Chapter 135: Hunting the Angel Envoy (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)_3

Heart disease?

That is to say—

"Heh, you should have guessed—yes, my conclusion is that she most likely died during an ordeal in the Inside World."


Yi Lin furrowed his brows.

He said nothing.

What Zhao Yulong had to say next, that must be the main point.

Zhao Yulong suddenly chuckled, his tone becoming a bit ominous: "What comes next, you probably won't guess. That very night, in the hospital where Zhang Huichun's body was, a security guard died. The cause of death was… his cervical spine was snapped, and the bruising on the neck was only on one side; someone had twisted his neck with just one hand."

Yi Lin smiled faintly, "Why do I feel like you're telling a thriller story? If I'm not wrong, what you're about to say next is… that Zhang Huichun came back to life and killed the guard, right?"


Zhao Yulong was shocked.

He didn't expect Yi Lin to actually guess the ending.

Hey, he'd been setting up his little story for quite a while!