Chapter 038: Slaughter... From Behind (3700 words)_1



What is all this fancy bullshit...

What a joke!

"Who even uses paper documents nowadays, shoo, shoo, stop making a scene here..."

The young officer snorted disdainfully, waving his hand to shoo away the man in his underwear.

Initially, Xu Zhiyong paid no attention, but then he glanced up unintentionally.

On the crumpled document, there was a stamp...

that couldn't be forged.


Xu Zhiyong's expression turned solemn.

"Shut up! Stop! Regroup!"

Xu Zhiyong gestured grandly, hitting a key threefold sequence without hesitation.

The others, upon hearing this, looked utterly astonished.

Even though the team leader, Gu Sinan, was not involved in the operation due to an ankle injury,

Xu Zhiyong, as the most senior criminal investigator, still held some authority.

So even though the other officers were full of question marks at this moment, they still obeyed the command, shut up dutifully, and left the cordon in an orderly fashion.