Chapter 013 Intuitive Gu Sinan_1

At this moment, Yi Lin raised his hand, "Can, can I go now?"

Gu Sinan glanced at Yi Lin, seemingly still pondering over the case, and didn't speak.

Xu Zhiyong, however, smiled and didn't make it difficult for Yi Lin, "Alright, we appreciate your honesty. However, to solve the case as soon as possible, we hope you won't leave the Qingcheng area before the murderer is found."

After a pause, Xu Zhiyong felt his own words might be ambiguous, so he explained, "The murderer hasn't been identified yet, and it's very likely that they are a dangerous... professional. If the murderer finds out that it was you who provided the clues, you could also be in danger. So we hope you will cooperate with our work, also for your own safety."

With a slightly panicked tone, Yi Lin asked, "Then, I should be cleared of suspicion, right? I might know his door code, and we might not get along, but this really has nothing to do with me..."

Xu Zhiyong was about to say something.

But Gu Sinan interrupted, "Whether you are a suspect still needs to be investigated. If necessary, we will contact you again."

Yi Lin lowered his head, "..."

Xu Zhiyong whispered, "That's enough, you can go back if there's nothing else."

Yi Lin nodded, stayed silent, and turned to leave.

After notifying the colleagues stationed at the door through a phone call to let Yi Lin leave.

Xu Zhiyong frowned and asked in a low voice, "Team Gu, do you really think..."

Gu Sinan shook her head, her expression softened a bit, "I was just scaring him."

"Scaring?" Xu Zhiyong was startled.

He's just a student, is that necessary?

"From the way the victim was killed, and the fact that no trace was left at the scene, it is clear that the murderer is very likely a professional killer from the 'underworld.' The overall attribute... shouldn't be too low. Otherwise, it's impossible to slit the victim's throat and kill them instantly without any reaction. Moreover, from the entire process, the killer must be a person with meticulous thought."

"I've encountered this type of killer before; they would never put themselves in danger, whether it's the first to discover the body or someone who reveals a discord with the victim. These don't relate to 'meticulous thought' at all."

"I think the boy's reactions appeared quite reasonable. If he hadn't shown any flaws at all, I would actually find him more suspicious."

"Also, this type of killer usually has a particular characteristic when choosing their targets."

Xu Zhiyong nodded, "Right, Team Gu. This type of killer often wouldn't choose someone they know well, so this is also one of the reasons I ruled out that student as a suspect."

Gu Sinan frowned and suddenly asked, "Old Xu, do you know why, for a simple homicide, I received the news within 20 minutes?"

"Oh? This is..." Xu Zhiyong followed up on Gu Sinan's lead.

"Siao Yang, the only child of the president of 'Heng Yang Medical Equipment Co., Ltd'... is no ordinary person."

"What? That Xiao Family?" Xu Zhiyong's face showed a look of shock.

"Exactly," Gu Sinan's brows furrowed, and she let out a light sigh, "That Xiao is no saint or martyr, the pressure has already come down from above. In any case, this matter cannot be treated as a mere murder case. For now, we need to collect clues from the scene urgently, widen the search area. Also, thoroughly check if any suspicious individuals have come to Qingcheng via the 'internet' recently, and identify all possible suspects first."


Gu Sinan looked at Siao Yang's body on the ground, his expression a mix of horror and disbelief.

Somehow, she always felt like she was missing something.

Her intuition was usually very sharp.

Gu Sinan had a feeling that there was more to this case than meets the eye.



"Gu Sinan, Gu Sinan, Gu Sinan?"

On his way back, Yi Lin kept pondering over this name.

Was there such a person in the future Apostle Circle?

Or perhaps...

With Gu Sinan's extremely high attributes, she wasn't summoned to become an Angel Envoy?

Though Yi Lin wouldn't claim to have extensive connections, many envoys hid in the shadows before the end of days, possessing various identities as camouflage, rarely stepping into the spotlight.

But anyway, some powerful envoys, no matter how hidden, would have their names known throughout the Apostle Circle.

Yi Lin certainly didn't recall such a person.

Or perhaps she died before becoming famous?

That was possible.

Despite only a brief encounter, Yi Lin's first impression of this woman was just two words.


What seemed like a simple series of questions just now

was in fact a psychological skirmish, a battle of wits hidden within a few words, and only Yi Lin was fully aware of it.

If it weren't for the preparations she had made in advance, the ample preparation, Yi Lin might have given herself away.

Moreover, throughout the entire questioning period, Yi Lin sensed that the other party's body, deliberately or not, blocked the only way out of the room, cutting off her route of escape.

If it were only Xu Zhiyong looking into this matter,

Yi Lin was confident that all her preparations and plans could, with a hundred percent certainty, divert his attention away from her.

But if that keenly intuitive Gu Sinan were added into the mix...


There would be an additional 10% of uncertainty.

"Hopefully, I won't have to resort to that last resort."

Yi Lin shook her head helplessly.

Once "that" last resort was used, it would inevitably land Yi Lin in a very troublesome situation.

It was the scenario Yi Lin least wanted to see among the 28 possible outcomes she had conjectured for the future.

The reality of the year 2121, although not as unpredictable and mysterious as the trials in the Inside World, was not that simple either.

The waters were very deep.



Five days passed in the blink of an eye.

The murder of Siao Yang had already caused an uproar among his peers.

But due to a gag order issued in advance, the matter had not completely spread throughout the city's local network.

At the moment, neither the killer's appearance nor the motive, not even whether it was a serial murder, could be confirmed, so to avoid panic, the media also had not reported extensively on it yet.

In the meantime, Yi Lin had been called in by Qingcheng Police Station for routine questioning several times.

Hm, to be precise, four times.

Once each day.

Yi Lin was keenly aware that Gu Sinan still hadn't completely ruled him out as a suspect.

So every time he was questioned, Yi Lin would intentionally make some minor, harmless errors, which actually decreased the suspicion on him.

Yi Lin was not foolish enough to recite the record as if it were a book, making the statement word-perfectly accurate.

Today, as usual, Yi Lin received another call from Xu Zhiyong.

"This, Yi, I'm sorry to trouble you today..." His frequent contact over these past few days had given Xu Zhiyong a better understanding of this honest young man.

Having called him to the police station repeatedly, Xu Zhiyong felt somewhat apologetic.


it was the team leader's order after all.

Xu Zhiyong was quite helpless too.

"Are we going again? Hasn't the killer been found yet?"

Yi Lin's tone was tinged with helplessness.

"The last time, this should be the last time," Xu Zhiyong consoled.

Upon arriving at the police station, Yi Lin sat upright in the questioning room.

Suddenly, Yi Lin's pupils shrank slightly.

But he made no show of any change in his expression.

As always.

With a Mental Attribute as high as 5.5, he perceived a hostile gaze, or more precisely, a faint murderous intent falling on him from behind the one-way glass.

