
In the Dream realm,' Raya Raya, Raya, Why are you screaming my name? I am trying to get some slee... huff sound of two bodies slammed against each other echo throughout the dream realm , Jaxon hugged her tight as if she was going to disappear,'But Raya broke the sweet moment and throw , Jaxon on the floor, ' ouuch do you know that hurts,Jaxon pout while getting up.

Who told you ... you could hug me so tight ,"But am your brother," Jaxon replied as if it was common sence ,' So, Raya replied, frustrated , I want to get some sleep so shu shu shu," Do you think you are chasing away a chicken you are not sleeping cause am yet to scold you for what you did,' Jaxon said.

Scold me for what,' Raya asked with a confused face. "Why did you carry me now? You are injured because of me,'Jaxon pointed out, with a sad face on.

You are sup..posed to say thank you, and you are my only brother, so I can't leave you alone,' but still ,'Jaxon replied

But nothing as a matter of fact, where are we?,'Raya asked,'I don't know I was about to ask you',Ask me do I look like some oracle that knows everything ,' Umm actually I think you are ',Jaxon stated while laughing.

They both laughed and fell asleep.

Outside world. Two weeks later, they are still in a coma. What are we going to do? Are they going to wake up at this rate the woman said between her sobs,' My love, our kids are survival, so I believe that they will wake up, They walked out of the room that their kids are and went to the vile.

A few hours later, beep!beep!beep!beep!

the wire connected to Raya machine to stabilize her was beeping! so loud her heart rate is going low.

We are losing her. The doctor shouted, "Get me AED(automated external defibrillator )." Quickly one of the nurses hand over the aed to the doctors and.

He quickly shook her chest he rubbed it together, and placed it on her chest ,rise tud rise tud rise tud, went on and on, but her heart rate was getting slow and slower.

Running, bang! the twin mother barged into the room, and the door made a loud sound.

My baby, ahh waah ahh wah, my baby girl, she was crying so loud the nurses were feeling sorry for her the doctor fouced on his work cause if didn't his head will be rolling on the floor.

The father got to the room a few minutes later and saw his wife crying he felt like his heart was about to leave his body he was in so much pain before he spoke.

My love , the wife turned around and hugged her husband so tight while speaking ,Ra.y.a r.a.ya is... dying w..hat am...

Dream realm, what is going on raya why are laying on the floor? "Jaxon asked with a worried face.' Am.. in.. P.ain she said stturing