Chapter 135: Hunting the Angel Envoy (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)_1



It's Zhao Yulong.

Yi Lin glanced at the flashing avatar on the communication channel.

Didn't expect Zhao Yulong to be so efficient.


How could he know so quickly?

Could he also be in Haiting City?

That shouldn't be the case, right?

As Yi Lin thought, she ignored Li Changge chattering on the side and opened the chat window with Zhao Yulong.


Zhao Yulong: Cough cough.

Yi Lin: ?

Zhao Yulong: I'm just asking casually, just a casual question, don't take it to heart. You haven't checked the forum, have you?

Yi Lin: I haven't in the past two hours, what's up?

Zhao Yulong: That's good! Hey, there have been a few things these past few days, you know, Special Group's work, but the boss has already handed this matter over to someone else. It's a bit sudden to tell you now, but your level... isn't quite suitable for wading into these muddy waters.

Yi Lin: Muddy waters? Which ones?