Chapter 101 Welcome to the Simple and Unsophisticated... (Third Update, Please Subscribe!)_2

Yi Lin took a look and to his surprise, it was that old detective.

Xu Zhiyong.

"What does he want with me?"

Yi Lin was somewhat baffled, yet he answered the call.

"You finally picked up the call!"

For some reason, Yi Lin always felt that the old detective's tone gave him a sense of relief.

"What's the matter?"

"You…" Xu Zhiyong, on the other end of the phone, seemed to be choosing his words carefully, stammering for quite a while before he finally got to the question he wanted to ask, "Do you know someone named Justice Pan? Oh, the patient numbered 9527, Justice Pan."




The police station.

Xu Zhiyong personally walked out to greet Yi Lin at the entrance.

"Ah! Mr. Yi, I never expected the honor of your visit. Your presence brings light to our humble place!"

Xu Zhiyong somewhat guessed that Yi Lin was no ordinary person, so his expression was extremely cordial, lacking any prior sense of holding him up.

"Uh… you can just call me by my name."