Chapter 151 Do you still have fattening pills?_1


It's all fake, all fake!

That terrifying scene of the ground splitting open into an abyss was just an illusion?

At a glance, what was a boundless chasm turned out to be a vivid little crack?

All the Apostles, who were frightened stiff on the spot, looked at each other in disbelief.

Thank goodness they all wore masks. Otherwise, each one would've had a face hot with embarrassment, as if they had been force-fed a mouthful of spicy hot pot, uncomfortable to the extreme.

This is... a huge loss of face!

After an awkward silence.

Suddenly someone whispered, "Do we... still chase them?"


Another few seconds of silence.

"Wipe them out!"


In an instant, emotions surged, and many expressed their desire to hack those two to pieces, to soothe the hatred in their hearts.


Again, someone tentatively asked, "But... what about Zhang Huichun? If we can't complete the task..."
