
"Noval and Leo proceed with the first phase of the plan. Hi, good morning. Welcome to TM(recruitment agencies). How may i help you? The receptionist asked with a smiley face .

"Am here to apply for a job.can I maybe get an interview today, or i will get a date for the interview Noval inquired.

"Okay ma'am, go have your seat. I will inform you shortly, okay, next.

"Am also dropping my cv, ma ," Leo commented ,Okay sir also have your seat

"Sorry, please, where is your restroom?"Noval asked with an urgent voice."Ma'am if you walk straight down the hall, then you take your right, you will see the restroom."Thank you, Noval thanked her and walked to the restroom.

"Two minutes later ,Leo followed her .Thankfully, the receptionist didn't find it odds like Das predicted.

"Das, can you hear me?" Noval asked while she tested the earplug Das gave them to direct them to the fd and not trigger the alarm.

"Yes, I can hear you ,Noval. Das responded and you to Leo."Man, how do you know I was going to ask you that," Leo exclaimed.

"Focus, Leo. Yes, Boss Leo replied.Das just laughed.

"Whatever, if you guys exist, the restroom you go straight to the extreme end, then you take your left the first door you see which by your right that where the safe is,Das stated.

"Okay, they both said. They took off the clothes they were wearing, they had clothes underneath their dress ,and put on a mask ,Das already disconnected the camera, that in the restroom.

"They both existed the restroom ,Noval was to open the door and the safe without triggering the alarm while Leo was to watch her in case they have uninvited guests.

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"Mean while, good morning sir, how may I be of help the receptionist asked with a sweet and low voice.

"I want to see the Ceo' sir do you have an appointment with her? "Tell her from the organization "okay sir the receptionist made some calls before speaking.

"The fourth floor, sir, the receptionist said.

"Okay, thank you," Nic replied and walked to the elevator.

" Nic walked inside the elevator and pressed 4 to take him on the fourth floor. while he was on the elevator.His face was of no expression, but his inside was in chaos but it didn't show on his face, Nic was still dealing with his inside that when the elevator sound entered his head.

"Ding, Nic walk out of the elevator and saw the with words on the door sign which is ,Ceo.

"Knock knock knock, Nic knocked on the door three times before he heard a seductive voice from the other side of the door.

"Nic opened the door and walked in the office and saw the owner of the voice .She is 5f8 with black hair and a round eye with heart-shaped lips, which fit a demon like her ,Nic thought.

"Have your sit, the lady stated ,Nic did has told and had his seat.