Chapter 097 Their target is...? (Please subscribe!)_3


Molly realized that she couldn't extract any more information from Yi Lin's mouth, she clapped her hands, preparing to leave.

Yi Lin hesitated for a moment, then stopped herself from speaking.

Molly rolled her eyes at Yi Lin, "You had better not tell me the result, whether it's useful or not, I'm still a little bit interested. What if you tell me directly, and I lose interest in researching in the future?"

Upon hearing this, Yi Lin swallowed back the words he was about to say.

Molly laughed, "Even if the 'future' is predestined, the process of exploring it is actually more interesting, right? Besides... with you as the butterfly here, many things can't be predicted anymore!"

After savoring Molly's words for several seconds, Yi Lin shook his head, a smile of relief spreading across his lips, "You're right. But, don't stray too far from me."

"OKOK!" After agreeing with Yi Lin, Molly went on to busy herself with her own matters.