Trip Preparations

Dorothy is packing everything up for her weekend trip for the Catch Up Cabin at Colorado with Darien, who's looking onwards.

'Are you sure you don't want to join me, Darien? It could be fun?' Dorothy smiles with an excited tone.

Darien shakes his head. 'I would rather not, Master Dorothy. The cold isn't something I'm not looking forward to. Johnny is on the same boat, but doesn't know about Serena but I highly doubt it since she possibly doesn't want to go to a place with Witches in it.'

'Then how else can we teleport here and there?' Dorothy asks.

'I can still hear your calls, since a Familiar's job is to answer their Master's call. But Johnny and I will be joining you, but I never went to Colorado. So I'll hitch a ride with Johnny.'

Dorothy grabs Darien and snuggle up with him by the cheek.

'So don't worry Master, I ain't gonna leave you. Like how Mrs. Greene did.'

The comment stops from whatever Dorothy is doing, then remembers her time, being buried by the house and fire, after her fight against Emma von Wolfgang. Then sees a scared Almira Green, teleport away, to leave her to die.

The memory is starting to heat up her body as she remembers the heat of the house.

'Ouch, ouch, ouch! Master Dorothy! You're burning up!'

He scratches her and leaps off onto the bed. The scratch snaps Dorothy out of it.

'Sorry, Darien!' Dorothy sat back down then self healed the scratch that Darien gave her. 'It's just that… how crazy it is that she still hasn't come back after two weeks. And I have…'


Dorothy turns to see Olivia is standing at her door.

'Hey, Ollie. So have you finished packing up for tomorrow's trip?' Dorothy walks up to her. She sat next to her with Johnny.

'I know what you're going through. Having that feeling of losing a Mentor. I still remember that feeling of losing Sandra to Fitzgerald.'

Dorothy looked down then placed her head on her hands. 'I have this feeling of loss. That feeling of going into this world alone, without someone to guide me through it at least. And we're all in this together, but you, Abbie, and Kayla got someone who looked after you three for much longer than I.'

'You had Almira for three months. She'll be back, unlike Kayla and I, you still have a Mentor. Hers got killed by a Magical Girl, and mine by a bunch of Vigilante punks. Lorona got her mom, Abbie is with Mrs. Webster right now, and Becky, I don't even think she needs a Mentor in you right now since she got Serena.'

'I just don't know how to react? I wanted to give her a punch to leave me for dead, but I also understand why she had to leave me behind. I've always been told that Witches will betray one another in order to survive. And seeing someone that must have caused her pain and agony, I just don't know how I'll react when I meet her.'

'There's nothing but hatred in my mind, when it comes to Fitzgerald. And even I don't know what I would do. If I go on with the plan on killing her, or just let her be? I don't know, but what I do know is that we'll be making decisions together, and since you're our Guild Leader, we'll be at your side.' Olivia back pats her then gets up and about to leave her room. 'Oh yeah,' She remembers. 'Both Johnny and Darien know where she lives, and they can take you to her. And yes, I have finished packing, and I'll be driving.' Shows off the keys, and her licence card that goes by the public name of; Cassandra Black. 'I got my licence during the summer while we were fixing up Oztown.'

Dorothy chuckled. 'You know, I still find it funny that women can drive a vehicle. Back then, it would be nothing but bikes or need a man to keep an eye out on us.'

Olivia bobs her head a bit. 'Back in my time, we do get the sexist comments of having men say that women can't drive.' Looking out then back. 'I still can't believe that it has lasted so much longer than I expected.'

'We shouldn't judge, since like how sexist men have been saying that to us, we also live in those times. The difference is, we're willing to accept change, while keeping it true to ourselves.'

'Nor, we aren't the ones trying to force it down everyone's throats, like how these modern people are.' Makayla joins in. 'Like after watching these reactors and Vtubers, so fake. Back in my day, if you had a problem, you just walked up to the person and said it to their face.'

'Sounds like from my day, but I'll admit,' Olivia pulls out a picture of the men that had assaulted her back in the 1950's. 'When you see them behind closed doors, they act tough. But when You get them, they start acting like nothing more than Greaser posers.' Olivia flicks her Switchblade Wand, then remembers an elderly man who was the lead assaulter, killing him right there. Cackle over the kill.

Dorothy then remembers as she's grabbing her stuff. 'By the way, do you know the other Greaser Witches that we saw in Ralfston?'

All three with the Familiars, walking behind them.


'Oh, you do know her.' Dorothy placed her bags right next to her friends while passing by what seemed to be music notes and lyrics on the table, written by Olivia.

All three sat at the table.

'Yeah, I do. First kind-of-friend when I woke up, roam around to be surprised and shocked by how much Chicago changed in those years. Most of us were reborn around the same time, but Karen was trying to form an all Greaser gang, like the ones in the 50's. She even tried to find women to adapt the 50's look.'

'Something what Wolfgang was trying to do?' Dorothy remembers.

'Pretty much, but Karen never had a killer instinct since she was like me, just minus the assault that turned her into what I am today.'

'Was she and her Guild were the ones you had killed? Because you do have a disturbing history of such.' Dorothy is making tea.

'Before the Guild had been formed, we had a small power struggle, since I was trying to find myself the most powerful Witches, and this was after Sandra died. To get revenge on Fitzgerald, and run Chicago. But sadly, after I killed most of her friends, I pretty much shouted that I either find a more powerful Guild with me leading or just continue on being alone.'

'So if I didn't win our Duel, you would have killed us?'

'Mostly you and Abbie, since I don't see the killer instinct from either one of you, but a member of the Magical Girl Killers, I had to have.'

Makayla laughed it off. 'Ironically, you have both at the end of that duel, and you're being viewed as Dorothy's right hand in this Guild. We're part of the most powerful Guilds out there, that had brought down a Salem Witch…' Makayla turns to Dorothy. 'By the way, Dorothy. As much as I do enjoy being part of this Guild, but now we're the Witches that snitched and only take the claim of it, it doesn't sit well for me.'

'Boss, I will agree to that. Since I don't want to look like a poser, and seeing Karen there, she might think I am a poser.'

Dorothy presents them with their tea. 'Maybe we could assert our dominance, but I don't know who?' Dorothy sat down then drank her tea then remembered by looking at the briefcase. 'How about the Salem Trials? That motorcycle gang that beat the living heck out of us?'

'Now that I can agree with you, boss!' Olivia drinks up her tea.

'Well, I wouldn't be happy if I let those leather-clan bitches get away with beating our asses.'

'Then what would our respect level increase if we beat them?' Dorothy is curious.

'Pretty big.' Darien said. 'Because if anyone can take down a Guild, it would be Master Dorothy,'

'And her Wicked Witches!' Johnny finished.

'It should be Glinda and the Wicked Witches.' Dorothy corrects them.

'Right, Master Dorothy.'

'But after that fight with Wolfgang and her Neo Brauns Army, I don't want to fight anyone that crazy strong and have an army behind them. I only want to tackle the Salem Trials because we owe them a beating.' Pulls out a contract with both agreements from both Dorothy Gardner and Mia Engel, then grins at it. 'I really have a problem with this, since Serena, Ollie, and I had to deal with this alone. But Makayla, what would you have done here?'

'Honestly, I'll be more surprised if they Do let me live, but Schultz and her Vigilante form, is by far the most dangerous Magical Girl out there. I would rather be smashed into bits, but we saw what happens when you disobey them.'

Olivia eye twitches as if she remembers her torture by daily beatings, and endless assault by the Familiars. And seeing the captured people forced to kill each other. 'Can't believe that we may have won, but we still lose to them.'

Dorothy then grabs their cups, then does a quick job on washing the dishes. 'Yeah…'

Dorothy remembers after telling Makayla what happened, she got punched by her for both the plan and the deal.

'But I did know what I'll be expecting when I made that deal. And what I'm worried about is that they kill you, Becky, Lorona, and Ollie if you leave the Guild.'

'Sounds pretty obvious when you think about it. Most Witches would do that.' Makayla nods.

Serena walked up with her packed bags. All three look at her, being surprised.

'You're coming, Serena?' Dorothy asked.

'I do want to see how Witches do learn on catching up to modern day, and hoping they aren't feeding you anything subliminal messages of hating Magical Girls. Plus, I want to have a small weekend vacation before going to Tokyo. So I recommend that you all should save your money, because the Magical Girls Global Association won't be covering the spending fee, since you all will have to handle that yourself. Plane tickets, and hotels will be covered.' Serena placed her bags right on Dorothy's briefcase.

'I feel sorry for Fitzgerald now, since she doesn't have the most appealing look.' Dorothy remembers her human form, then she remembers a certain detail about her. 'What about those who don't have Guides like you?'

'She can go to the MGGA building, let them know who she is, and they can take her to the airport for the flight. While us, we'll be travelling in a group.'

'That's good.' Dorothy is placing everything in place. 'And will Abbie be joining us in Tokyo?'

'Amy will have her girls there a bit earlier, since they're located in Germany.'

Dorothy leans back at the counter. She placed her hand together after a deep breath. 'Time to hit the road ladies!'

Makayla, Olivia and Serena are getting ready to leave, while Dorothy is foot hopping as she seems to be excited about the trip.

'Hoping the trip won't be cold up in Colorado.'

'It's Colorado. We're getting cold up there.' Makayla said to Dorothy, as they're leaving the house.

'So will Peter and Jackie be alright with both Becky and Lorona staying back here?' Dorothy asked.

Serena answered. 'Both Becky and Esmeralda are from this time period, so I doubt they need to go up to the Catch Up Cabin. Plus, when I asked Becky this morning,'

'Sorry, um, Serena? I need to examine the blood and see if there's abnormalities.'

'Quite odd, because she's not that smart nor interested in cell biology.'

They enter the small truck that they used to pull the trailer behind them, when they left for Chicago. Olivia takes the driver seat, Dorothy in the passenger seat, and both Makayla and Serena will be sitting in the back.

All of them start driving from Oztown to Colorado to the Catch Up Cabin.

Olivia seems to have some little trouble at first, till she got into it as she slowly leaves Oztown.

'Just expect to be there by late night, since we're gonna be making multiple stops. Mostly for coffee, since I'll be doing all of the driving.'



Serena is looking through multiple stuff of the Catch Up Cabin, then notices the Bad Apple. 'Do Witches name their brands after evil iconology?'

'Apple represents Freedom, as my sister would say.'

'Guess "Bad Freedom" would be bad branding, and it's not too far from it.'

'That's where we all met, Abbie included.' Dorothy answers. 'And our first fight too.'

'So why can't you have Johnny or Darien to teleport you all there?' Serena asks even more.

'Then people will question on where's the three other girls that live here, or why are there three girls skipping school? Driving there is just a cover up, an excuse.' Dorothy continues to answer.

'I see.' Serena is laying in her personal cat bed then starts to take a cat nap as they're leaving for Colorado.

Makayla is looking at the site, as she's seeing what events would be taking place.

'Do you two think we'll be having some company?'

'I think so, but I doubt it since one of the biggest incidents that did happen on that date.' Dorothy looks out the window. 'But I'll be honest here, I'm afraid of what I'll be learning from these past 100 years, since my life out here is nothing but humbling, but simple.'

'Since both Kayla and I had been living it high in the cities, but I doubt we'll learn that much. I bet we're just gonna learn something simple like math and the President's history crap.' Olivia seems to be not a fan of both subjects.

'Speaking of Presidents, who was yours? Because I had been stuck with Reagan. God, that was awful for me and my family.' Makayla is looking at her wallet and seeing her cut off of the Compound Battle.

'Never cared about politics, but I think it was some guy named Dwight something?'

'I think my pa said something about William McKinley, but not gonna lie, wish I could have heard about Theodore Roosevelt, since he ended a war. But I haven't caught up with the majority of American history.'

'Question?' Serena looks up from her nap. 'More specifically to both, Dorothy and Cassandra. How is your vocabulary for African descendants folk?'

Both Dorothy and Olivia look at each other with awkward looks, like they know what they're talking about.

Dorothy answered, 'We do think about the word, here and there.'

Makayla comically punches their heads while Olivia nearly went off road from it.

'Yeah, as much I do like both of you, but that should be the first thing that would need to be neutralized when we get up to the cabin.'

'Watch it! I'm driving here! You can hit the boss all you want, she's the one that can heal up on her own, but if we crash, we don't have Familiars to teleport us all away or don't have any Virgin Blood like the boss here!'

'Sorry! It's a force of habit when someone says that, even if a client pays me!' Makayla angrily said to both of them.

'Sorry!' Dorothy is being apologetic. 'It's a force of habit from my time period.'

'And it's pretty normal of mine.'

'I don't care! As long as you two smarten up from whatever shit your time period is from, you will behave!'

Serena seems to be smiling at the situation. 'Now that's the proper way, Lyra. Since in the MGGA, we're always ahead of the curve when it comes to social acceptances. I had to smack Dorothy for a country mistake.'

'It was a mistake! I never meant it like that!'

 Makayla softly placed her hand on Dorothy's shoulder. 'Sadly, unlike people today, where I ain't gonna just cancel your ass. I know it's just a mistake, and knowing where you come from. All I'm hoping is that you two will just come to understand, and just try your best on not to think too much of it.'

'We will.' Dorothy nods.

'Can't make any promises, since hearing my dad shout it out whenever he's angry might be troubling for me. Boss here is understandable since she doesn't interact with African-Americans.'

'Much better.' Serena nods with approval.

'And still bitter from everything, it might still take some time to understand.'

'Since us Witches have nothing but time, I can wait.'

'Now this is what I want to see.' Serena smiles while waving her tail.

They continue to talk about their time periods, and make a couple of stops as they're making their way to Colorado, to the point of arriving in Aspen late at night, then they continue to drive by to see a small town called; Wendy.

It has a small ski resort, a small restaurant where they sell all kinds of cuisine, a small coffee stop, and finally, a cabin hotel where they seem to be the only group that has arrived.

All three with Serena, acting like an actual cat to play for cover, are all looking up to the cabin.

'We're finally here!' Dorothy raised her arms up to celebrate as they saw the beauty of a small town lighten up.

The cabin reads; "The Catch Up Cabin: where peace can catch up."