Chapter 087 Who Can't Use a Cheat? (Seeking first subscription!)_1


The sight sent Wen Manny's face deathly pale.

Ghost Qi Value...


When did this happen!?

"Are you surprised?"

Yi Lin gave a slight smile.

Wen Manny looked up.

One in the sky.

One on the ground.

Yi Lin towered above.

As though in control of everything.

But Yi Lin's next words completely shattered the last thread of hope in Wen Manny.

"In the initial story hint, there was a sentence."

"Bearing their own 'Demon-Slaying Swords,' they slew fierce ghosts, bringing a ray of dawn to Ghost Fog Mountain."

"In other words, every Ghost Hunter has their own 'sword.'"

"In this storyline mode, the calculation of the Ghost Qi Value does not tally whose 'person' killed the ghost... it's 'whose sword' killed the ghost."

Wen Manny trembled all over.

She finally understood.

In the dimly lit grove—

"It was him—"

A broken voice.

Li Changge!

It was Li Changge who secretly switched her sword!

That scum, he was acting all along!




"It's time."