Chapter 018: The Time-Space Shuttle Mini-Class (Extra for Bun's 10,000 Reward)_1

After understanding the cause and effect, Molly propped her delicate chin, her fine eyebrows furrowed, and quickly entered the state, beginning to analyze for Yi Lin.

"First, I must clarify one thing, a matter concerning the truth behind time travel theory."

Molly pointed at several patterns in the three-dimensional holographic projection.

"There are many theories about the nature of time."

"The more famous ones include the following."

"First, there is a theory that the time we live in is actually a closed loop. The past, present, and future are all just points on this loop, which cannot be broken or interfered with, so theoretically, time travel is impossible."

"Hmm… The grandfather paradox is quite a famous point regarding this theory: if person A were to travel back to the past and kill A's grandfather, theoretically, A would not be born. If A isn't born, then A's grandfather wouldn't die… Anyway, I've explained it so simply that with your intelligence, you should understand, right?"

Halfway through, Molly glanced at Yi Lin doubtfully.

Yi Lin did not get angry, but instead said that not having to think for oneself, a scene like this, is something he really missed.

He smiled and nodded, "Continue."

When exactly did he start to think before acting, developing the good habit of planning and then proceeding?

If he remembered correctly…

It started after Molly's death.

Molly took another sip of coffee, moistened her throat, and continued, "Another theory is that time is composed of disconnected 'points', and theoretically, as long as conditions are met, anyone can move across these points in time…"

"There are many such views. It would take too long to discuss them all, so let's get to the main point. Pay attention."

Seeing Yi Lin's expression becoming puzzled, Molly knocked on the table, her expression showing impatience as if hating that she couldn't forge iron into steel: "I personally support the parallel timelines theory."

"First, let me ask you a question."

Molly stared intensely into Yi Lin's eyes, a trace of inexpressible excitement shimmering in her bright eyes.

"Since you've killed Siao Yang, who was an Elite Monster in the future, have your memories of the future changed in any way?"

"Memories of the future?" Yi Lin was somewhat confused.

"Given that you are such a significant figure in the future, according to the butterfly effect theory, there must be major changes. So, having experienced two different timelines, do you possess two different sets of memories? For example… people who died in one version of your memories but are still alive in another?"

"There are not two sets of memories." Yi Lin looked at Molly's face, which was close at hand, and said slowly.

"I see…" Molly tilted her head in thought and then swiped her hand across the three-dimensional holographic image a few times.

Clearing away all the miscellaneous patterns until they were gone.

Leaving only a simple pattern.

A diverging path.

Molly gazed at the simple pattern on the holographic image, her expression one of profound contemplation: "I never thought that a problem that has baffled countless scientists for hundreds of years could be resolved so easily. Though I lost interest in this subject a long time ago, meeting a transmigrator in person today is indeed worthwhile."

Yi Lin was taken aback, "What do you mean?"

"The model of time, the theory of time travel, for hundreds of years, has been hypothesized by countless scientists and fiercely debated. But do you know why, after all these years, they haven't reached a conclusion?"

Molly smiled slightly, radiating an intellectual aura.

Yi Lin shook his head.

"Heh, because there was no 'Observer' like you. Take this model as an example: this line represents our current timeline, which I call A-line, and another is the doomsday timeline you were previously on, which I call B-line. These lines should not interfere or intersect with each other…"

"Once a major historical event occurs, A-line might form two entirely separate timelines, C-line and D-line, and B-line could also diverge into E-line and F-line…"

"And you are equivalent to moving from this point on B-line to here…"

Molly rattled on, then connected line A to line B with a short line.

"You should understand now, right?"

Molly spoke until her mouth was dry and couldn't help but gulp down her coffee.

Yi Lin's expression was very serious and solemn. He stared at the diagram in the void that recorded the mysteries of time and space, and about a minute later, his eyes flashed as he slowly said, "I don't understand."


Molly's face darkened, and she directly slammed the empty cup onto Yi Lin's face.



The time-travel mini-classroom started again.

"To put it in terms you can understand, you're reborn from line B to line A, and what changes isn't the timeline itself, but you... the 'Observer'!"

"In fact, many people have long noticed that, throughout history, there have been several major historical events that could change the course of human civilization."

"Not to mention the ancient times, let's just talk about modern history. Emperor Chongzhen of Ming Dynasty mysteriously punched Li Zicheng to death, bringing the shaky Ming Dynasty back to a new peak..."

"32 years ago, the scientist Veejee Douglas successfully created a miniature 'wormhole' model, proving the feasibility of 'Space Jump Technology'... Of course, that model only existed in the world for about ten seconds before it exploded terribly... Let's set that aside for now."

"On November 11, 2111, four... Towers appeared, and the presence of the No-fly zone caused human technological civilization to regress several decades, destroying humanity's fantasies of entering the star age."

"Someone once questioned, what if Emperor Chongzhen of Ming Dynasty had not punched Li Zicheng to death... What if those Four Towers had never appeared, what would the world be like now?"

"But without the existence of an 'Observer,' no one could confirm changes in the timeline."

"Therefore, all theories of time travel are unsolvable theories, because no one can confirm them."

"And your appearance can verify that the time model indeed has branches in its linearity, rather than a closed loop or discontinuous points..."

Yi Lin listened quietly.

Finally, the incessant Molly stopped.

Yi Lin's gaze flickered uncertainly, as if he had understood something.

But, he just wanted to hear one answer from Molly's mouth.

"So what?"

"So what?" Molly spread her hands open, "So, Miss here is sorry to tell you that your rebirth can't change the fact of the Inside World doomsday on timeline B. For you, everything that happened on that timeline has already become your 'past'! The only thing you can change is the future that has yet to happen on the timeline you're currently on!"

"It's alright..." Yi Lin's lips curled with a hint of faint bitterness, "Having those memories, one person like me is enough... At least, in this world, I'm still alive, everyone... is still alive."

Molly's lips moved, as if she wanted to say something.

For some reason, Yi Lin's forlorn expression unexpectedly made Molly feel a bit uncomfortable.

Huh? Quite expressive, aren't we!

Just as Molly was about to make a snarky comment, Yi Lin's expression changed slightly, and he raised his index finger to his lips, signaling Molly to be quiet with a silencing gesture.

"Shh, don't talk."

Outside the door, a subtle noise suddenly arose, almost imperceptible.



PS: Molly: Where are your recommendation tickets? Do you believe Miss here could stomp you to death with her foot?