Chapter 059: Five Cents Special Effects (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)_1


When Blood Jasmine pierced into the streak of azure flame, the ghost in front of Yi Lin actually let out a piercing, miserable scream!

Surprisingly, hissing black smoke began to rise from the wound!

In an instant, in Yi Lin's "vision," the azure flame on the ghost's chest dimmed abruptly after withstanding Yi Lin's slash.

After the painful cry, the ghost's eyes flashed red, it opened its mouth wide, emitting a foul stench, and bit directly at Yi Lin.

Yi Lin's agility was not weak either; she easily dodged and circled to its back, delivering another slash with her hand.


One stab, one twist, one pull—Blood Jasmine nearly cleaved the ghost's body in two.

The red light in the "ghost's" eyes suddenly went out, it trembled a few times, then slumped to the ground limply.

The black blood on the ground and the remains of the ghost crumbled, dried up, and turned into black dust within a few seconds.
