Not normal 2

" Is definitely not when was the last time you did," Leo asked ,Well never Nic replied.

"What! you have never done it before. Are you really impotent ,Leo shouted while Das was trying his best to old back his laugh.

"If I am really impotent, why will I get hard on? Nic asked with a face that says, "Are you dumb? Well, you are right. You won't get hard on if you are impotent, "Leo replied.

"That actually makes sense Leo he won't, so how do we help him? ,Das asked.

It simple he just needs to get laid and has a man. You need to relieve yourself regularly so you won't get hours of hard on if you leave it, you will be experiencing pain with your little brother, Leo said.

"So it settled, then we are on a mission to get my mate laid ," Das said with a smile.

I totally agree. When do we start, Leo,asked.

"Am not getting laid or whatever you guys have in mind. I have a lot of things to do rather than doing that,Nic said.

"Why his he talking like a lady that doesn't want to get touched, Das asked Leo, Wait don't tell you are scared that you will get the lady pregnant, Das asked.

"I get it. i know you don't want responsibility yet, don't worry, mate, you can always count on me to teach how not to fill her belly, "Das said.

"Do they think they are talking to horny teenager or what ," Nic thought without replying Das or Leo.

"Das, I don't think that the problem maybe he doesn't know how to talk to girl, Leo said before continuing , see Nic don't worry you are a good looking man that any lady will die on, so you don't have to do the work just go the club you will a meet a daring lady that will want to feast on you.

"Leo, you are right. There are ladies like that, "Das said.

"Are you guys done with your rambling? I am not going to the club or getting laid, and I am not some food that a lady will feast on, "Nic said with an irritated voice.

"Nicholas , I am trying to help you here. Why are you so stubborn , "Das said with a sad face.

"Das, thank you for your help, but I don't need it," Nic replied.

"But Nic,you will be feeling a lot of pain because you will be hurting yourself, and I don't want to see you hurt.

"Das, I am really fine. Don't worry. I can handle it, not the first pain I felt and won't be the last, so let your mind be at ease, Nic said.

But..Das couldn't finish his words before Nic cut him off, but nothing, Das am fine am going to the gym see you guys later ,and he walked out of the penthouse and headed to the gym leave, Das and Leo.

"His he really going to be fine, Leo asked, I hope so ,Das replied.

"I hope he really will be fine," Das thought.