Misson 3

"Okay, tell me I will try to pull it off within 30s.'Okay, do you see the screen by the safe Das, Asked, I do.

"Break it open after you done that you will see the wire stuck out which is green and yellow you have to try your best to connect it with the time frame of 30s are you sure you can pull it off ,Das asked.

"I can ,Noval took out her wrist watch she set the time and took out the knife she hid in her leg case and used it to unscrew the screen and saw the wire currently they are apart which means it locked.

"Tap Noval tap her wristwatch to start the timer. she unpeeled both wires before joining them.

"She joined them, but it did not open, which means she did not join them together. perfectly, she has 10s left to fix her mistake.

"Sweats is dropping of Noval faces because she is trying her best to fix it, but her time is ticking five seconds remaining tick tick tick two seconds remaining one seconds that was until she she heard ding and see the the safe open which means she pull it off within 30s.

"Noval was so excited she informed Leo and Das.

"And she saw the flash drive that almost made her have a heart attack .It has a brown case she took it and kept it in her pocket.

"She and Leo went back to the restroom and put their clothes back on, and Noval went out first, followed by Leo. The receptionist got them a date to come back to for their interview, so they got out successfully and went to the van, but Nic is yet to back.

"Das, why is Nic not back yet? Did something go wrong ,Noval asked with a worried voice.

"I think so ," Das murmured. "What do we do ,Leo asked.

"We have to know what is going on first," Das answered and continued thankfully. I placed some hidden mic on his hair. Let's listen.


" You are quite different and strong one I like that Tabitha utter in a low and seductive voice after they tye ,Nic up he regain his conscious 5 minutes later with full bucket of water

"He regained his conscious but not his strength for some reason he doesn't have the strength to even stand talk less of untying himself one thing he also noticed his body feels warm and.

"And a fragrance smell was all in the room it seems it was placed on the .Ac because the smell blows across the room.

"I like you, Tabitha gawk at ,Nic body while she unbuttoned his shirt leaving her with a beautiful view of a well builed muscles and defined abs and face ,she bend her head down and started to lick his abs while she ran her finger on his hair.

Don't touch me. shu she shhu him by placing her finger on his lips, He tried to resist but he couldn't he never felt so helplessly like this before.

"Are you not completely turned on? Don't worry, I will help you. She kneels in front of him, and she runs her fingers to his belt and unbukled his belt, opens his trousers, and rolls its down to his knees, leaving him only with his boxer

"it seems you are half turn on she murmur in a really seductive voice, He couldn't think properly he tried his best not to get raped by her.

"Mean while in the van.What she trying to rape him ,Noval bellowed up Noval stay calm Leo tried to calm her down but it seems makes the matter worse.

"Calm down while his properly being forced to do something he doesn't want to do. Noval blew up again, and Das, why the hell are you quiet for.

"My fears came through. I knew the possibility of him being drug, and this is high, and I told him, but he refused to listen, to me if we are done with this misson I have some nagging to do to that stubborn man.Das thought.