Chapter 045 There Was Once a Ghost Fog Mountain_1

Yi Lin followed the direction of the screams, groping through the dense fog.

The thickness of the fog was beyond the ordinary.

In the fog, the visibility was less than ten meters.

The mud underfoot was very moist and carried a faint stench of decay.

Crunch, crunch, crunch...

The wet earth was carpeted with withered leaves, making a crisp sound as he stepped on them in the fog.

Soon, a faint shadow appeared in front of Yi Lin.


In the fog ahead, a small frail figure screamed while rushing towards Yi Lin.

Yi Lin remained unfazed, his left hand resting on his waist.

The other hand was loosely holding a dagger.

Ready to unsheathe and kill at any moment.

The frantic figure burst through the fog.

Only when the distance to Yi Lin was a few meters, could he barely make out the true identity of the shadow.