Chapter 004 Everybody's About to Die, What's the Hammer for_1

Blondie squinted, sizing up both Yi Lin and the professional-looking beauty.

This Flight 444 really lived up to its lucky number.

The variety of props searched out from this survival box was truly eye-opening.

Five people, two parachutes.

How to divide?

There weren't enough to go around!

Under Blondie's sinister gaze, the others didn't dare to even breathe too loudly.

After all, Blondie was a hardened criminal summoned from prison.

His eyes naturally carried a viciousness that ordinary people couldn't possess.

The plane continued to plummet at a terrifying speed, with everyone tightly gripping the seats around them to steady their bodies...


The professional-looking beauty, as if driven mad, rushed toward the cabin door!

"Stand the fuck still!"

Blondie sneered, already prepared; his movements were actually quicker than the professional-looking beauty's by a fraction. With one hand, he reached out, grabbing the beauty's throat tightly and pinned her against the cabin door.

"Hand over the parachute, or don't make me... My Strength Attribute is as high as 4.0, I could snap your neck with just one hand!"

Blondie stuck out his tongue and licked the beauty's red, choked face, giving an evil smile, "Such a pity for a pretty thing like you."

At that moment, the professional-looking beauty's eyes bulged, her eyeballs protruded, her throat choked by Blondie's grip, leaving her struggling to breathe, her eyes slowly rolling back.

"Don't—don't—let's talk this out! We can think of something, maybe we can all survive this together!"

The man with glasses broke out in a cold sweat, taking a step forward as if to stop Blondie's roughness, but as soon as he saw Blondie's fierce gaze, he quickly withdrew his foot before it even touched the ground.


Blondie scoffed, snatched the parachute from behind the woman with force, and with a shove, the woman fell hard to the ground.

As the plane jolted, the professional-looking beauty tumbled across the floor, hitting it several times, and was quickly covered in bruises and scratches on her arms and legs.

"Cough, cough, cough...ugh..."

The woman, nearly choked to death by Blondie, went from red to pale. After struggling to steady herself amid the turbulence, she lay on the ground gasping for air, her body heaving with dry retches.

When she lifted her head again and met Blondie's cold gaze, she retreated in fear, backing up until there was nowhere left to go.

Seconds later, the woman violently shuddered, and soon a trail of light yellow fluid with an odd smell began to seep out from under her skirt.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

Blondie took a greedy glance, showing a hint of reluctance.

But he quickly strapped the parachute on his back, looked over the various expressions of the others with a cold smile, then said,

"There's one parachute left, fight it out among yourselves!"

Without a second word, Blondie forcefully pulled open the cabin door.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh—

In the instant that the cabin door was opened, air from inside the cabin gushed out madly into the sky due to the huge pressure difference.

Blondie didn't hesitate. After opening the door, he leapt out with a dashing pose from the airplane.

In the blink of an eye, Blondie, with his parachute, vanished from the sight of the remaining four.

"Zzzt, zzzt, zzzt—"

Shortly after Blondie jumped out of the plane.

The long-silent broadcast came back to life with the sweet voice of the lead flight attendant, Xiao Tiantian.

But the content of the voice made everyone's expression change dramatically.

"Zzzt, zzzt, zzzt... Six minutes until Flight 444 successfully lands... Please fasten your seatbelts..."

Six minutes!

Like a death sentence!

At this moment, nobody was in the mood to quibble about the broadcast referring to the plane crash as a "successful landing."

Yi Lin crouched low to avoid being sucked out of the cabin. It took him almost ten seconds to get back to his seat, then he swiped his card, took down the emergency oxygen mask, and greedily inhaled from the high concentration of oxygen from the supply device.

While inhaling oxygen, Yi Lin's mind didn't stop working.

Normal air contains about 21% oxygen...

After inhaling high concentration oxygen, the excess oxygen would be temporarily stored in the blood through the pulmonary alveolar gas exchange...

This is the mechanism of oxygen reserve...

There were 6 minutes left for the mission...

Yi Lin calculated quickly.

Which means...

High concentration oxygen... one minute would be enough!

Yi Lin lifted his head, his expression unusually calm.

Even at such a critical moment of life and death, his heart did not waver in the slightest.

As the cabin door opened, the rapid loss of oxygen inside made the bespectacled man, the professional woman, and the hunchbacked old man unanimously understand why Yi Lin had done this.

The other three struggled back to their seats and, like Yi Lin, used their "plane tickets" to remove the oxygen devices, greedily sucking in the fresh oxygen.

But even so, it could only prolong their lives for a brief time!

As each person took their turn to breathe oxygen, the remaining four exchanged various expressions and their gazes drifted.

It seemed they were all guessing what the others were thinking.

They all understood how critical this wave of pure oxygen was for their next actions.

"Sssss... Tzzt, there are 5 minutes left for flight 444 to land successfully... Please, all passengers, return to your seats to avoid an incomplete corpse..."

The sweet voice of the broadcast grew increasingly eerie!

5 minutes!

There was no time left!

Yi Lin, who was the first to breathe oxygen, made his move first.

Everyone's face changed!

They all thought Yi Lin was going to take advantage of the others' distraction and jump out with the last parachute.

The hunchbacked old man and the professional woman moved slightly, as if to block Yi Lin's escape route.

But to everyone's surprise, Yi Lin quickly and precisely moved in front of the hunchbacked old man and took off the parachute from his back.

"Want it?"

Yi Lin smiled at the old man.

The hunchbacked old man's expression stiffened.

"You've been staring at me for quite a while. Isn't it because you want to snatch the parachute when I'm not paying attention?"

A corner of Yi Lin's mouth raised, and he looked calmly at the hunchbacked old man.

From the beginning of the mission, the hunchbacked old man had seemed very calm, excessively so.

He was just holding onto the armrest with one hand; even during the violent turbulence, his seemingly hunched body barely shook.

From this, Yi Lin could tell that the hunchbacked old man's Strength Attribute was probably higher, not lower, than Blondie's.

The old man's target from the beginning had been Yi Lin.


The old man finally spoke, his voice surprisingly strong, not matching his elderly appearance.

"Aren't you afraid I'll kill you for saying that?"

"Even if you don't kill me, without a parachute, we're going to die anyway."

"Smart, then hand it over, and we'll die clean and simple," the old man slightly squinted, watching Yi Lin, and stretched out his hand.

Yi Lin clenched the parachute pack, speaking quickly, "A trade-off, give me the life hammer, and I'll give you the parachute pack."

"Life hammer?" The old man pondered for a few seconds, the fierce wind whistling in the cabin, the lights flickering on and off.

In the brief dialogue between the two, the cabin suddenly trembled, tilting further downwards!

They were about to crash head-first into the ground!

There was not much time!

The old man really couldn't understand why Yi Lin, about to die in the plane, would want a hammer.

Moreover, he had confirmed it repeatedly; it was indeed an utterly ordinary hammer, with nothing special about it.

So he didn't hesitate, taking out the life hammer directly.


Yi Lin looked at the old man with a trace of wariness in his eyes, exchanging the parachute pack with one hand and the hammer with the other.

Fortunately, in the final moments before the plane was about to crash, the old man had no intention of playing any mind games with Yi Lin.

Especially over just an ordinary hammer.

As soon as the hunchbacked old man got hold of the parachute pack, he immediately put it on his back, facing the cold wind, and jumped out of the cabin without hesitation.

But just as the old man had jumped out of the plane...

A line of information suddenly appeared in front of everyone...


[Angel Envoy 937, Death!]


In the current trial mission scenario, there could only be one person with this number—


Blondie, who had jumped with a parachute, was dead!!