Nick Fury

SHIELD headquarters.

Nick Fury was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in his office.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and Nick Fury walked over to the desk, sat down and said "Come in."

Nick Fury : "How's the mission going? Is that little alien girl cooperating?"

"She was very cooperative."

Natalia sorted out her words, "I got some very useful information. For example, some of Limulu's super powers, her attitude towards people on earth and her 'background'. According to my analysis, Limulu is friendly towards Earthlings, even SHIELD and is relatively harmless."

"Relatively harmless and friendly?"

Nick Fury suddenly because most aliens have superior technology to Earthlings, so it's already considered a good thing if they don't disdain human's, but being friendly is quite rare if you haven't had any alliances or interactions with them.

"Tell me about the investigation process in detail!"

"According to Limulu, she is an alien but at the same time an Earthling."

Natalia briefly introduced the 'origin' of Limulu to Nicky Fury, which was simply a summary of the information without any of her judgment.

Nick Fury was stunned when he heard that Limulu came from a parallel universe.

The concept of parallel universes has existed for a long time on earth.

However, when I learned that there is a god-like being inside the earth he was stunned.

Nick Fury's had twitched, if it wasn't that Natalia, was extremely capable as well as needed. He might've also given her a 'vacation' like Coulson.

However, when he heard that not only did animals mutate but that humans learned magic Nicky Fury was once again speechless.

Why didn't humans also mutate? Why only animals? He once again lowered the credibility of Limulu's background.

And even though they didn't mutate they learned magic?

Are humans really that special?

Nick Fury suddenly thought of Captain Marvel. He knows she can dismantle high-tech spaceships as a toy, and in her binary form, she can even reach the speed of light.

The most important thing is that Captain Marvel is human.

Nick Fury felt this increased the credibility, while he didn't believe a god-like being was on earth, what if it was just exaggerated by people? It's not like Limulu was there when it happened.

Nick Fury frowned.

Looking at the director's face, Natalia was amazed. She was ready to be scolded by the director before she came in. Because to be honest compared to her previous taks, her task this time is not done that well, as there is too much unexplained as well as outrageous information.

Nick Fury: "By the way you said she is friendly towards SHIELD? Why is she?"

Natalia. "Limulu said that in her universe, SHIELD used to be a hidden agency like us but in 2012 when New York was invaded by aliens, SHIELD appeared alongside avengers and beat the aliens back. So SHIELD became well known."

Aliens invasion in New York? SHIELD beat aliens back? What the hell?

But other than this how could Limulu know Coulson and Natalia. Unless she was a part of SHIELD or the governments, which considering what we know of her personality is almost impossible.

So are aliens really going to invade Earth? Could it be that the fact that he took in Skrulls was discovered by the Kree?

Natalia didn't believe a word of Limulu's, however Nick Fury knowing a lot of information felt panicked the more he thought about it.

"What else did she say"

Natalia felt strange, but she said it truthfully "Our earth is called Midgard, and one of the nine realms guarded by Asgard. Asgard is ruled by the god king Odin, and he has two sons, the eldest Thor and the second son Loki."

Nick Fury interrupted, "Stop! Don't report these fake myths!"

Natalia breathed a sigh of relief. If the director believed this then she would wonder if his brain was broken.

Looking at Natalia's report repeatedly, Nick Fury frowned.

There is no doubt that Limulu has extraordinary abilities, she even was able to make Iron Man armor, and beat a mutant team, so there's no need to doubt her strength.

Do I include her as a candidate for the Avengers?

In terms of ability Limulu is qualified but she is too young.

Moreover, he doesn't know if Limulu's words are true or false, and it's hard to tell if she has any conspiracies.

It's not easy to believe her words, so let's watch her for a while.

"How can a child waste time? Your Ivy Timothy has a good identity. You are responsible for urging Limulu to go to school so that she can make friends and have ties to humanity!"

Natalia was happy, she knew that Limulu was disgusted with going to school so she found this quite fun.


Just before Natalia left she stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot to mention there was another little girl in there, around the same age as Limulu, I couldn't find her information except that her name was 'Naraku'."

"I see, keep looking into it."

After Natalia left, Nick Fury first got up and put all Limulu's information into a thick safe.

And in this safe, the other materials put into it are written with the code name '084'.

084 is a code name and category for the most confidential documents of SHIELD. The only people who can view it is the director and agent's related to it.

084 represents things of unknown origin, including objects, and energy.

The first item in history to be listed as 084 was the inhumans terrigen obelisk and the universe cube.

And Limulu has become the first living being to be listed in 084.

Then he went to go and ponder about this Naraku.