Chapter 2- Visit

It was the dead of night.

The wind was too strong for their faces to handle, so a protection spell was cast to prevent it from hitting. The surroundings began to change before their eyes to a more forested area. That was expected, since the Beastman Nation, for protection, was a kingdom surrounded by thick forest.

Unfriendly beasts such as dire wolves, venomous spiders and wyverns were commonly spotted around these areas, so Edith constantly observed where they were heading.

They were riding through heavy woodlands before stopping to set up camp. The wolf curled up into a ball to rest. Edith, Nuro and Ashe set up a fire and sat around it. They didn't have much food on them, so they had to make do with whatever meat and fruit the forest provided.

Up in the trees, Edith spotted what looked like apples. He conjured up the wind element in the palm of his hand and aimed it straight toward them.

"Aura Blade." He chanted, then the wind shot toward it and cut down about four-one extra. He picked them up and added them to his dimensional storage before continuing onward. Then he came across a river. But it wasn't safe to drink nor bathe in. He spotted sea serpents swimming through-about three metre long snakes with a deadly bite. He would've used them for meat if they weren't venomous.

"Tch…" He just left them alone and continued along.

The trees in this world were alive. He sensed many sprites and spirits watching him carefully, continuously scanning him for any ill intent toward their beloved forest. He wanted to ask them about any fruits that were edible, or any beasts they could've had for supper. Although whenever he approached them, they reeled back, disappearing from view. It was as if they were frightened of him for some reason.

"Hey…I'm friendly, you know?" He said out loud. The sound of whispering erupted from all directions.

"Come on, I just want to ask about any fruits my friends and I could eat. We wouldn't be here for long."

"Whisper, whisper, whisper."

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Whisper, whisper, whisper." Then abruptly, he heard them silently laughing at him.

"Forget it." A slightly blood thirsty aura surrounded his body, but quickly dissipated after he calmed. He didn't want them thinking ill of him after all. He left the area and continued searching. Soon, he found a completely open area with vines covering the flooring. Trees were arranged in a perfect circle around him, forming a canopy overhead. He couldn't sense any beasts, but he did see fruits hanging from the various branches. They were mostly apples, but also some oranges. He used Aura Blade to cut them down and collected about 3 of both. That should've been enough to keep themselves going until tomorrow.

"Just enough…" Him and Ashe could go without eating for more than a few days because of their endurance, but he was worried about Nuro. Water magic kept them all hydrated, but there wasn't any magic to conjure up a meal. Otherwise, world hunger would've been solved already and the purchase of such things would've ultimately been irrelevant.

He made a mental note to ensure that ready to eat meals are always on his character.

He was about to return to camp when he felt a sudden coldness envelop his entire body. He jumped back, but it followed him. He was about to call on Ashe to enter her sword form and appear in his hands, but decided against it. Because the energy was one he recognized.

"Ionia…" He chuckled. Then promptly, he felt someone materialise behind him. It was a girl around his height with short curly light green hair and white skin. Her little eyes were the colour of leaves and her tiny lips were in a constant smile. Her gorgeous slender body wore a long sleeved dark green ankle-length dress with a bow in the middle. She had a white rose stuck into her hair with shiny reddish glitter sprinkled onto it.

She had her arms wrapped around Edith's neck from behind as she hugged herself close to his back. She was excited to see him, for it had been over a month since their last meeting.

"You're a meanie…Edith…you haven't come see me for over a month already…How come you're always so busy? I'm your girlfriend, remember? You need to make more time for me otherwise I'll get mad!"

"Ionia…" He surrendered to her, leaning into Ionia's embrace, "...My apologies. I've just been busy the past month."

"You're always busy though…is adventuring really that time consuming? If you want, you could quit and come live with me in this forest! I promise you it's more fun than it looks! You'll even be blessed with the favour of Goddess Artemis since you fit all the categories."

"No thanks…a forest doesn't really suit me, Io...Besides, I already have the blessings of Amaterasu, Alastor, Magus and Osiris. I don't need any more."

"That's a bummer…" She giggled, "...Are you on a mission right now? There's a wolf sitting at a campfire with Ashe and another fox…they're with you, right?"

"Oh…yeah. They are. And no, I'm not assigned to anything right now. I'm on a personal quest to kill the Beast King. He betrayed me and my party and sold us out to the Death Faction the other day even though we were the ones who rescued his daughter from the Theocracy. I'm going to make him pay."

"The Beast King is an S-Ranked though…you're not going to die, are you?" Concern filled her high pitched, feminine voice as she inquired.

"No, no, of course not. I have the blessings of the Gods while he does not. That's the only reason why he cannot win."

"Good." She leaned onto him even more, rubbing her face into his neck, "However…as punishment for taking so long…I'm keeping you here for the rest of the week!"

"The rest of the week?! Y-you've got to be kidding me!"

"No, I'm not." He turned himself around to look at her small oval shaped face, and saw the seriousness in her glossy eyes, "Stay with me until the week ends and I'll forgive you. Don't worry about the Goddess of Death…I'll ask our Goddess to deter your scent so you'll be invisible to Achlys. Please, Edith?"

"Nn…fine." He heaved a sigh in defeat, "Since you're my lover, I will. But just until the end of the week. It's only like…three days, right?"

"Thank you Edith!!!" She threw her arms around him and strongly embraced him. He returned it just as tightly. Her flowery scent filled his nostrils and gave him a sense of tranquility he hadn't felt since his previous visit.

"I love you."

"I love you too."


They returned to the camp with enough food for everyone. Nuro was half asleep on Ashe's shoulder. They both sensed Edith's arrival and looked in his direction.

"Ionia?" Ashe asked, "That's a surprise. What are you doing here?"

"A Dryad? You know this girl, Edith?" Nuro followed, equally confused.

Ionia glared toward Ashe in particular and hugged Edith's arm to her chest, pouting at her,

"What do you me-BWAH-" Edith promptly covered her mouth to prevent her from saying anything stupid. And with her glaring at him,he took over the conversation,

"This is Ionia, a Dryad, and my lover. We met about 7 years ago when I stumbled into this forest while fleeing some monsters…" He blushed a little, "...She found me while I was gathering fruit for us to eat tonight." He opened up his dimensional storage and removed seven apples and three oranges. Nuro immediately beamed and stole one of each,

"Thank you, Edith! I was starving!"

"Much appreciated, Edith." Ashe took two of the apples and fed on to the wolf, who howled in delight.


Edith seated Ionia beside Ashe and sat next to her. She stuck to him like glue while constantly glaring at the Sword Spirit. It seemed like those two didn't particularly like each other…

"Munch, munch. These apples taste so different from the ones back at home. They're much sweeter! And these oranges are good too! Where'd you find them, Edith?"

"Oh…it was near a river I stumbled upon." He replied.

"A river?" Ashe smiled, "I could use a bath. Is the water safe?"

"No. The river is home to a number of water serpents. I don't recommend bathing there unless you've got a poison resistance. But you and I should be fine."

"I see." Then Ashe stood to her feet, "I'll be off then." She approached the boy and lovingly stroked his cheek, "Keep a lookout for any monsters while I'm gone. Call me if you need anything."

"Right." He sternly nodded, "Be careful."

She glanced over to the already angered Ionia and chuckled, as if taunting her, before leaving.

"I wish I could take a bath…my fur is all bloodied." Nuro looked at her fur with displeased eyes, "Edith, will water magic take the stains out?"

"Not on its own, no. For that you'll need a cloth to scrub with. I'll buy you one when we reach the Beastman nation."

"Ahhh don't worry about that! Your fur is already beautiful!" Ionia happily shouted, "If anything, the redness just adds to it."

"Don't say that." Edith scolded, "Io, even if it's just to cheer her up, that's not an enemy's blood. It's her own. She was a prisoner in a Count's mansion I infiltrated during a commission from the king of the Aznozian Empire."

"Right…" Ionia looked a little hurt, "...Sorry."

"It's fine…" Then another awkward silence befell the three. Nuro was happily munching away at the fruit, Zack was sleeping, and the two lovers were silent. They both had things to talk about, but were too nervous to say anything. They both just watched as the fire slowly burned through the night.

Soon, Ashe returned. Her body was wet and her long flowing hair was no longer in a bun, but open for all to see.

"I have returned, Edith." She sat beside Nuro and twinkled, "The serpents were nothing for me."

"Good." He already knew that though. Ashe took another apple, but gave it to him,

"Eat something. You will need your strength for tomorrow."

"Oh…yeah." He took a bite, and the sweetness filled his mouth. He couldn't help but silently groan in pleasure at the taste. Then he turned to Ionia, who appeared to be lost in thought.

"Io." He called out. She slowly looked at him.


"Here. Open up."

"Oh…" Her eyes lit up, "...Ahhhh." Edith smirked as he placed some of the apple in her mouth. She bit through it and chewed. Her cute face brought a smile to his own.

"It's good…" She muttered, "...Thanks sweetie."

"Io…" He put the apple to the ground and put a hand onto her chin. She was startled by the sudden touch, but gazed at him with anticipation in her eyes. He leaned into her face and lightly kissed her lips. She leaned into him herself, and an overwhelming bliss entered her body.

"Mmm…" When they reeled back about five seconds later, her eyes were sparkling, "...Edith…thank you…" Tears started forming in her eyes as she sniffled. She wanted to cry out of pure joy, but since others were nearby, she held back.

"We haven't seen each other for over a month. I'm sorry. I've just been…busy. I'll explain it to you later when we're alone."

"Yes!" She vigorously nodded, "Tell me all about the adventures you've had while we were separated. Don't leave a single thing out!"

"Of course." He patted her head, "Want another bite?"

"Sure. Ahhhhh."

After the food was finished, Edith thought it was an appropriate time to tell the others about the deal he made.

"To put it simply, since I haven't visited her for a month-"

"-Approximately a month and a half." She corrected him.

"-A month and a half. She wants me to stay till the end of the week. So unless you three are fine with moving on your own, we won't be able to leave for three days."

"That's justified though! You meanie, Edith!" She smacked the side of his arm in slight anger.

Ashe seemed fine with staying. Zack did as well. As for Nuro, she was concerned. She didn't like the idea of staying in a forest for three days. After all, food isn't very plentiful, and sleeping on the ground has always felt uncomfortable for her.

"Awww does that mean we have to sleep on the floor for THREE DAYS Edith? You know I can't do that! I hate sleeping in the woods! Think about how our fur will get! I don't want my fur to be all ruffled up! Fur is a Beastman's pride and honour!"

"Tch…" Ionia was about to yell at her, but Edith stopped her.

"No, if we do stay, she'll be taking us to her own separate dimension through a dimension gate. It's a village where the sprites, Dryads and their Goddess, Artemis, live. They know me and Ashe so they'll be fine with us visiting."

"That's a relief! Sleeping on the floor is like trying to cross a pit of lava with no clothes on…yeesh…" She visibly shivered at the thought, though Edith couldn't tell whether or not she shivered at the lava or the sleeping on the floor thing.

"You're a fox though, shouldn't you be like, used to this kinda stuff?" Ionia asked.

"Hecks no! While I MAY be a fox, that doesn't mean I sleep on the floor! I sleep in beds! BEDS! I can't stand the thought of spending a night out in the wilderness like adventurers do! My fur, my fur will be ruined!"

"Nnn…" 'God…you're so obnoxious…' Was what Ionia thought at that exact moment. Even Ashe seemed annoyed. Edith didn't care though. His ever so constant gloomy demeanor prevented him from feeling anything at the time. Ionia looked at him and stopped.

"She is correct, in a way." Ashe added, "Foxes like Edith are used to spending the night outdoors or in caves. In my opinion, you are just spoiled."

"Sp-spoiled?!" Nuro was taken completely aback, her blissful self took a turn for the worst in embarrassment and shock by her words, "W-what do you mean, spoiled?! Y-you take that back!"

"I was merely stating the facts." Then she turned to Edith, "Am I correct, Edith?"

"Maybe, maybe not. I know nothing of Nuro. Who am I to judge her in this regard?"

"My apologies." She agreed with him, "That eluded me."

"Th-that's right! You can't say I'm spoiled just yet! Hahaha!"

Moving past that, once they were finished eating, Edith found it fitting to travel to Ionia's home for the night. He stood up and extended his hand, which she willingly grasped with a kiss.

"Shall we go?" He asked her. She responded with a nod,

"Yeah. Everyone's finished so let's get a move on." She sent an abrupt glare toward Nuro and Ashe though-only Nuro reacted by taking a fearful step back with a shiver, "Just don't get in the way of me and Edith and we'll be a-okay!"

"…" He pretended he didn't hear that.

The doorway to the Ionia's dimenion, which was called the 'Faerie Realm,' was nothing but a manifestation of a large wooden double door covered in vines, dirt and leaves. Opening it led to a massive dimly lit stone passageway, which eventually led to a blinding green light. Going through, the party found themselves in the midst of a circular grass field underneath a sparkling night sky. It was then, they had reached the Faerie Realm.

As monsters were prohibited from the area, Edith revoked Zack's summoning and he returned to his shadow. All but him and Ashe looked around. They were half expecting to be met with the residence straight off the bat, but it appeared as though they were waiting instead.

"Here we are, my home!" Ionia exclaimed, "Want to go meet with the locals? Or do you just want to go straight to Artemis?"

"Take me to Artemis. My scent is still prominent."

"Alright then! Follow me."

"Are we really going to see Artemis, Edith?!" Nuro, excited, interjected, "How are you friends with so many Gods?!"

"I don't consider myself 'friends' with any of them. We know each other and that's it."

"Sure doesn't sound that way…" She pouted a little, "...It must be nice having so many blessings though. If I had all of those I'd do soo much...You're really lucky, Edith! Definitely the strongest in the world!"

"…" He saw things through Nuro's perspective. As an outsider who knew nothing of the curse which befell him, nor about his circumstances of reincarnation, it was just natural for Nuro to look up to him like that. His view of things were the complete opposite.

"Let's just go." He said.


"Nnn…" Ionia found herself even more on edge with that little fox.


Artemis's throne room was located at the very center of the dimension, within the village which Ionia was born in. She lived inside of what mortals called the 'Life Tree,' in which all life of the spirits of nature were created. She sat upon a throne of wood with a dryad on either side. When the two saw him, they eyed him sympathetically, whereas Ionia and Ashe's presence brought up a smile on their faces.

"Edith. Welcome." Artemis was a beautiful woman who appeared to be in her early twenties with long flowing ocean blue hair, white skin, striking yellow eyes and a lengthy white and blue gown. She got up from her throne, her aura emitting something fierce yet gentle, and greeted the four with a twinkle in her eyes.

Edith, Ashe, Nuro and Ionia all bowed respectfully to the Goddess, who urged them up. Then he spoke out,

"Lord Artemis, thank you for allowing me to visit. I'm happy you've been doing well."

"Likewise. I assume you're here because Ionia forced you to rest again?"

"As usual...hahaha." He dryly chuckled, "I really have been neglecting her though...haven't I…"

"Yes, you have!" Ionia barked at him as she grind her teeth together, "It's been a month and a half since the last time we met! How could you, Edith!"

"How long will you be staying?"

"Three days."


She lifted her arms, then a sparkling green light befell the boy and enveloped him, changing both his scent and his aura to that of a nature spirit's. After that, he opened his eyes and heaved a small groan of comfort.

"Thank you, Lord Artemis…"

"The effect should last for at least three weeks. You wouldn't have to worry about being attacked for a while."

"Three weeks?"

"Yes." She smiled sincerely at the fox-boy, "I know how tough it is for you to live in constant fear. I wanted to ease your suffering for at least a little while so you can live normally."


If it hadn't been for the magic concealing his emotions, he would be in tears right then. Instead, all he did was force a smile toward her, hoping she understands his appreciation.

"Thank you…" He couldn't show any of his emotions. He only hoped that Artemis didn't see it as an insult.

"You're welcome, Edith." She seated herself at her throne once more, "Inform me of your leave when your stay is over. I wish to bestow another blessing onto you."

"I will."

With that, their time inside the Life Tree was concluded.

The party split up for the while, with Ashe going her separate way to secure a lodging, Nuro ecstatically exploring the dimension, and Edith with Ionia. The fragrant scent of vanilla, raspberry or cinnamon filled the atmosphere as the couple sat down with three other entities, all beings associated with nature, her friends. They chatted together for hours, with Edith mostly just sitting and observing, speaking only when prompted.

Everyone seemed elated that he agreed to stay. They were concerned about his health, since they knew of his unfortunate circumstances.

"So what have you been up to the past month, Edith?" One of them, a girl in a similar attire as Ionia, inquired. He idly responded,

"Trying to get stronger."

"You're always doing that. At this point, I doubt there's anyone stronger than you in the mortal realm. Are you sure you can't just settle down with us? Artemis is more than willing to conceal your scent from Achlys."

He thought about what happened to his little sister on that faithful day ten years ago. The way Achlys attacked, her disciples killing the citizens of the small fox village he previously lived his mind, settling down would be betraying both himself, his village, and his sister.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. As you already know, I'm on a mission to hunt down and kill the Goddess of Death. No matter what I do, I must achieve this…"

They gazed woefully at his desolate, barren eyes, wishing that he would even consider giving up the unreasonable mission he put upon himself when he was just eight years of age. Ionia especially, because she didn't want to lose her boyfriend to Death.

"What happened to your other party members?" Ionia questioned. Edith stared at her for a couple seconds, his fists clenching together then releasing.

"We were attacked by the Death faction while inside a dungeon a couple days ago...My party members were terribly injured. Luckily, no one was slain, but after that...I knew I had to abandoned them."

"I see…" Her eyes were downcast, "...I liked them. But if you felt the need to do so...then maybe it was for the best."

"You told us that they were like family to you...that Lucy was like the sister you're fighting for...How have you been coping with their loss? Are you alright?"

"I don't feel anything anymore. So I can't say whether or not I'm… 'fine' If you're asking me if I was okay with leaving them like that, then yes. I was. They're all 'A' ranked adventurers, more than capable of handling themselves on the battle field."

"Ahaha...alright then…" A little freaked by his words, Ionia's friend reeled back, "...Well, the offer still stands. Come live with us anytime you feel like it, Edith."

"Yeah! You can stay in my house as well." Ionia exclaimed, hugging the boy, "I'd be more than happy if you did."

"Thank you."

"No problem." Her friend stated, "Since one of us is your bride to be, you're more than welcome to."

"Who would've thought Ionia's future husband would be the favored one though. Hahaha."


'The favored one.'

That was a title both spirits and mortals bestowed upon him after four out of the five Elder Gods gave him their blessings.

Did Edith consider himself 'favored' though?

No. Far from it.

Edith bore an intense hatred toward all five of them, regardless of what they've done to aid him.

It was because of them both him and Elzia were torn away from their perfect lives on Earth and thrown into what basically is a breeding ground for violence and hatred.

It was because of them she was cruelly taken away from him, put into an eternal coma that which none can awaken from.

It was because of them he was forced to negate his emotions with magic in order to even survive in such a place without going insane.

The Elder Gods were more like bloodthirsty, uncaring devils from up above who only care about expanding their ranks and increasing their foothold in the two worlds.

And he hated them more than anything else. In fact, he abhorred anything even baring a slight resemblance to them.

If it hadn't been for their intervention on his fourteenth birthday all those years ago...He would still be living with Elzia back on Earth. They would've been just attending the high school that both of them wanted to pass for. But instead…

He couldn't even bare to recall those memories...the final moments of their past lives together on Earth on that faithful day…

The blood. The guts. The sinister laughs of their so-called escorts who mocked him as she killed what was most precious to him right in front of his eyes. Trying to remember it call made him sick to his stomach.

Elzia…' Reviving Elzia and putting an end to Achlys's reign was his ultimate goal. One which he was determined to achieve even if it meant sacrificing his own meaningless life.

'One day…' One day, he swore to himself, 'One day...I will have my revenge…'


The time to leave quickly befell the party of three. They stood in the same forest as before with Ionia in slight tears. She took Edith by the hand and gazed loving into his hollow green and red eyes,

"Edith...before you go…" She muttered. A tear streaked down her cheek and dripped onto the palm of his hand, "...If...if your journey ever becomes too much for you to bear...remember that you're not alone, alright? I'll always be here waiting for you."

She then nodded, continuing,

"So don't you go dying on me."

"Thank you. And...sorry for being so late again."

"I'm still mad at you...but I understand. Please come visit me again soon, Edith."

They released their grip on each other. Afterwards, Edith cast a pentagram onto the ground and recalled his summoned wolf, Zack, which they all boarded.


"See ya later, Ionia!" Nuro waved to her cheerfully, partly disappointed that she's leaving.

"I bid you farewell, dryad." Ashe followed in her usual stoic speech. Then Edith sent the spirit a forced smile,

"I'll be back."


She watched in sadness and reassurance as they rode off…

But soon, she broke down in silent tears.

"I...I know you'll be back, Edith...but must accept reality...Your sister...she...she isn't ever going to wake up."