A New Beginning

The small group made their way carefully across the broken land. Hanael led them, using her special magical sight to guide around dangerous areas. Teshuriel flew overhead, her wings now magical, keeping watch from the sky. Behind them Israfel watched sharply for threats, his glowing sword ready.

Many weeks they traveled quietly. They had fought together against the demons in a great battle that cracked open the world. Though they won, the magical blast had shattered the lands and killed many. Now left with mystical powers from that battle, they sought to help the survivors.

Eventually they came to a village in a valley trying to grow crops in earth made chaotic by the Cataclysm. The people looked with tired, fearful faces at glowing Teshuriel circling far above. The three travelers knew their magical look would frighten these poor villagers.

Carefully they approached, Hanael kindly calling out to calm the tense farmers. She introduced herself and her two companions, explaining they had been altered by the broken world but only wished to offer help however they were able. The elder villagers looked closely with desperate hope that real aid might have come.

Kneeling, Hanael used her staff to cast a spell over the ruined fields. Beautiful crystals spread to cover the land, forming perfect shapes. Instantly healthy plants began sprouting through rich soil where before there had only been dust and gravel. Cries went up in thanks from the stunned farmers.

Next the bird-like Teshuriel fluttered down, eager to assist now that their magic was welcome. She sang spells to summon glowing spirit runes which sank into earth. Israfel the warrior traced lines with his flaming sword, guiding cracks back together so they would not spread. Great cliffs rose up at their command, then shone as harps and gardens formed over their surface for all to share produce.

The working sang together for hours until the land was renewed. Finally they crafted a mighty gate of stone and crystal to defend against future dangers. Exhausted but very fulfilled, the three stepped back to let the happy villagers explore. Soon fires and feasts brought joyful rest for the first time since disaster shattered their world.

Yet as talk turned to hopes of their protectors staying to rebuild the region strong, hesitation gripped the Ascended. Their work had always drawn them onward through dangers and mysteries in constant wandering. Seeing the villagers' pleading faces, agrim idea moved into Hanael's mind. Meeting her partners' eyes, she turned slowly back to the Elder who had asked the fearful question.

"We too wish for community and rest now our service never ends," she acknowledged sadly. "Therefore I offer you this gift I once carried from an archives since turned to ash." From thin air she summoned a gleaming sphere whispering of ancient powers bound. "With this seed a shining city may rise in time here...if your people will pour care and devotion against the darkness."

"We shall stay briefly to guide wisdom into worthy structure taking root." Kneeling deeply, she buried the glimmering object within the renewed soil. The mayor fell stunned sensing destiny churning mightily in response. Any promise for a stable home was beyond price for these outcasts beyond outcasts in the post broken world wandering.

As the Thriceborn retreated unto themselves, the village drifted grateful into sleep. Fortunes unimagined tumbled behind minds and eyes no longer bereft of fragile hope. Dawn would clarify murky forecasts no language mapped reliable as yet. But slumber if still terrain for nightmares yet sketched now at least safe camps aesthetic in mental vista for earnest dreamers to briefly take solace inside...