The Assault Aftermath

News reporters and multiple Neo Brauns soldiers are being under arrested. Ursula and Amalia is being escorted with Emma, all of them with special Blue Magical Girl handcuffs and muzzles that made them unable to use any powerful spells.

The Vigilantes and AWM soldiers are being treated at the medical tent, but the stoned victims aren't saved through and break down after a touch, as if they're being denied to save them.

The following operation reports:

-Esmeralda Cruz have received credit and some captures from this operation, and survivor of the battle.

-Cassandra Brooks have revealed the second highest capture rate, and some kills. Her most achievement is aiding Lyra capturing the Raubvogel from the Wicked Dragon.

-Allison Mathews have revealed to have the second highest kill count.

-Lyra Black had been revealed to have the most captures from the Wicked Dragon with some credit had been give to the other two, Cassandra and Dorothy.

-Rebecca Wolfe have received some captures, and third highest kill count, her highest achievement is the capture of a High Officer of the Neo Brauns Army, Lt. Ursula Jaeger.

-Katherine Fitzgerald have revealed to have the highest kill count, and the capture of a High Officer of the Neo Brauns Army, Dr. Amalia Meier.

-Dorothy Crawford have got been given credit of Raubvogel capture thus have the third highest capture rate, a successful operation, and the capture of the Eva of the Neo Brauns Army, Emma von Wolfgang.

Dorothy is sitting at the medical tent, while looking down to see her Slipper Wands, heavily damaged and overused. Blood is being pump into her, as she had lost a significant amount of blood, with Darien is right next to his side.

Becky is also having blood pump into her.

Serena is doing all of the paperwork.

Lyra is trying to avoid publicity work but being forced into interviews. She knows that it's meant for their channels diversity audience, and calling it her operation.

Still in uniform, Cassandra is sitting alone with Johnny with him being her older brother, under as Jonathan Brooks.

Katherine walks up to her. 'How are you feeling?'

The Brooks are feel uneasy after meeting up with her, but Cassandra held Johnny hand to calm him down.

'I'm fine. Just...' Cassandra pulls out her Switchblade Wand and playing around with it. 'I wonder what would happen, if you have encountered this Witch you have been hunting down?'

'Easy, kill her.' Katherine laughs. 'You think that after killing Witches, here at Vinyard, is gonna stop me? No.' She shakes her head. 'No. I wanted to make sure every Witch is dead, since Witches are the sole reason why my life been a living hell.'

'So you don't treat them as people?'

'Not really. When they have to rely on the dark arts, then why would they be considered as human anymore. Then again,' She pull out her Locket. 'I can say the same thing about these, since I don't consider myself as human. We're women who have arcane abilities to rival them.'

'I wouldn't say, rival them per say. If they manage to hack the Lockets, and show off on how powerful they are, I say we can only rival the physical feet, or even out match them when it comes to that.'

'True, Brooks. Because even I have a hard time, killing these Witches. But even so, if I died here, at least I can die equally to them.' Katherine pulls out a cigarette.

'Can I have one?'

Katherine offer one from the box. 'Not very ladylike of you, to be smoking.'

'Let say that I smoke like a woman from the 50's.' Cassandra snarks as she start smoking herself.

'So how did your life turn to hell?'

Cassandra remembers her time at 50's half naked, and violated in an alleyway. 'A guy who pretends to like me, part of a gang, did a bang on me.'

'Ah! Then maybe talk with Mathews over there.' She points, to see her being ignored by multiple channels for either Lyra, Esmeralda, or other diverse Vigilantes.

'Nah.' Cassandra smokes. 'Unlike her, I have to learn to cope from it. I don't hide behind it, like I'm a special kind of snowflake. Anyways, I been thinking, what would happen if the Witch you're hunting wanting peace between you two?'

'If she does, then she needs to die.' Katherine smiles as Cassandra isn't bothered herself while Johnny is looking concern for his Master. 'I can understand why though. The Magical Girls motto is to defeat the villain or redeem the villain. But sadly, that's a black and white motif, and I'm gonna keep it that way.'

'Then in your eyes, killing Witches is redeeming them?'


This surprised both of them while Katherine continue to smoke.

'I know what I'm doing is just defeating the villain, but redeeming them? To me, that's their decision. A way of mercy killing.'

'So killing them cold heartedly, or mercy kill?'

'Pretty much. I have no interest to sympathize with them. Why sympathize with Witches? It's like those God awful documentaries or biopic movies where they show the events of a serial killer past, trying to make us feel sorry for them but in the end, they committed the crime regardless.' Took one big puff in the air. 'It's like what you said about Mathews. You two had been victims, but it's how you handle it. If those serial killers wanted to be redeemed? Then they must die in the hands of their victims. A taste of hell in the afterlife. Mathews, and I'm talking with experience here when it comes to hatred, she have her eyes to the Red Dorm. Which I won't mind going in myself, since Red Magical Girls are supposed to express their hatred while hiding behind a pretty title.'

'I do hear that Witches do hate the Red Magical Girls.'

'Then this Witch you had met, she will totally come after me.' Katherine seem excited of the idea.

'And what happen if she disappeared, and never done any kind of crimes again?'

'Honestly, I don't know how I should feel about it. I would rather have her killed or kill me. Simple, black and white situation.'

'I see.' Cassandra slowly nods as she foot rub her cigarette. 'By the way, when I met Olivia Johnston, she said that she was being hunted down by five? What happen to the other four?'

'Officially? Witch killed them. But privately, I killed them because they felt apologetic on killing an innocent girl. Since none of us weren't going to the Pink Dorm, so none of us don't have the authority of redeeming the villain. And since I'll be going Red, I'll keep the color on my sleeve.' Katherine foot rub her cigarette. 'I'll be heading home. I want to sleep this night off. So see if in the Academia. Maybe.'

Katherine start walking to Chicago direction.

'See you later, Fitzgerald.' Cassandra sign. 'Then what the hell am I supposed to do now?'

Meanwhile, Becky manage to got up before Dorothy. She walks up to Esmeralda. 'Hey!'

She placed her arm around her.

'So how was your first mission?!'

Esmeralda seem to be horrified. 'Oh! Um? I think it went well, but still haven't awaken my powers.' She lies.

'You'll find out soon enough, but don't know why you haven't though, since I had seen so many different powers flying around throughout the night. But you'll find your conviction though.'

'Well, yes. I'll find my conviction.' She gives an awkward laugh.

Mary who is looking over Becky's shoulder. 'She's obviously lying.'

'Hm?' Becky turn to Mary. 'What do you mean?'

Esmeralda is looking confused and see the direction of Becky, but doesn't see anyone though.

'She just needs a little push. Maybe I'll continue on training her on fighting?' Becky shadow box. 'I'm a better fighter than a spell slinging.' Becky laughs it off. 'I mean, yeah. You could teach her about...? Who the hell is La Llorona? Isn't she a ghost?' Becky is beyond confused while Esmeralda seem very uncomfortable about Becky is talking to herself. 'Wait? Is she really a Witch? Then what kind of Spells do you think she teach Esmeralda here?' She holds Esmeralda around her arm, by the time she was about to leave Becky there to talk on her own. 'Is there a such a spell?' Becky seems annoyed. 'What do you mean you don't know? Aren't you a Witch yourself?' Becky have cross her arms. 'Ever since Glinda had got us stuck into that giant pot, we seem to be stuck together.' Tilting her head. 'Eh? What do you mean you were meant to take over, killing me in the process?' Get into a fighting stance. 'Then how about we grab one of those Nazi Witches, and we can put you into one of them?'

Esmeralda slowly walking away, but Becky held her wrist to keep her there.

'Alright then, that explains you. But what about Annabelle Rose there?' She points right to the ground. 'What do you mean you weren't expecting her to be a Witch? I didn't know she was a Witch myself. This is all new to me.'

Another police vehicle arrives, and it seem to be the Texas branch. A female officer with the chief of police, who have a very old school western vibes. The female officer walk up to the AWM, speaking in a southern belle accent. 'Sorry to bother you, but may I speak to the lead Vigilante behind this operation?'

'Right this way.'

The Captain of the AWM walk up to Dorothy, which Darien stand in her place.

'Sorry, but...' Darien is coming up with a somewhat lie, 'my sister is still recovering.'

'Sorry sir, but this lovely officer want to speak to your sister.'

'Name, please?'

She reveal herself. 'Charlotte Wright.'

Dorothy open her eyes, heard her voice. Pure fear. She stood up, and heavily breaths, till she put up a game face of a happy-go girl.

'Pleasure to meet you!'

Dorothy smiles.

Charlotte offer her hand, which Dorothy tries to reach it but play like she couldn't lift her arm.

'Perhaps we can take a rain check on that handshake?'

'Sure.' Charlotte smile like an angel. 'I heard that you have lead this operation, and out of all the chances, how did you manage to find this place? Knowing it was a base for the Neo Brauns Army?'

Dorothy doesn't look at her then continue to play coy. 'Let say that it was blind luck, but I had to think like her.'

'Interesting, interesting.' Charlotte smiles as she nods. 'I wish we could see more like you, as our Magical Girls. It's such a shame that you don't have all this glory to yourself, and not to share it with those who truly don't deserve it.'

Feeling insulted on the behalf of both Lyra and Esmeralda. 'I don't deserve all of the credit. I need help in order to bring down such beings who break the law.'

'Of course.' Charlotte continue to smile.

'So brought you up here, in Iowa?'

'The Neo Brauns Army had been a problem with us from Texas. Aren't willingly to follow rules, and acting like they're the superior people. Such a shame, that those who sympathize with them, can't seem to accept where they belong and who they idolized like he's a God chosen hero, like Abraham, Noah, Moses, etc. So I had been trying to arrest them, and give them such treatment that they deserve. With maybe some capital punishment. They disrespect our beloved country flag, but worshipping the Nazi flag.'

'How... un-American they really are.'

'Exactly.' She laughs, while Dorothy joins in an awkward way. 'Seeing them gonna face the American justice, and I'll make sure they'll face it head on.'

'Mrs. Wright!' The Chief of Texas Police. 'Time to help the Anti-Witch Militia to escort them back to a nearby HQ!'

'Coming Mr. Stallion!' She put on her hat, to hit it in a Witch way. Hiding her eyes. 'That's my close friend, Striker Stallion.'

Both Lyra and Esmeralda, both in uniform, walk up to offer a handshake to her. She slightly ignores them with a smile and a bow, without showing her disdained eyes.

'So, Dorothy. How are you feeling?' Lyra asked.

Cassandra with Johnny, and Becky joins them.

Dorothy is walking away with Serena and Darien.

Her Wicked Witches have caught up to her.

'Dorothy? What's wrong?' Cassandra spoke out of concern.

Dorothy turn with a pale face, knowing who she have met in person. 'Have...' She shutters. 'Any of you met, a powerful person before?'

All of them turn to Vinyard and points at it, but Lyra holds a picture of her twin sister.

'Well, Lyra got it right. But it's someone far worst. And after this experience, I don't want go after her yet. Nor any other Salem Witch for awhile.'

'What person did you met?' Becky asked.


Lyra and Esmeralda recognized who she's talking about, but both Becky and Cassandra are confused.

'Charlotte White?' Lyra asked.

'The Plague Witch of Slavery?' Esmeralda adds.

Dorothy slowly but horrifyingly nods. She sign of relief, once both Charlotte Wright and Striker Stallion have left the area.

'I'm gonna fly around for now. Darien! Serena!' Both of them leap onto Dorothy's Feather Float, after she pull out one of her winged feathers. Darien, still in his human form while Serena join in. 'Are you guys coming? I might be heading to Chicago for paperwork for the rest of the day.'

'No thank you. We might be heading home, Witch style.' Lyra softly cackles.

'Johnny will take us, but how about a Feather Float first?' Cassandra suggest. 'So we all think we can we're leaving like a Magical Girl.'

'Sure thing.' Dorothy pulls out two more.

Becky and Esmeralda share one, then the other is shared by three others.

'See you all later then!' Dorothy flies away while her Wicked Witch Guild are heading back home at a little town of Oztown, Kansas.