Joint Practical Evaluation — (2)

Under the dim evening sky.

Luce and I sat side by side in the yard, watching the fireflies swim through the garden under the cover of night.

It was quite a sentimental atmosphere

The ring, are you planning to give it to someone? Who?

If only it werent for Luces cold gaze and subdued voice.

I understood her cynical reaction. Luce wasnt really sure of her own feelings.

She often acted like a lover while calling me a friend.

But it seemed too simplistic to dismiss it as, Luce not knowing how to gauge psychological distance. Especially considering how far we had already come.

She had most likely come to like me as Isaac.

And secretly thought of me as the Nameless Hero.

Its just that she is too cautious to be certain.

Because there was no confirmation.

Is it that one senior?

Luce turned her head straight ahead, looking at the swarm of fireflies.

The Senior Luce was referring to could only be Dorothy.

Dorothy doesnt need this.

She doesnt need it?

It doesnt match her own element. This is a magic weapon.Thê sourc𝗲 of this content n/o/v/(𝒆l)bi((n))

I showed Luce the ring of the Abyssal Queen.

With the misunderstanding cleared, the ominous aura faded, and Luces expression softened.

Ah. She nodded.

It was a magic weapon

Did you imagine something strange? Like an engagement ring?

Luce pressed her lips to her knees, which she was embracing, and remained silent.

I deliberately squinted my eyes and glared at Luce suspiciously.


No! Its just because were friends, I was just concerned as a friend. For me I only have you.

Embarrassed by her own words, Luce blushed. As usual, her melodious voice echoed sweetly.

I only have you.Huh?

It went without saying. Luce suffered from social phobia, and I was the only exception to how she typically felt around others. I was the only person she could open her heart to.

Luces braided rose-gold hair cascaded over her uniform, shimmering. It reminded me of a few weeks ago when we playfully fiddled with each others hair and giggled together.

Beyond that, a memory was reflected as if it were in a mirror, displayed in the same composition.

The scene of Luce, dripping with blood and sitting on the ground, as we dearly embraced each other in front of the Evil Gods army.

But in reality, she met a solitary and lonely end.

Recalling this, I suddenly felt a sense of incongruity.

My mouth opened slightly, and suddenly, a possibility came to mind.


I might not have realized how simple it could be to avoid what I had feared.

After hearing what Luce said during the Sandstone Trial, I realized why there was no need to worry about the Extra Bad Ending Bird Cage in the battle against the Evil God.

Luce dreamed of building a normal life with me by her side. She even envisioned the specifics of our life together like a picture.

Living together in the same house, achieving goals together, and eventually getting married and having children.

She wanted to build a future with me as her dear lover.

That desire must have been the restraint that stopped Luces impulses. To make the future she imagined possible, she couldnt afford to interfere with our future through means such as confinement.

Then, what is the catalyst that made Luce dream of such a future?

How would I know that.

Of course, I dont know.

But still, thanks to that, my thoughts became clear.

I couldnt be certain of anything, however, I knew I had to give this ring to Luce, whom I endlessly adored.

Then I guess Ill have to face it.

The shrill sound of insects in the grass.

Eventually, I broke the heavy silence that was hanging in the air.



Its out of the blue, but you dream of being an Exalted Tower Master, right? Youll be incredibly busy then Will you be by my side even then?

Luce looked at me with a suspecting expression, as if asking why I would ask such a thing.

Of course? Even if you dont want me to, Ill be by your side.

Then lend me your left hand.


When I extended my hand, Luce showed a bewildered reaction.

She stared at my face with a puzzled expression on her face, and eventually placed her left hand on the hand I held out to her.

It was a slender and delicate hand.

I gently held Luces fingers.

And slipped the Ring of the Abyssal Queen onto her left ring finger.

As if the ring existed just for Luce, it fitted perfectly on her finger.

It suits her quite well.


Luces eyes widened in surprise.

As if her mind had gone blank, she alternated between looking at her hand and my face, as if unable to process a rational thought.

I looked at Luce, revealing my teeth through a broad grin.

Its a magic weapon that will enhance your water and lightning spells, you know? Just what you need, right? Its said to be effective only when worn on this finger.


Luce was dazed for quite a bit before she finally managed to speak.

Did you prepare this for me?

Her voice trembled slightly. If someone who always had a poker face was this shocked, it must have been quite a surprise.

I went out last vacation, remember? I found this treasure in an antique shop by chance. I got it cheap, so feel free to use it without worry.

Normally, Luce would have sharply pointed out, Who would fail to recognize such a thing and sell it in an antique shop?

Fortunately, Luce was so stunned that she seemed to have stopped thinking and couldnt say anything, she just stared blankly at my face.

Of course, it wouldnt have mattered even if she had argued in a logical manner. I was ready to skillfully change the topic with my BS Anti-Luce speaking skills.

Its not just a gift. When you become an Exalted Tower Master and I become a good wizard, and we both meet our goals Its a symbol of our commitment to help each other even then.


So, its a bit cheesy but

I smiled slightly and extended my hand for a handshake.

Thank you for being my friend, Luce.


As if she heard something completely unexpected.

Luces eyes widened once again.

Luce stared at my extended hand for a while, almost embarrassingly.

There was no need to read her psychology. For that brief moment, it seemed like she was drifting through many memories.

Her face revealed a mix of complex emotions, and the expression she finally formed was


A smile.

Me too. Thank you, Isaac.

Luce grasped my hand and met my eyes with her jewel-like eyes. She smiled more brightly than ever before, shyly.

She blinked her eyes gently. The soft green light emitted by the moonlight and fireflies was clearly reflected in her eyes.

Eventually, Luce stretched out her left arm towards the sky and gently looked at her open left hand.

The ring on her left ring finger reflected the moonlight, displaying a radiant black pearl-like color.

Luces subtly flushed cheeks and her profound expression came into view.

Luces smile, filled with pure joy, shone endlessly in the moonlight, never fading.

Shes lovely.

I wish for Luces happiness.

And I love her happiness.

So, seeing her this happy naturally fills me with pride.

We looked at each other and smiled broadly, continuing our usual trivial chit-chat in soft voices for a while.

It was a tranquil night.

* * *

[The valiant killer whale, Bello, could not dare to interfere today! Well done, Isaac!]


In a corner of the Butterfly Garden.

The small killer whale familiar, Bello, and Thunderbird Galia, summoned in a small form, were secretly watching Isaac and Luce from behind a tree.

Isaac had slipped a ring onto Luces left ring finger.

As familiars, they could feel that their master, Luces heart, was filled with more joy than ever before.

The Thunderbird looked at Luce with a distant gaze, his beak firmly closed.

She had lived with shackles ever since she lost the Candy House Witch. To make matters worse, he had succumbed to madness due to the curse of the Evil Dragon.

Because of this, the Thunderbird often felt deep guilt.

 He had stood by Luce when she crumbled, yet he couldnt provide her with the support she needed.

Galia resented his past powerless self, which had only caused her sadness.

But now, Luce was smiling so brightly that it made the past seem insignificant.

Happily, without any envy.

[Hey, Galia. What do those tears mean?]

[Its nothing.]

Galia was very happy with just that fact alone.

Grateful to Isaac, Galia wiped away his ears with his black wings and held a faint smile.

* * * 

Title: Magic Knight of Mrchen Hell Difficulty] VideoGameGuy Gameplay Episode 21 developers, is this okay? Isnt this way too unfair?

Views: 77,329

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VideoGameGuys Game World

Subscribers: 450,000

Comments: 77

Half the video is just screaming lmao

25:40 demon got absolutely obliterated kek

Alice-chan is so kawaii and cujj~ uuuoooggghhh

the difficulty level is insane lol

Boss fight at 12:13 is super dope

him losing his mind and just blankly staring at 19:13 is pure gold rofl

Guys, this might be out of the blue, but dont you think the developers are weird? I just watched the interview and couldnt comment there so I am writing it down here they seem abnormal, and they say weird stuff

My grandma is a shamaness who can embody divine spirits, and she can tell whether someone is a human or ghost, you know? I just asked her and she said these guys arent human but also not ghosts Are they aliens???

What kind of joke is this?

shaman family talking about aliens is crazy

LOL but to be honest the developer interview was weird. They were talking about their own game and saying that the story of Ian is a lie who doesnt know that? Immersion is important in a game, I doubted their sanity after watching that video

Games that are ahead of their time have unique interviews too Rofl

No, Im serious, if my grandma is saying this much then its real. The developers are weird

Theres something about them for sure I guarantee it


Title: Fairytale of Brutality, Academy RPG Magic Knight of Mrchen] Developer Special Interview

Views: 62,124,270

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Subscribers: 1.3 Million

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Hello, we sincerely welcome to Mrchen Academy.

I am , the head of development at Hix, where Magic Knight of Mrchen was developed.

is said to be another .

Its the same with Magic Knight of Mrchen that we have created.

Magic Knight of Mrchen is , and the adventure of Ian Fairytail is a lie.

He is

because he is ,

Its just , after all.

And, Magic Knight of Mrchen is .

To defeat the Evil God,

to ,

and .

If we cannot stop the Evil God, then

there will be no .

Please defeat the Evil God.


We hope you graduate safely from Mrchen Academy.