Old men

From one movie to two from two to three to four to the final five.

"With both of them gasping because of the main character death to tears and hug before the movie finally ended, they both stood up to look for Nic.

There he is ,Leo pointed out .They both walked to the bar space counter table where Nic is sleeping with his head rested on the counter table with a bottle of whiskey and cup with some liquor in it.

"Should we carry him to the counch or his bedroom, Leo suggested, 'There no need for that his already awake, Das said.

"What do you mean awake his sleep before Leo could look back someone he thought was sleeping peacefully a minute ago looking at him and, Das ,I guess he knows him well enough, Leo thought.

Das knew that Nicolas had this bad habit of waking up. If someone is a or two feet away from him, he will be but won't move, waiting for the person to make a move if the plan to harm him the person his dead cause he always carry a little knife that he always take out when his sleeping hanging around his hand waiting for and attempts how Das knew this ,Nic stabbed him more than three times so now he knows that how he sleeping.

"I can't imagine him doing the do pull in and out and tired laying in the bed. What if someone targets him while sleeping , maybe that why he don't do the do,' Dad thought.

"Are you guys done with your movies," Nic asked. "Yes we are ," Das replied, but you know you could have joined us it would have been more fun, or what do you think, Leo? Yes, you are correct , "Das Leo said.

"You two like an old man agreeing on food ," Nic said, who is an old man am at my prime. Both Das and Leo said ,making Nic chuckle.

Okay, see Nkc took out his phone from his pocket and showed the two pictures he took when they were hugging in the third movie ending ,Don't it look good? Leo said, "Actually, it looks perfect." Das replied.

"I know, right, but what will your girl think if I send her this and tell her you are into men? Nic commented with a smile.

Ahh, Das gasped. Do you really like me that bad that you want to sabotage my relationship so u can date you? I am not into to men, but you can ask Leo , "Das suggested.

"What Leo, I like women, the butts and the bbs I don't like men am sorry Nic, Leo said, ' Wait what! you like men, I am sorry for raising my voice, but I don't discriminate ,I know it must have been hard for you not to be touching the bbs and butt but it fine you can touch other men like you abs, Leo said in a low voice.

Das was laughing at the side because he was just joking and know, Leo thought Nic is into men should I correct him no no Nic will do that himself Das thought while laughing.

Nic looks like his about to explode cause his so angry, What the hell! are you talking about me being into men? I like I am into women! , Nic bellowed

I understand, but I know you in the denial stage you will get through it don't worry I will help you if needed ,Leo aded, ' Das you better talk now before I make liquor out your blood now, Nic roared he so pissed you can even tell by his voice.

Leo, I was just joking his not in men ,Das said, while laughing, "ohh okay,Leo said to while smiling just like Das, His not into men but his impotent it can't stand, Das said, What! Leo shouted, impotent shouldn't we take him to the hospital, so maybe they could help him in a way or another.' Das was just laughing he does not plan to correct, at least not now.

Nic decided not to reply to the old men spouting nonsense and walked to the seat, and lay down on it.

Before his phone rang.

Ding ding ding, before he picked it up,

Hello, where can we meet ,When Nic heard the voice, he knew it was Noval immediately.