Chapter 043 Wait for me one minute_1

Yi Lin's strike was a culmination of perfect timing and angle, honed through exhaustive practice, leaving no room for exploitation.

It was almost immediately after Zen Qiang fell into a state of dizziness that Yi Lin, wielding the Blood Jasmine, skimmed past Zen Qiang's neck.


But surprisingly, the scene of flesh being torn and blood spurting out did not occur as expected.

In mid-air, a hint of surprise flickered through Yi Lin's eyes.

All he saw was a shiny metallic color where Zen Qiang's neck should have been.

The knife felt as if it was cutting into a metal plate.

If one had to describe it, it was like trying to cut the neck of "Siao Yi."

A thought struck Yi Lin, his expression darkened, and he twisted his body in mid-air, intending to change his position and deliver a second blow.

But in that instant, the strike that Yi Lin was about to execute in mid-air came to an abrupt halt.