
A few years later, please help me. I will do anything you want for a whole day, I promise, "No, a little girl replied to the boy,

They are the twins, Jaxon and Raya.

Please, please, please, the boy was on his knees, begging his sister to help him, "Mm still no, Raya replied.

Jaxon makes a pouting face and is about to walk away. That was when his sister called him back , How about we play a game if you win? I will help, but if I win, you will do anything I tell you to do. Raya suggested, " Yes, I promise.

A few minutes later, I won. Jaxon was happy that he won, so his sister could help him, Fine fine you won. Raya rolled her eyes with an irritated face. "What do you want me to help you with," she asked.

Jaxon smiled and said, "Follow me , Raya had no choice since he won.

5 minutes later, so why am I dressed like you? "Raya questioned, "Mm Jaxon sighed before replying, "It Ella. What happened to Ella ? Raya asked.

Me and her made a bet she said she will be able to recognise me no matter what so since we are identical twins I want to you to dress like me and see if she will know it me or you "Jaxon replied.

So you want to prank her? "Raya asked , Yes, I do," he replied. " Okay, then you will owe me." Why will I owe you? Jaxon was confused.'

Because I want to help you to know if your crush really knows you even though you are identical twin,' But I won the game. Jaxon was perplexed. " Okay, I am not helping you anymore. " Fine, sorry I will owe you Jaxon replied quickly.

Your hair ,Jaxon pointed out 'What about my hair am not cutting my hair for your pranks,Raya complained with heated a face looking like she was about to explode ' Am not going to cut your hair,Jaxon giggled you will only wear a hat okay.

Better, but won't she find it odd that you are wearing a cap or hat."No, she won't. I told her I love wearing hat so she would like to see me in one,"Jaxon stated. " My brother is definitely in love ,Raya Chuckle.

Whatever are you ready,' Yes I am lover boy ' tskti ti ,Jaxon clicked his tounge.

She the one sitting there ,Jaxon was flushed ' him and his sister are hiding at the back of a gate looking at his crush Ella,' Cough cough cough, Raya broke the intense staring her brother was giving the poor girl.

Am ready to go ,Raya told her brother ,' Okay, good lucky.

Raya walked to where the girl was, sitting and sat beside her, and started a conversation. ' Hello, how are you?' The girl looked up and down about a minute before saying you look good with a hat.' Thank you she replied.

They chated going and going up to 30 minutes and all giggles.' Jaxon was smiling because he won ,but before he could go and tell her that it was a prank, he felt him and his sister are being watched like something bad is about to happen ,' Unknown to him his sister also feel the same.

Strange room, it time haha ha ha ha.