Chapter 133: Three Dead (Vote for Recommendation)_3

Yi Lin's actions were cautious, first to ensure safety, and secondly to test the reaction of the Ownerless Spirit.

After all, everything they were doing was being watched by the Mother Spirit.

In other words—

This level of behavior wouldn't provoke the Mother Spirit's emotions.

"What comes next is less certain..."

Yi Lin murmured quietly to himself.

The third victim's body was located at the Haiting City Pudong Police Substation.

The cause of death was—


If nothing unexpected happened, this last victim selected by Yi Lin should be the previous owner of the Ownerless Spirit attached to Li Changge.

The reason for leaving the police station till last was because it was also the most troublesome place.

Should he use his identity as a member of the "Special Group"?

Yi Lin pondered seriously for a while.

After contemplating for 3 minutes,

Yi Lin decided to wait and see.