Nicholas jotted awake from the crazy wet dream he just had. That not what he would do on a normal day. "It was lust.

"And, Nicholas would never allow lust to drive him."That was also when ,Sophie appeared in the same robe.

"I thought you were asleep but it doesn't matter again since you awake let get to business. As she was about to drop her robe.

"Nicholas spoke."Sophie I didn't help you to sleep with you I helped cause I felt like you deserved it, So don't make a mistake am not like other men who do things just to get your body.

"If I sleep with you know what makes me difference and I have someone am sorry i am not hiding any agenda.

"Sophie who heard everything he said was ashamed to think someone who stressed himself all the way just for her to get justice.

'She weekly smiled and apologized before rushing upstairs with shame. "Nicholas smiled and sighed before sleeping back.

"He never prayed to be in situations where his brain decided to dish him allowing his lower body to take charge it definitely done for him.

"Sophie got to her room sobing quietly it was not any man agenda it was hers. She wanted him nothing.

"The only She got wrong his, Nicholas is made and built differently. He never thinks with the lower body but the up.

"The only person he did the deed with was. Ella that was because of the vow the former host made and he completed.

"When it happened at, Noval time it was also lust. But he controlled himself quickly. "After the fight he had with the guys he talked to her.

"The day of the fight later in the night....

"Noval I really like you I really do bu.. but.. "Shush, Noval placed her hand Nicholas lips shut him up.

"Am so aware of it, have been drifting by lust. The moment I saw you the day i only wanted to have a night with you not forever.

"I feel like am about to use just for my own personal selfish desires. Noval said with a tear falling from her eyes before she continued.

"You are just like we can't work out it can only last for a period of time but it could also work but you love someone else.

"What happened in the room was not a mistake I loved and would trade any thing to make it happen again.

"I understand we can't work out but let fake for the group for a while so when you find. Ella I want to see how they would react.

"Nicholas looked at, Noval with a eyes that was unreadable. If Ella wasn't in the picture he could make them work.

"But she is he could still make them work but he felt it would be, hurting her he wants to see her with someone that would care for her more than himself.

"He wasn't hundred percent sure that he would marry, Ella all he knows his that he would make her bear her kids.

"He doesn't know if the love is still going to be thier or fade away. He felt like his breaking a person apart, Selena is also thier.

"That also part of the reason he can't belong to anyone yet maybe after his revenge he would have time to think.

"After the conversation he kissed one more time to seal it he wish everyone good no matter what.

Back to present...

"Sophie is still sobing from the scandals that happened few minutes ago."After Mr Sons she still tried to tolerate men.

"But after how, Kyle dad's left her just cause of something she didn't do willingly. He left her calling her bunch of names.

"Since then, She despise men except from her son. And now Nicholas."But with her rejection she didn't know what she felt.

"Sobing felt like the easiest choice to her.

"Two hours later, Nicholas and her still went to pick his son. The (PTA) meeting is held in two days from now. Which means he would be leaving in three days.

"Nicholas first took them home for him to change so he could take to go eat."Sophie at first rejected since the incident she was avoiding him.

"Kyle was able to convince his mom to follow them."Nicholas brought them to the 5 stars hotel.

"For them to eat." In the mid of thier eating, Nicholas excused himself to do few things. 15 minutes later he came back thier were still eating he joined them.

"After the food he took them to a few more places including ice cream shop. After that he dropped them off before heading out himself.

"Sophie felt she is the cause of him heading out. Unknown to her, he was busy doing something that would shock not only but her whole family.

"9pm in the night, Nicholas is yet to back. Sophie sat up waiting for him to come back so she could apologize once again.

"The worst off all she doesn't if have his contact. Not to long ago, Nicholas knocked on the door.

"Which she quickly opened to welcome him."Nicholas hands were filled with different nylon bags.

"He entered and dropped them at the concer shelf where her. Ex used to arrange his drinks.

"Nicholas brought out 10 different whiskey vodka wine. "He arranged them at the shelf. And poped one open.

"He took cup from the cabinet rainsed it. Before pouring his whiskey. "Sophie was confused she didn't know what to say.

"Nicholas who was in his own world noticed her."Ohh Sophie I was tasty for them that why I got them on my way here.'Nicholas said.

"Mr Nicholas 'Sophie called his name but he corrected her."You can call me Nicholas."Nicholas am sorry for what happened.

"I know it probably why you came home late and bought bunch of drinks to avoid to talk to me sobber.'She said with her head down.

"Sophie I understand what happened but it none of it I just want to get some whiskey. 'Nicholas explained to her.