Chapter 118: Aftermath! Part One!


Naruto's POV (Mindscape - ?)

Naruto Uzumaki was never someone to be described as lazy or relaxed. He often pursued his goals somehow or goofed off as if his life depended on it. Yet Naruto had to admit recent days had seemed to lean to the former. Naruto had spent literal months focusing on his growth. The first mission of Team Seven and the Mizuki incident had enforced the importance of such into him relatively early in his career.

He had been dedicated and tireless, Naruto spent most days training, planning, or mediating—anything he could to work towards his goal. Naruto had never known why, but he never felt relaxed if he was working towards something. He could enjoy some time to kick back, but Naruto felt it had to be earned. Besides, Naruto had never heard of a Hokage who had shunned hard work.

Naruto had never heard of Hokage, who failed either… Gaara had… defeated him… Naruto felt a small sliver of doubt worm its way into his head. Perhaps it was excusable to most, but the Blonde had always strived to keep his word, to rise to the occasion, to stand confidently, and to use his determination to force his way forward. But that hadn't worked…

Naruto pondered over the fight for a moment, remembering the clash, the pain, the mistakes, what worked and what didn't. Despite the shame Naruto felt, he also felt pride. He had known Gaara would be an opponent unlike any before, and he had been right. Yet Naruto had not shied away and had stood toe to toe with him. Naruto had faced a stronger foe head on and nearly won…

But the gap between their powers simply had seemed too large, he had been aware of it, but the extent had been shocking. Naruto had known somehow that Gaara was powerful, perhaps even more so than himself. But he had been sure his growth would've been enough. After that final month, Naruto felt incredible; it formed into an easy confidence. Naruto had simply been able to envision himself powering through and besting Gaara. Jiraiya had warned him against such, in fact…

Jiraiya had predicted this; the man had warned Naruto that defeat was likely without using his own beast. Offered to aim him in learning such, but Naruto, even now, would've refused. Naruto was more than a damn jinchuriki! He had come so far! He didn't need some beast to do it for him… or… did he…?


Naruto screamed mentally. Failure was nothing new to him, but he had always achieved despite it. Facing it time and time again had numbed the blonde to it. The pain was great, but he knew it was only momentarily. He found a way that others would've never found, simply by being too stubborn to surrender. It had failed him here, yet Naruto was certain it would be different next time. In fact, he knew it was; Naruto would make sure of it. The only way forward was to continue. So even if he faced Gaara or even someone somehow more fearsome.

"It seems to This One you may be too concerned moping to talk to This One. Should This One wait till later? You human break down often…" The booming voice of the Kyuubi sounded. Naruto opened his eyes and realized once again he was in the sewer system, now facing the Kyuubi. Water still dripped from the filthy and moss covered walls of the sewers. It gathered into a puddle that filled the bottom of it. The cage was the only thing dry and pristine. The large bars completely seemed incapable of housing such an absurdly large creature. Yet it did not attempt to test the bars. Likely knowing better than anyone how pointless it would be. It was just as terrifying as last time, yet it seemed... a tad bit different somehow. As if it was more bored than infuriated to see its host. "You choose defeat, boy. Do not regret it."

Naruto felt his anger surge as he kipped up to his feet and stomped toward the cage; even in his rage, he had the sense to stop short. Knowing to draw too close to the beast would be a risky venture. But Naruto glared right into the giant pupil of the Kyuubi. The beast was stooped low, the left side of its face pressed against the bars to gaze upon Naruto easily. It was massive, thick, wild orange fur, only broken by its large canines and red eye. The eye alone was significantly larger than him.

"Maybe I did." Naruto said frostily. "I had to. If I had used you to defeat him, it wouldn't have been a victory, it would've been admission of his point. A pointless loss."

"Ah, This One knows what this is." The Kyuubi droned on with an amused smile. "The foolish pride of you humans. That foolish sand human believes himself something more than he is, and you think that you would be anything without This One."

"It doesn't matter what or who I am now." Naruto retorted with speed. His rage and determination filled him, seeming to melt away the shame and regret. "I won't be so in the future! I'll keep growing and become the best of the best. I'll even make you acknowledge me! I don't care how many times I fail. I always get back up; and never shy away from the task!"

"As if it means anything." The Kyuubi roared as it openly mocked Naruto. "It is no great task to be too prideful and too foolish to know when to quit. This One is unimpressed, to think This One's vessel is beneath the weakest of its brethren."

"Bullshit." Naruto spoke simply.

"You ins"

"I'm not stupid, Kurama. You helped me there; we both know it. There was some sort of reason; before that, you had hated me, and now you have assisted me. You wouldn't do that if you despised me. For whatever reason you seemed content enough to give me a fighting chance. Don't get it confused, I don't care if you think I'm a failure or resent me. I intend to keep living my life, ya know? But it would be a lie to say I wouldn't prefer it if we could be allies, Kurama. We're stuck together; it doesn't have to be like this." Naruto attempted to reason. Before he could utter another word, the form the Kurama writhed as massive claws slammed into the bars, causing a boom and the awful screech of meeting being scratched. Though the bars held firm, Kurama continued to scream rage. Even pain as the bars reacted by arcing electricity into the Beast. Though it hardly seemed more than inconvenienced by such.

"You dare utter the name of Kurama? The Nine-Tailed Fox, the Kyuubi, ravager of the Leaf, and strongest of the Tailed Beast!" Kurama continued to rage as if Naruto had committed the gravest of offenses.

"It's just a n-"

"It is more than you could ever hope to comprehend, human!" Kurama snapped back. It was still rage-filled, but the now icy fury, instead of the theatrical fury, stunned Naruto. "It was given to K- This One by the only human ever worth the chakra they were gifted. This One will not have you dare besmirch it by uttering it with your pri"

"I'm sorry." Naruto interrupted the beast softly. His body half bowed as he faced the Kyuubi. Naruto felt shame return at him for so carelessly treating the beast. He had been upset after his defeat and had ignored the Kyuubi helping him. Naruto knew the beast had no need to do so and even stood to potentially gain something should Gaara continue. "I- I didn't know it would upset you. If I'm honest, I lashed out due to the stress of this moment. Always been a bit impulsive, ya know? Honestly, I was so excited when I heard your name…. It was nice to feel like I understood you better. But I won't say it if it offends you…"

"As if a pathetic human could ever!"

"GOD DAMNIT, BE REASONABLE, YOU DAMN FOX! I SURE AS HELL DON'T LIKE YOU EITHER! NEWSFLASH, THIS MAKES MY LIFE SUCK, TOO! MAYBE IF YOU COULD BE DECENT TO ME FOR TWO SECONDS, WE COULD HAVE A BETTER SITUATION FOR BOTH US!" Naruto roared in anger, his fury overriding his fear. Kyuubi so coldly rejecting his attempt to patch things up and insulting him was growing tiresome. Hell, he was fed up with the damn fox treating him as a lesser. Naruto did not need to deal with more arrogant assholes today. The Kyuubi seemed shocked by Naruto's defiance. Before it regained its control, sighing heavily as it regarded the Blonde.

"This One must be the superior being This One is and accept your ignorance." The Kyuubi spoke, seeming oddly flat and emotionless now. "Do not dare speak my name again, and do not mistake my aid as anything more than charity. It was done on a whim, unlikely to happen again, and besides, you were close to getting us killed."


"Enough. This One tires of this conversation. Try not to disappoint This One again, as hard as it may be for a human like yourself…"

"You motherfuck-"


Naruto's POV (Medical Ward of Iron Arena - Land of Iron)

Naruto blinked as he realized he was somewhere else now. His eyes seemed open, yet Naruto could see nothing. The tense energy and violent emotions that seemed to surround Ku—the Kyuubi—were gone.


Naruto tried reaching out to the beast with his mind but either could not or did not know how to do so properly. For nothing answered in his mind. Making the Blonde feel a bit ridiculous.

"His face is wincing!" A familiar female voice called out. Ino was here?

"My baby! Call for the medics!" Another female called. Naruto felt a small amount of humiliation but was happy to hear his mother was there.

"I doubt that will be necessary, Kushina-san." Kakashi's cool and airy response was with a small amount of amusement present.

"Indeed, the fool is likely having a nightmare. He has always been spineless." The smooth and snide voice of Neji closed off the group.

His whole team was here! He had survived! Why couldn't he see?! Naruto blinked before he realized he could feel a cloth on his face. He attempted to raise his left hand to touch it, only to discover it was being held by some weight. His right as well!

Suddenly, the room became much too bright! Naruto winced as light filled his vision; oddly, it seemed much more bright than Naruto had remembered!

"It's okay, son." Kushina let him know with a smile as she happily squeezed his right hand. "You were injured badly. If not for the Kyuubi and the aid of Lady Tsunade, you likely would've been out for days, if not weeks. You gotta be safer, ya know?" His mother explained with tears in her eyes. Naruto felt ashamed at having worried her, but he was saved by another shouting voice.

"You absolute ass! You just have to risk your life whenever Neji or I turn around! And for what, some stupid macho pride?!" Ino roared. Naruto glanced worriedly to his left, seeing a tear-stained Ino's face, who glared at him. Naruto, so alarmed by such, failed to notice his teammate's hand wrapped firmly around his left hand.

Naruto knew it would be wiser to stay silent, but he felt the need to defend himself.

"I had to Ino." Naruto replied simply. "For myself and Gaara, someone needed to make him see the ot-"

"Why not his dad, sister, or even creepy brother?! Why is it that every time you meet someone who's self-destructive, you drag yourself through hell to help them! I watched as my two teammates tore each other apart! Watched as you did the unthinkable and fought an S-rank ninja to save us! And now I watched some serial killer beat you within an inch of your life! Do you have any clue how that makes me feel? How useless and awful it leaves us? How about you consider your mom, or Neji, or Kakashi sensei, hell even me?!" Ino ranted, glaring into Naruto's face. Unknowingly mere inches away from the now fearful Blonde.

"Yo!" Kakashi sounded off happily, facing the group. Naruto felt joy at Kakashi attempting to break the tension, though based on the way Kakashi wilted once Ino glared at him, it was clear he would be no help.

Naruto's eyes darted to his mother. She was in protective mode; surely she would stop Ino! But to his horror and dismay, Kushina merely smiled humorously as she shook her head. Maybe Ne-, no. Naruto didn't bother to look at Neji; he always enjoyed their arguments and likely would agree.

He had been left to suffer by his loved ones! How cruel!

"Answer me, Naruto Uzumaki!" Ino ordered as she grabbed Naruto's face and made him face her sharp eyes. Naruto went to speak, but Ino roughly pressed her fingers against his face, silencing him. "You keep fighting for your beliefs, and that's fine. I get it and love that about you. It's your life, and I won't order you around; it's not my place. But I'll be damned if you keep tearing yourself apart for stupid reasons! At least let Neji and I help! I can't keep watching you treat yourself like this…" Ino finished, exhausted. She stood up and glanced around the room. She bowed to the others and faced Kushina with a grim smile. "I'm sorry to have dressed down your son like that, please recognize-"

"No worries," Kushina answered with a warm smile. "I thank you, in fact. Naruto needs someone other than me to tell him off. I'm glad you care about my son, ya know?" Ino nodded at this and left the room without so much as another glance at Naruto. Naruto attempted to rise, but Kushina lightly shoved him back down into the bed. "Give her a little time. She's frustrated and scared. She'll come around once her anger leaves her."

Naruto dumbly nodded before he glanced at his mother. "Did you think it was stupid?"