Nicholas who glanced at the adults that are acting like kid. Could only shake his even the directors couldn't control them.

"Nicholas stood up from his seat he can't stand thier nonsense anymore, He would take his leave tomorrow to deal with his problems.

"He also planed to spend some quality time with the little man."He stood strode pass the stupid adults till he got the the directors.

"Who are shouting at the microphone which is most definitely not worth it."He gently picked one of the microphone place it at his mouth to speak.

"Everyone should stop this nonsense now.'his voice was not too loud neither too low. It was just normal.

"But it was terrific enough for everyone to turn to look at the person behind the voice."Even the directors had to do yhe same.

"Cause thiet were caught up with trying to calm them down but this strange man was able to fo it with a few words.

"Nicholas noticed that everything turned silent with that he dropped the microphone and strode back to his seat.

"Sophie that was sitting beside was amazed how he could do that without really raising his voice.

"With that the meeting continued peacefully, thier were agreements here and there but it was bareable.

"Nicholas still hasn't said anything. Even Sophie did say something but he didn't. "All the announcement was not much.

"It about the expenses of the trip that the school is taking the children too. "Thier taking them to city which are hard core of,Los Angeles.

"The parents to get to come if they want to or a firgue that represent them could come. "It also part of the expenses.

"All the expenses to the the city is 50 thousands dollars. "It much like that because of the parents and also thier going to be touring around.

"Would also be staying for a week or so."Some parents complained that is to much while some thinks it okay.

"The meeting was nearing it end. 'That was when one of the directors spoke up."I think we have a new member could you please introduce yourself.

"The light centered at, Nicholas showing that his the one the director is referring to everyone to glanced at him.

"They were curious to whose dad he his."Nicholas who saw the light that was centered at him he still didn't stand up.

"He didn't even burge and acted like he didn't see anything it was until when. Sophie hit his shoulder that was when he stood up.

"Sir please can you please make your way forward so we could tell us your name."Nicholas obliged and walked thier.

"One of the directors passed the microphone to him."Nicholas stretched his hand forward to receive the microphone.

"MY NAME IS NICHOLAS. 'Sir please we would like to know which one of the students is your kid?'The director question.

"I AM KYLE GUARDIAN. 'Nicholas replied."Sir we are sorry if you think our question is to much but we need to know.

"Do you mean, Kyle Anderson?."Nicholas nod."Which got everyone in uproar."It was always his mom that attend all the meetings but seeing his dad know show where he got his cutes.

"The meetings ended everyone got a week to make payments the trip would take place in a month.