Chapter 120: The Dark King's Crown from the Past (Subscribe Please)_2

He glanced silently at Bruce Wayne.

That look was as if he was staring at a generous heap of points.

"Heh heh."

Yi Lin couldn't help but smile slightly, also standing up and lowering the brim of his hat.

Bruce Wayne had already assumed his stance.

A feeling of "I could fight all day" Deja Vu.

Yi Lin suddenly stretched out two fingers.

Bruce Wayne: "!"

Gotham: "!"

The Riddler had long become the focus of the entire Gotham.

Even while Yi Lin and the tycoon Bruce Wayne were clinking glasses in good spirits, there was already a media helicopter hiding far behind a tactical helicopter, broadcasting live from a distance, the first to film the rooftop of Wayne Tower.

The paparazzi of Gotham City were indeed well-deserved in their reputation.

"This is GBC, this is GBC, I'm your favorite spicy Didi, muah!"

"Because the Gotham Gazette and WXYZ Radio Station have been bombed, both been bombed, now the legendary criminal will be exclusively covered by us, GBC, exclusively covered!"