well aware of the hatred Neji felt for the main house. Hiashi had been the one to agree to the order for Hizashi to be slain. It had been reasoned that doing such would allow them to appease the Cloud Village after their conflict. Without risking the exclusivity of the Hyuga Bloodline to the Leaf. While it had hurt him, he knew it had crushed the young man. Surely he resented Hiashi deeply. Hiashi knew he should've told the boy it had been Hizashi's idea, but he would likely think he was lying. Besides, the spite had served Neji well. Hiashi was the strongest Hyuga ever known on the battlefield. None could claim the same accomplishments nor maintain service as both a clan head and shinobi. As of late though, Hiashi had begun to gain a belief. That Neji had potential that shattered Hiashi's own. Already a Side Branch member being so strong was controversial. Worse yet, the boy was motivated against the Main House.

Of course, things were more complex. As much as she had grown, Hinata likely could not best some of those who had competed thus far. Likely, it would fall down to Neji to win. But what would the boy do with the influence? Was it right for Hiashi to stop him? What meant more to him? The legacy of his fallen brother? Or the family he had been entrusted to maintain? Before Hiashi could delve too far into his thoughts, Hanabi pulled his sleeve.

"Hanabi." He acknowledged. A subtle sign of permission for her to continue. And the dutiful daughter she was, she had waited for it. Image was everything for this family.

"Father, who should we hope to win here?" Hanabi asked with a scowl. It was no secret to Hiashi that Hanabi intensely disliked Neji. It made sense to him. After all, Neji was responsible for solidifying Hinata's spot. However, she was wise enough to defer to clan judgment before her own. Shame she was the younger one. Hopefully, Hinata can gain an attitude befitting her power soon.

"A good question, daughter, yet the answer is simple." Hiashi entered lecture mode. He knew he must instill wisdom in his children when possible. "Neji may be a side branch, and his intentions are unclear. But the Uchiha, at one time, were our main rivals. They had a reputation of a similar level to our own. Their power rivaled ours as well. Despite our best efforts, we never seemed to establish ourselves as their betters. At least…"

"Until they committed treason." Hanabi finished. Hiashi nodded, pleased that his daughter kept their history in mind.

"Indeed, this led to their fall, of course. Such an event was an undeniable tragedy. But the Hyuga were fortunate through it all; the fall of our comrades cemented us as the prominent clan amongst the Leaf." Hiashi explained. "If Sasuke manages to defeat a prodigy of ours it could be disastrous for our reputation. The correct choice would be to hope Neji will defeat Sasuke."

"But do you think Neji can defeat Sasuke?" Hanabi asked curiously.

Mikoto's POV

"Well, of course, I think my baby will win," Mikoto answered with confidence only a mother could have. "Sasuke barely does anything these days except for training, not to mention he's my little prodigy."

Kushina laughed but accepted the logic quickly enough. "Not worried about him fighting the prodigy of the Hyuga? They say the only person that can beat a genius is another genius."

"No, my son, he… well, the attempted coup of the Uchiha was always something he seemed to feel strongly about. He always felt the Uchiha must've been framed or tricked somehow." Mikoto explained. "Shisui and I spent a lot of time trying to explain that our brethren in the Uchiha had earnestly made a… selfish ploy against our home. But even if that were the case, Sasuke would continue. He intends to find out the "truth," as he puts it. Redeeming our clan in the process. He has trained with that idea in mind. Seemingly attempting to forge himself into a legend so great that people have no choice but to celebrate us again." Mikoto sighed to herself as she finished. She appreciated what Sasuke was trying to do. Kami knew she missed Fugaki and wished he had not been involved. But she simply wanted her child to be happy. Sasuke sometimes seemed only to live for his ambition.

Hiashi's POV

"That's what he's trying to do?" Hanabi asked incredulously. "He's trying to change the very traditions we follow? The Branch has always served us."

"Indeed," Hiashi answered. "He has forged himself with this goal in mind. He works tirelessly towards it. His mind learns everything as quickly as possible, he seems to have talent in all fields. He has become what some call a prodigy, a genius; the title matters little. The point being Neji has become a shinobi that may well surpass even myself."

"Surely you exaggerate." Hanabi asked.

Hiashi did not answer as his mind dwelled on the night that Hizashi was sent to his death. He had been beside himself yet had hidden it well. Hizashi had been a brother he had been grateful for. One that, after his death, Hiashi felt he was undeserving of. It had been the best choice, as Hiruzen had remorsefully told him; Hiashi knew his clan could not survive without him. As such, he had agreed to his brother's plan. It had worked as they thought it would. Hiashi, as both clan leader and brother to the fallen, had been left with the duty of telling Neji. Neji had begun training at that point and had already shown his level was above his peers. It had been a training session Hiashi had interrupted to tell him the news. Hiashi, as much as he felt for the child, had to maintain his image. So he had said the news bluntly and harshly, hoping to skip the denial phase. It had worked, but not quite the way he had expected. Neji had sent a glare that, for a moment, only one, but a moment all the same, in that moment Hiashi had felt fear.

At that moment, he had no doubt Neji would surpass him and, in the process, change the very foundations of the Hyuga clan. He could not say anything about that now. Nor could he acknowledge it. The clan head's job was to maintain the status quo, after all. Yet, if Hiashi was genuinely doing his job, he would have done something to stop Neji. To correct him. But how could he?

"No, no, I do not," Hiashi replied. "I believe Neji will win this match."

He hoped so as well.

Both Mikoto's and Hiashi's POV

"The path of a prodigy isn't for the faint of heart. Yet Sasuke walks it without hesitation. He'll win."

"The path of a prodigy isn't for the faint of heart. Yet Neji walks it without hesitation. He'll win."

Both Mikoto and Hiashi said with utter confidence.