Chapter 026 Afraid of the Strength of a Madman_1

The once bustling mall, full of the hustle and bustle of a lively crowd, was suddenly deserted due to the disturbance caused by a deranged individual.

Yi Lin pushed a cart full of fast food, strolling casually by.

There was still quite a distance between him and the madman.

Yi Lin surmised that no matter how much the madman rampaged, he couldn't reach Yi Lin's side.

He could take the opportunity to leave the mall safely and unscathed.

"Ho ho ho..."

The madman from the quarantined area, like a prized gorilla, stomped on the shelves, never ceasing his calls.

"Wah… Mommy… Waaa…"

At that moment, a child's crying voice reached Yi Lin's ears.

Yi Lin paused in his steps.

That young cry was coming from the direction of the madman's outburst.

Yi Lin took another two steps forward.

Then he stopped.

He looked up, scanning his surroundings.