I got him....

All bills on me tonight drink on the house !!!A man who was enjoying his life since his mission was success and his boss was proud of him and gave him extra money.

He was partying on his success with ladies touching him every while his smiling and giggles drink slap the back sides of the ladies while they laughing back at him.

He payed for his drinks and everyone there and wrapped his hands around three ladies to go home with him the ladies compiled and followed him since he looks loaded.

Click! He unlocked his door and close it back while pushing the girls to the bed and taking his dress off in haste and pounced on the girl and was about to tear their clothes open while.

Some people came out from the shadow and while some were sitting but he can't see the ones sitting yet but he saw the ones coming out from the shadow he was about to take his.

Weapon but it was to late "Edward was faster than him and knocked the weapon off his hand and dragged him off the bed.

While the three ladies were scared and quickly covered thier eyes with their hands their clothes was barley hanging on them.

You may leave Nic said in guttural voice the ladies got startled before they regained thier sence and rushed out off the room.

Edward held the man down and now he see all the people in his room are 9 he recognized one of them which was Selena.

He regerted his descion not killing her when he had the chance but know it to late he thought Selena managed to see his face but he was wrong.

Who sent you Nic asked with a deep voice " That is none of your business the man said and " Nic sighed and gave Edward a sign to do anything.

Paw! Bang!Edward punched the man and dragged him up to throw him at the wall" Are you ready to talk."Rot in hell!!!.

His not ready to talk continue "The routine continued for more than 15 minutes after he finally gave up the information.

See it didn't do you anything to talk you waste 15 minutes of our time Leo complained he looked pissed off because he took long to talk.

"So ar.e..yo.u. going man said while panting." Uhm I don't actually know Nic rubbed his chin and act like his thinking.

The others were waiting for Nic finally vendit and he continued to rub his chin for more than 5 minutes before James spoke up.

Nic say something I need to eat James rubbed his tummy and that earned him a glares from everybody including the man in gate of death looked at him in disbelieve.

With a galre that says you are so shameless before he avert him eyes from the shameless guy to the person that will decide if he will live or not.

"You will live but as a spy and I will pay for your job.Nic finally spoke up.

Most of them knew that what he will do and it will be helpful for their mission.