Chapter 093 Attached Spirit Weapon and Twin Spirits (Subscription Please!)_2

They were both, ah no, two almost transparent Spiritual Bodies, like ghosts, their feet not touching the ground as if they did not exist in this world.

After Nie Hongxie was summoned, she gracefully greeted Yi Lin with a curtsy, her demeanor gentle as water, and she said with a soft smile, "This servant Nie Hongxie pays respects to the Master."

"So this is outside Ghost Fog Mountain!"

Bai Xiaoyi's eyes, however, sparkled with excitement as she floated around the room, thoroughly enjoying herself.

"Little Yee! Come pay your respects to the Master at once!"

Nie Hongxie scolded gently, her tone carrying a hint of sternness.

"Got it…" Bai Xiaoyi then reluctantly floated down from the air, drifted in front of Yi Lin, and said with a cheeky grin, "Little Yee pays respects to the Master."

Yi Lin stayed calm, looking at the two almost transparent Spiritual Bodies, and spoke slowly, "I think, you should understand your situation now, right?"