Chapter 123: He is also Joker (Please Subscribe) _2



After reading the description of the "Modified Bat Battlesuit" in his hands, Yi Lin instantly felt as if he was being maliciously slighted by some malevolence of this world.

And he slowly typed out a question mark.

Must have a Charm Value greater than 5.0 to equip?

Looking down on me, are you?

Epic Level, the very essence of "epic" is because the existence of this equipment represents a piece of "history".

It naturally possesses a unique "personal character".

Just like the "Question Mark Scepter" in Yi Lin's hands or the "Modified Bat Battlesuit" before him.

Either it comes with harsh equipment restrictions.

Or it has a complex way of usage.

Of course, there are also types that are easy, simple, and enjoyable.

Nothing is absolute in this world.

In the past, Yi Lin had heard about an even more absurd equipment restriction in his circles.

Someone had once acquired a "cursed" piece of equipment able to kill anyone with the name "Zhang San" on sight.