"Dad pls come back early" XinXin pouted
"Don't worry XinXin I will come back as soon as I am done with the interview" I told her sincerely
XinXin is my angel, my only possession, my only family, aside from Ming tian and his girlfriend I don't have any other friends.
I am Jiang Ruffeng. Popularly known as JRF. I am an artist, a popular and successful one at that.
I am a popular artist I won headies award Asian for last year and my song that I specially dedicate to an invincible person rated NO.1 on American billboard.
Today I am going to an interview the QKTV CHINA zone invited me for any interview,
XinXin cant follow me she is going to school today
"don't worry princess I will come and pick you specially in school today" I told her planting a kiss on her forehead
"Dad I suddenly downt want to go to school again" she said
"What happened , did anyone bully you??
"No, I want to go with you"
"Xinxin you cant follow me it's a TV interview not for kids pls understand my love" I begged her
"But I am eight…. I am not a child any longer"
"Mrs.Lu pls dress XinXin for school" I called xinxin's nanny an older woman working for us
"no I don't want her to dress for me, she decorates my hair in an old fashioned way" she said rudely
"xinxin don't forget your manners she is an older person"
"who cares🙄"
"pls dress her fast or else she will be late for school" I told Mrs. Lu
"young madam this way pls" she said opening the way for xinxin
"I said I don't want to dress for school I want to go with you and I also want to wear my black chiffon gown" she said with authority
That is my daughter for you, always adamant and want to do things in her own way, I loved her, she is my first love, I tried falling in love with other women but xinxin never approved any of them.
She tend to fall sick because of my girlfriend or she plot and ambush for the girl and make her leave me. The only person that she allowed to stay with me is my childhood friend Ming tian, he the CEO of BIMS group of companies he is single though he has a girlfriend.
They are the only people allowed in my life by xinxin any other person is not allowed I agree that I spoil her, yess because she is the only family that I have left.
Whenever I am in my private studio in the house xinxin will be there for me, she will be the first to listen to my song, most of my songs are dedicated to her....this song that I won NO1. Most rated artist on apple music for was dedicated to my late brother xinxin real father….. forget about that story for another day.
We reached the QKTV news office.... there are a lot of fans already jam packed by the gate wanting either my picture or an autograph, some came to check if its really true that I have a daughter, well based on my looks nobody can easily guess that I have a daughter but......…story for another time.
We entered the news rom the camera was set and all.... Xinxin took her seat beside me the interviewer is a female she keeps looking at me smiling well its expected I know I am handsome.
"will you start the interview or will you keep starring at my dad like a fool" xinxin suddenly said
The lady jerked back to life and scramble to take her microphone and notepad .
"xinxin this is a news room compose yourself" I corrected her
"did you hate me now" she asked me looking pitiful…she knows how to capture my heart whenever she did anything wrong, she will give me a pouting look
"you know I can never hate you my princess"
The interviewer came back
Q- welcome to QKTV china zone JRF
A- My pleasure
Q- so our first question of the day... your new song "fear nobody" is dedicated to an anonymous person as stated can you give the general public more information about that??
A- well...anonymous person is a very important person to me….
Q- your girlfriend or wife??
A- lets not push it further more its confidential
Q- so what make you think of that song as 'fear nobody'
A- well since the title is 'fear nobody' and according to the lyrics I am trying to convey to my fans that no need to fear anybody they should fear only one person only the big God above, 'Big thug boys don't fear nobody as the lyrics'
Q- you released it on your weibo page that you are featuring Selena Gomez fear nobody song remix can we know why??
A- Selena is a good singer, she has a great voice that I think that if I feature her it will take the song to the next level
Q- now about your personal life are born with silver spoon or…..
A- my family is a rich family, I grow up to a business family
Q- then why did you venture into music and not your family business?
A- well my dad is dead before I was born so my brother and I was raised by my mum, my brother is an medical student he dislikes everything about business leaving me to it but I also grow up to venture into music
Q- and that your brother now is??
A- he is late
Q- sorry about that…. So did your mother agree that you become a music artist or you just did it on your free will
A- Mum dislikes it…. But my sister in-law…. She encourages me…. She sponsored my first single released song "booty bounce"
Q-yes that song "booty bounce" is a hit and after your sister-in-law sponsored you how did you now make it to this top alone??
A- well…. After some time mum agreed and she helped me not until she died and my only living inspiration Is my daughter
Q- yes... your daughter... we never heard any news about youbeing married or engaged so how come??
A- if you listen to the first song dedicated to my daughter titled "bow" I mentioned it there that "any challenger let me see your hands in the air, you have never what the battle says but I know what the battle says" that line actually carry a deep meaning that I cant be explaining on air
Q- most girls are always disappointed whenever they see your posts online most always say you break their hearts since we never know about your wife… you don't have any relationship since why is that
A- My daughter Jiang Xinxin is my only project….. I don't plan on falling in love again
Q- thank you so much Mr. Jiang Ruffeng for sparing your time to come here so what is your advice or your remark to your fans out there watching you
A- I thank everyone for following all these while, and to the girls I am sorry for disappointing you girls and to my opponets and enemies ......….**Wo, Jiang Ruffeng Wo quilala** (I, jiang Ruffeng I am back) thank you everyone ( bowed to the camera) XieXie ni.
They left
"Dad I am tired carry me on your back" XinXin pouted
"Did you do anything at the interview?? Why tired are you sick or something??
"I want you to carry me"
"Okay okay you will...this way madame" I said giving her a salute.
XinXin has her own room but she rearly sleep there, she mostly sleep in my room beside me a not long Ming tian and his girlfriend came around
"Hey man we watched your live interview it was hit" Ming tian greeted me shaking me in a street style
"It's tiring mehn, XinXin followed me there"
"I know you little urchin" Ming tian joked
XinXin came running.....
" Sister xinwei pls design my hair for me" she came running to Mo xinwei, Ming tian Girlfriend
"Humm.....my baby which style did you want?? She asked carrying her on her lap
"I want 🦄 unicorn style, the one that Mrs. Lu designed for me is ugly😣
"I will make a big unicorn style for you don't worry"
"Thank you auntie"
They both left for XinXin's room
While we men chatted
"I heard you are featuring Selena Gomez in your'fear nobody' ming tian asked
"Yes what's up with it??"
"Nothing it's okay she is a great Singer I wonder how long you will stay in this Single life for"
"Bro it's okay, I am happy with it"
"C'mon ain't you a man?? Be a man bro don't have any sexual desires??
"Cut the crap, so far there are fat butts in brothels I can always satisfy myself"
"I pity your Condition" he said laughing
"Are you making nest of me right now??
"Sorry"he said still laughing
We are always like that, always teasing each other 🙈😂😂
Boring right ?? that's my charm
Still your girl EMPRESS BIMS signed