Chapter 143 Fatty Rabbit's Love Story (Vote for Recommendation) _3


But when Yi Lin heard the explosion, she hurriedly turned the telescope's vision toward the source of the sound.


was already obscured by a sky-high blaze.

Yi Lin: "!"

Ou Lelle suddenly sent a frantic communication.

"Bro, something's wrong! It exploded! The spot where that fatty first appeared... it's blown up!"

"I know."

At this moment, Yi Lin had no time to care about Li Erpang over there.

After all, the danger around Li Erpang seemed to be gradually diminishing.

However, the explosion site was obscured by the blaze, and people were fleeing in all directions; the dead were dead, the injured were injured, and Yi Lin couldn't see clearly what exactly had happened.

Even though she couldn't see clearly,

Yi Lin instantly understood one thing—

Zhang Huichun... had appeared!


She had waited all night.

The fatty played the role of an internet celebrity for an entire night.

Everything was part of Yi Lin's plan.

A plan to lure "Zhang Huichun" out.