Chapter 15: The Face-Slapping Diva Mo Mengmeng_1

Not long after Yi Lin left.

At the entrance of Qingcheng Police Station.

A middle-aged man with an upright figure dressed in a snow-white, retro Tang suit, wearing sunglasses, slowly stepped out of the police station.

His every move carried an air of authority that one only possesses after having held a high position for a long time.

Behind him, sixteen tall and imposing bodyguards in suits and leather shoes, also wearing sunglasses, surrounded the man in the white Tang suit like stars around the moon, constantly vigilant of the dangers that seemed to lurk at every turn.

"Master, about that person named Yi Lin we just saw, should we..."

Just then, a suited bodyguard closest to the man in the Tang suit approached a bit closer, lowered his voice, and subtly made a throat-slitting gesture with his hand.

"Hehehe." The man in the Tang suit chuckled lightly and looked up at the sky.

After a moment, he spoke slowly, "What is real cannot be faked, and what is fake cannot be made real. Let them investigate as they please."

The suited man nodded, not daring to say another word. He calmly took three steps back, once again assuming the posture of a silent handsome man.

"Xiao Yang ah..."

Removing his sunglasses, the man in the Tang suit's eyes were bloodshot and his eye sockets swollen.

"Although the world has changed ten years ago, the law still remains, and that we cannot change."

"That's why I pulled you all out of the darkness to serve me."

"I always told you to keep a low profile, stay out of trouble, stay out of trouble..."

"Even though what I do... hehe, at the end of the day, I, Xiao Mou, am but a businessman."

The man in the Tang suit said in a deep voice, looking ahead, as if talking to himself or murmuring softly to someone across the distant fabric of time and space.

"I was worried that my actions might implicate Xiao Yang, so I placed him in a small place like Qingcheng... Well, I never expected, oh how I never expected."

The middle-aged man's knuckles turned white as he clenched his ornate cane tightly, creating a creaking sound as if it could break at any moment under the man in the Tang suit's grip.

"Blood debts must be repaid with blood! If they don't find the perpetrator in twenty days..."

"Then it shall be handled my way, Xiao Mo's way."

"Someone must accompany Xiao Yang in death."

"No matter who it is!!"



After hesitating for 1 hour and 28 minutes, Yi Lin finally made up his mind and dialed that number from his memory.

He had predicted the series of events triggered by the killing of Siao Yang.

And in those three years, he made many follow-up response plans.

"I'm still too weak... a fledgling Angel Envoy..."

Yi Lin sighed deeply.

A single hand cannot clap.

A single tree cannot support a building.

It is too difficult for one person alone.

The keen intuition of Gu Sinan, as well as the killing intent hidden behind the one-way glass today, made Yi Lin sense an underlying crisis.

Plan thoroughly before acting, reflect deeply before making a move—this was Yi Lin's consistent approach.

He didn't engage in battles where the odds were uncertain.

He didn't fight bosses without strategies.

He didn't take paths without a map.


No, no, no.

This is called strategy.

Yi Lin went to his computer desk, pulled out a network cable, and connected it to his phone.

After "Meteor Shower Night," all satellites crashed from space; from that day on, the global wireless internet network became a relic of human history.

In its stead were city-wide local area networks covered by signal towers.

And through "Sky Spider One," the vast underground wired network AI center that spanned the entire Dragon Country, the world of networking for humans was constructed.

However, lacking satellite transmission, even though the speed of the Sky Spider One network was extremely fast, any communication or network access crossing city boundaries had to be facilitated through the "blood threads" extended from Sky Spider One.

Plainly speaking, it was a network cable.

I remember many years ago, these cables were called "optical fibers."

The speed of the "blood threads," compared to optical fibers, represents an epoch-making upgrade, given it's a century ahead.

After connecting to Sky Spider One, the phone signal went from 4 bars to 16, full bars. Of course, the number of bars isn't important; heaven only knows who designed such a ridiculous way to display network speed.

Yi Lin expertly entered a 28-digit number on his phone.

This length...

Well, it doesn't matter.

"Please enter the Level One Password..."

With an expressionless face, Yi Lin's fingers moved swiftly as he entered a sequence of 12 digits.

"Level One Password correct, please enter the Level Two Password..."

Yi Lin's mouth twitched slightly, and after pondering for three seconds, he quickly entered 18 digits.

"Level Two Password is correct, please input the voice command at a volume above 80 decibels."


Yi Lin's mouth twitched again.

"Please quickly enter the voice command, or you will be permanently added to the communication blacklist, countdown starting now… 10, 9, 8..."

From the other end of the phone, that sweet electronic voice issued a friendly reminder and began the countdown.

"I am the unparalleled pig's trotter…"

"56 decibels… Failed to capture correctly, please re-enter after the beep…"

"Beep your sister! I am the unparalleled pig's trotter!!"

Yi Lin, wishing he could smash his phone with a slap, squeezed the sentence out through clenched teeth.




After fiddling around for quite a while, just as Yi Lin was about to swear never to dial this damn number again, an interesting voice finally came through from the other end of the call.

"Hello? Who is this?"

From the other end of the phone, a crisp and sweet voice replied.

Deep breaths, deep breaths, deep breaths…

Impulsiveness is the devil, and whoever touches it will regret it.

Yi Lin finally managed to calm himself down.

"In this era, you still don't recognize me."


The breath on the other end of the phone suddenly quickened, then fell silent.

After a full minute of silence.


"Mo Mengmeng."


Breaths of urgency came from the other end of the phone.

Yi Lin couldn't help but laugh. Through the "spider thread," he could imagine the gritted teeth expression of the person on the other side.

His previous oppression and annoyance swept away, now replaced with a sense of vengeful satisfaction.


Yi Lin felt satisfied.

The person on the other side indeed gritted their teeth and coldly eked out two words through clenched teeth: "Address!!"

"You believe me?" Yi Lin countered.

The woman Yi Lin addressed as Mo Mengmeng said icily, "There are no more than 10 people in the world who know this encrypted phone number, and among those, less than 5 know all the passwords. Out of those 5, 3 swore never to enter the voice command. The remaining 2 are women. So… address!"

"Qingcheng… " Yi Lin quickly rattled off his current address.

"Wait for me for half an hour."

"Hold on!" As soon as Yi Lin heard this, he hurriedly shouted to stop her, knowing that given this lady's character, she would definitely hang up immediately and come flying over.

"I have some... little troubles over here, please don't come over in a military use small aircraft... and do me the favor of dressing up a bit."

"One hour."

Hanging up immediately after speaking, the person on the other end was gone.

While that lady hadn't arrived yet, Yi Lin squeezed in some training, had a nutritional quick meal, and took a shower.

As he was drying his hair, the doorbell rang.

Yi Lin looked at the screen on the wall.

"You're two minutes late…"

"Go to hell!"

As Yi Lin was opening the door, halfway through his sentence, accompanied by a stifled roar of rage, a high heel flew straight toward Yi Lin's face!

Yi Lin's expression remained unchanged as his hand shot out like lightning, accurately grasping the other party's ankle.

At the touch, the skin was slick, and a faint scent of shower gel wafted through.

The other party was wearing a short skirt.

The legs were long, well-proportioned, and pale.

Yi Lin's gaze drifted unintentionally.

"How long are you going to look?"

Yi Lin straightened up, meeting Mo Mengmeng's gaze.

The owner of the delicate white ankle was wearing sunglasses, hiding her eyes, but from behind the sunglasses, two cold glares of killing intent were faintly projecting.

"Mo Mengmeng, can you kick your habit of always aiming for people's faces?" Yi Lin said helplessly, after deftly catching the small foot, with a trace of resignation in his voice.