Chapter 071 The Long Song is the Only One Getting Beaten (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)_1

Nie Hongxie was like the queen of this pitch-black night.

Gently treading the air, her red dress against the hazy moonlight made her look even more enchantingly tragic.

The Vacuum Slash that Oda Mai unleashed, with the power to cleave through anything, was a direct strike at Nie Hongxie suspended mid-air.

Incredibly fast.

It felt as if the moment the dense fog before Oda Mai was torn apart, the blade's light had already reached Nie Hongxie.

Yet, the fierce luminescence of the blade ultimately returned in vain.

Blocked by a head of silver hair.


Without even the slightest fluctuation.

Just like that, the blade light weirdly dissipated before Nie Hongxie's hair.


Several strands of silver hair, mournfully severed, floated in a "Z" trajectory, slowly drifting down.


A ripple of emotion appeared on Oda Mai's cold features.

With the Ghost's BUFF boosting her, her strength reached an inconceivable level.