Chapter 100: Edgelord VS Genius!


Mifune's POV (Kage Box of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

"It appears your shinobi are as impressive as they are disruptive," Mifune said while eyeing Hiruzen.

"They certainly are impressive and care a good deal for their comrades. Though I will readily admit they are… a tad bit overzealous," Hiruzen said hesitantly. As experienced and composed as the legend was, no one missed the tension in his voice. Not a single soul in the room had missed the subtle problem arising. All five villages consistently used the Iron as a neutral ground. They were powerful enough to match any of the five and had no interest in their business. To cause an issue here was to risk the wrath of all four other villages in coordination with the Land of Iron. Cautiously, Tsunade and Jiraiya drew close to Hiruzen.

It was fortunate indeed that Mifune had ample reason to grant him a favor; with a subtle look, Hiruzen asked for it. Seeing the potential to smooth over the most recent issue, Mifune subtly did as asked. A man never hesitated to pay his dues.

"While admittedly against the rules, it was done in response to a potential rule break." Mifune reasoned out loud. It's best to simply let it go. A simple bump in an otherwise fine road."

"Don't let this old fool disrespect you." A countered hotly. "Shinobi under my employ never would've acted in such a way."

"I do hate to agree with this reprobate. But A is not incorrect about the conduct of your shinobi. My heroic lot would also behave within the rules given. In a just society, impurity must be punished. Perhaps a public demonstration is in order." Yagura proposed.

"Eh, while I think action is needed, punishing those snot-nosed brats doesn't get to the root of it." Onoki countered. "We need to address the clear failure of leadership this represents."

"Surely, such is an overreaction." Mifune attempted to soothe the irate leaders. He was meant to mediate here and ensure a smooth exam process. So far, Mifune's exams have been subject to various failures. The unnecessary loss of life, the exposure of a Leaf asset, Ikam's lethal trap, not to mention the multiple disappearances/kidnappings of Leaf Genin.

Indeed, Mifune had performed rather shamefully. The least he could do was ensure he repaid Hiruzen while maintaining peace. "There was no harm or injury, and the fight was clearly finished. It was obvious the Suna Genin had intended unneeded violence and experienced a proportionate response to such."

Onoki sighed but was notably silent. The man had a problem with it but deemed his effort to raise a fuss unworthy. Yagura also seemed conflicted but less angry. It seemed Mifune's words had reached him to some degree.

It was the Raikage that spoke out. Determined to pursue the perceived wrongdoing of the Leaf. "Three shinobi interfering? Two of which doing so by launching a direct coordinated assault?" Hiruzen and Mifune now sighed in union while Onoki and Yagura looked intrigued by his points. "Why don't we ask the Kazekage for his opinion? He holds the most weight as the representative of the victim." The tension grew as the occupants in the room knew the likely result.

Rasa smiled magnanimously as he glanced around the room. Unlike the others, he seemed utterly unbothered by the recent events. In fact, Mifune would say he looked pleased. "I see no reason to raise a fuss. I, as his father, know Gaara had anything but good intentions. The interference to save an heir seems reasonable enough. As for the proportionate response, well, simply put. Even if the remaining contenders were to bound together they would still struggle to put Gaara down. My son was groomed to be the ultimate weapon of Suna. A living demonstration of our true power. I do not mind them doing so, for my son was never in danger. No harm, no foul, as they often say."

The Raikage and Tsuchikage seemed shocked by this. The Hokage and Mizukage also seemed confused and bristled at realizing the Kazekage's confidence. But Mifune merely shook his head, having expected as much. It was a common sight, while the exams weren't something he often saw. The one he did often had a competitor far ahead of the others. A sure in one of the villages would build their reputation up with relatively low risk. This exam's sure bet was Gaara of the Sand. It was difficult to tell if they were lucky…

"So both the victim's representative and the host have agreed this minor inconvenience should be acknowledged as the misfortune it was. Surely, with this in mind, we can let the matter go? Of course, any further violation will be met with a more extreme response." Hiruzen asked the room. The group did not seem happy, but the silence left behind was answered. Besides, four of the Kage had to battle with the knowledge the Kazekage had, in his own words, unleashed a weapon into the exams.

'Is there a shinobi in these exams that can best this monster masquerading as a Genin?' Mifune wondered as the uncomfortable silence in the room stretched on, even as the participants of the next bout stepped onto the field.

Luckily, one of the men was not so affected. And more than eager to bait his rivals into foolishness. Mifune felt his patience wane as Rasa poised his poisonous question.

"It may seem poor taste to ask considering the moment…" Rasa spoke, sounding more alive than he had the entire exams. "But I must admit I find myself curious. We've all somewhat wagered on these exams. Obviously we have the foresight we lacked then. So I wonder, who do you expect to be the victors of the Finals?"

The room was silent as they all pondered the question. Though seemingly innocuous, especially considering their earlier wagers. It was a clever trap of a question. Those who had none of their shinobi involved were slighted subtly and were poised to support the intelligent choice in Rasa. Those with shinobi involved would be motivated to defend them. In the process, risking embarrassment. It may seem juvenile or benign, but it was a subtle way of affecting the other's political weight. Reputation was everything to a Major Village, after all.

"I have faith in my soldiers; Samui will shock you all." A assured with an odd smile. Mifune nodded, unsurprised that A would go with the bold response.

Yagura spoke next, nodding as if convincing himself of what he had said. "As much as it pains me to say such, Gaara will surely win. I simply cannot see anyone besting a jinchuriki of his skill. He is somewhat heroic, I suppose." Mifune sensed there was more to his words as well. But the man had gone the safe option all the same.

Onoki merely shook his head, refusing to offer input. Mifune supposed such was why they called him the fence sitter, often unwilling to move riskily.

"I personally choose the Uchiha." Mifune chimed in. "A man pursuing honor passionately will always find victory." While he disapproved of the actions he had heard of the Uchiha Clan, he could not shame one attempting to regain honor. Redemption was a considerable motivator.

Hiruzen hummed out loud as he considered his options. Sasuke had proven himself to have grown into a considerable shinobi. Naruto had managed to trounce each of his opponents, but Gaara was undoubtedly the most likely to win… no his shinobi would surely prosper. The Will of Fire guided them, and when it came to these principles…

"I would pick Naruto Uzumaki myself." Hiruzen stated confidently.


Sasuke's POV (Courtyard of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

The Uchiha stood on the field as he eyed his opponent. Sasuke had faced quite an assortment of opponents thus far. Neji had proven skilled beyond belief and had nearly adapted to him. Fuu had proven to be absurdly powerful, such that it had taken all Sasuke had to even put her down momentarily. He was determined to face Gaara in the future, which would indeed be an absurd undertaking. But this…

Sasuke was never one for gossip or much social activity at all, for that matter. It always made him feel ashamed and useless to spend time doing such. He made exceptions for close friends and family. But Sasuke minded little if he interacted with people. Yet even he had heard rumors of the lazy man before him.

Shikamaru Nara was a man Sasuke had encountered a few times. Ever the hard worker, Sasuke had been studious and skilled throughout the academy. Even when it came to testmaking, the Uchiha was often the top student. But whenever Sasuke looked the Nara in the eyes, it was clear the man was intelligent. Sasuke had observed the lazy way he analyzed the world around him. There was no doubt the man was a genius.

Further evidence of such was the one-sided bout against Suigetsu. As much as it seemed he was a threat to the Nara, he had simply played into his hands. Somehow, Shikamaru had even countered Yuno's impressive Genjutsu with nothing more than pure intellect and quick thinking. Sasuke still knew Shikamaru was no match for him.

"I offer this not as a show of arrogance but as a genuine warning." Sasuke spoke as he did, lowering into a stance as if wielding an invisible blade. "I don't intend to play around with you like the others. I intend to taste victory today. Stand in the way of such at your own peril."

"Real cute." Shikamaru casually replied. "But I'm just trying to get promoted here. Besides, it won't be mortifying even for a slacker like me to surrender. Though honestly, I doubt I can realistically do anything here… maybe I should surrender. This fight has trouble written all over it."

Sasuke frowned at Shikamaru's lackluster attitude. While he recognized the Nara simply realized he was outmatched, he found himself miffed at him taking this lightly. "I suppose you should. You don't seem to be nearly powerful enough to face me." He sarcastically spat.

"Preaching to the choir buddy," Shikamaru replied with a sigh. "Hmm, it would be nice to avoid getting my ass kicked…" At this, the Nara shockingly turned and slowly began to walk away.

"Your whole team must be ashamed to be related to a coward like you." Sasuke spat, now thoroughly annoyed. "Perhaps that's simply the way of the entire team, though." He sniped. In truth, Shikamaru's attitude was not all that wrong. Yet it annoyed Sasuke all the same.

Shikamaru's POV

Shikamaru wasn't the type to do things out of anger. He figured it was simply his "intelligence" breaking down emotions too efficiently before they could settle. But he had always been protective, as lazy as he was. While it would've been much more accessible to allow the victim, Choji or Naruto, to be alone when he was a child, Shikamaru had done so. Easy as it would've been to avoid becoming a shinobi, he had felt the need to lead the clan as expected.

Perhaps that explained the rare surge of anger that shot through the Nara. It made him turn and march before his mind could decide the best response. When he decided the wise thing to do would be to ignore the apparent bait, he realized he had walked over and dropped into a combat stance before Sasuke. His anger buzzed as his mind criticized this decision, but the Nara inwardly shrugged. He may be absurdly intelligent, but he always struggled to make the smart choice when his people got involved. So, despite the fear and dread that filled him, Shikamaru settled into the plan he had kicked around for a while for Sasuke. It was a loose one, but Shikamaru had the supplies and besides. Shikamaru protected his friends… though the first step would be the scariest, enjoyable…

Shikamaru gritted his teeth and prepared himself. "Rich coming from the fallen clan member himself." He said with mock mockery.

Sasuke's Sharingan seemed to be activated instinctively to the insult. "Excuse me?" He asked, his voice the definition of calm before the storm.

"Just that, a clan as low as the Uchiha should know not to mouth off to their superiors." Shikamaru continued with a broad smile that looked alien on the Nara. Sasuke didn't seem to notice, having already buried his fist into Shikamaru's stomach. This plan was a painful drag…

Tenten - Audience Section (Iron Arena)

"I'm confused, Tenten," Sai started as he scratched his head. "Shikamaru must know that he cannot hope to best the Uchiha. So why not only face but motivate them heavily? If he's trying to bait him into anger, I believe it's backfired."

"I can't be certain… but I think Sasuke said something that upset him? He doesn't care too much for insults against himself… did Sasuke say something about us or Naruto? Normally, he has some sort of plan, but.." Tenten winced as Sasuke kicked Shikamaru away, only to arrive where he flew and kicked him again. Sasuke seemed determined to beat the Nara with his Ash Step alone. And Shikamaru seemed utterly hopeless to retaliate. "Yet I doubt he did so with nothing; he wanted him mad to throw him off his game. Somehow, he has to find a way to deal with his absurd speed…

"Oh, that is why he asked for those!" Sai exclaimed.

Tenten raised an eyebrow as she remembered Shikamaru had asked her for some seal; it was standard for Root members to learn the basics. "I did so as well. So he's plotting something… come on, Shikamaru. You may seem like a bum, but there's a reason Sai and I acknowledge as our leader."

"It's odd Tenten." Sai remarked. "I know full well the odds are unlikely that he can win. Yet I feel an odd confidence in Shikamaru."

"That," Tenten said with a wide grin. Giddy Shikamaru had felt the need to fight for them. Even when he knew it would likely be for naught. Better yet, Sai seemed to be healing from the emotional damage Danzo had done to them. "It's because we're Team Eight."