Chapter 073 Please Close the Door When it Gets Dark (Seeking Recommendation Tickets!)_1

"It's me! It's me, Changge! The super cool Li Changge!"

Li Changge, who had been repeatedly beaten, cried out as if he had grasped his final lifesaver.

So... tragic.

"Oh, it's you," Yi Lin casually responded, still carrying Oda Mai on his shoulders, but he continued running forward without any hesitation or pause.

Li Changge: "?"

"Follow if you don't want to die; those two Ghost Officers are almost upon us."

Yi Lin said leisurely as he quickly passed the bruised and swollen Li Changge and rushed into the thick fog.

"Hey! Wait for me! Wait! Wait up!"

Li Changge bounced up from the ground with a bang, his speed incredibly fast, not at all like the dying vibe he had at the beginning.

He was afraid of losing sight of Yi Lin in the fog and didn't know where he got the strength from.


On the other side.

A sudden, piercing shriek erupted.

Li Changge grunted, his ears actually bled from the shock, his Life Value decreased slightly, and his head buzzed.