Chapter 100 Ordinary Banana Peel_1

When the map ends, the dagger appears. Bi Jiaojiao's eyes revealed a murderous glint as her ten fingers flicked in rapid succession. The ten flying knives, as if possessing life and will of their own, made a large arc in the sky and shot directly toward Yi Lin.

Yi Lin's gaze sharpened.

But beneath his feet, a light circle with a diameter of about three meters suddenly appeared.

Within the circle, a mysterious rune emerged.

And at that moment, Yi Lin was standing right at the center of the light circle!

Countless tendrils sprouted from the ground, tightly entangling Yi Lin's feet, preventing him from breaking free, immobilized.

He couldn't even take one step!


Bi Jiaojiao let out a wild laugh, her face twisted, her cute visage becoming distorted, "You think you're the only one with control skills? If I didn't have a plan B, would I stay put and wait for you to come? Now you've come to your death! I'll take your skills for myself!"