Chapter 080 The Spider Lily Sea (Seeking recommendation votes!)_1

The third one...

The fourth one...

The fifth one...

Yi Lin walked past village after village.

At first, she was a bit surprised, but as she passed more, each time she only lifted her eyelids.

"Oh, another village."

That was the end of it.

Even the most thrilling truths become commonplace after enough exposure.

Justice Pan seemed bored too, yawning while slicing through ghosts in the Foggy Forest.

Yi Lin truly felt a secret sympathy for the "ghosts" because of Justice Pan's way of killing them.

For example...

Stirring a knife vigorously inside a ghost's mouth...

Another example...

A stab from the backside to give the ghost a new opening, to clear a path.

Yet another...

Carving the word "Justice" on a ghost's face...

Of course, Justice Pan could only mess with the more inferior ghosts. If he encountered a tough-skinned Ghost General, Yi Lin had to step in.

Yi Lin glanced at the "Ghost Qi ranking."

She silently did some calculations in her head.